Will Liposuction Get Rid Of Cellulite Will Liposuction Help Cellulite
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Cellulite usually is characterized by unsightly dimples on the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. At least 80% of women experience cellulite, while very few men experience it. Having cellulite affects women’s self-esteem, preventing them from wearing bikinis and swimsuits. Men may also experience cellulite, but it is most prevalent in women due to its high body fat percentage. Cellulite is not necessarily fat but a structural problem with the skin. How does cellulite develop, though? This article addresses the issue. 

How Does Cellulite Develop?

The body can use fat in other body parts as a fuel source. However, cellulite is fat trapped inside the dermal layer and cannot be used as fuel. Commonly, cellulite is assumed by many that it develops as a result of overeating and lack of exercise, which is not necessarily true. 

Cellulite develops due to the vertical fibrous bands of connective tissues from beneath the skin tightening, pulling the skin downwards, and resulting in wrinkling. Loose and thin skin on the thighs and buttocks also increases cellulite visibility, especially in older women. The older a woman gets, the more her skin loses elasticity.

Ultrasound and laser-assisted liposuction can reduce cellulite appearance due to its skin-tightening property. However, it is not adequate treatment. There are three classifiable cellulite grades: 

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  • Grade 1 – orange peel appearance that is mild with 1-4 depressions and a slightly saggy appearance.
  • Grade 2 – a cottage cheese appearance with 5-9 semi-depressions.
  • Grade 3 – severe depressions across the skin.

Other possible causes of cellulite include:

  • Hormones – estrogen levels decline during menopause. The result is a decreased blood flow to the connective tissues. Poor blood circulation then follows, leading to a low oxygen supply, hence little collagen production.
  • Diet and lifestyle – living a sedentary lifestyle, not being active, and wearing tight clothing all contribute to cellulite development. Exercise and lose clothing aid in keeping cellulite at bay.
  • Aging – as we age, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, producing less collagen. As a result, the skin becomes saggy, triggering cellulite.

Will Liposuction Get Rid of Cellulite?

Liposuction surgery only removes excess fat and produces slender body contours. Unfortunately, the unremoved cells may continue pushing at the skin’s structural integrity, resulting in cellulite formation. Although liposuction may alter the appearance of cellulite, it cannot permanently remove it. 

If a person has poor skin elasticity and tone, cellulite may worsen, and stretch marks begin developing. Combining liposuction with other methods is a proven way of decreasing cellulite visibility, also aiding in quick recovery.

How Do I Eliminate Cellulite?

There are several ways to eliminate cellulite:

  • Vaser liposuction can be combined with Bio Stimulating Injections or Renewed, which helps improve the skin’s appearance and contouring results. Bio Stimulating Injections fill the dips and dimples using your body’s fat cells.

Renuvion tightens the skin using plasma energy after stubborn fat has been removed. Both these procedures must be performed by a trained and experienced surgeon like Dr. Tarek for the best results possible. 

  • Cellulaze is a device that makes tiny incisions to access the fat and cellulite structures. It shrinks and destroys the fat caught between the connective bands, adding elasticity to the skin. Treatment only requires a single day.
  • Cellfina uses micro-blades to cut through cellulite bands, offering quicker results. Both cellulaze and cellfina can be enhanced with selective liposuction to sculpt the thighs and buttocks.
  • Exercise and diet play a significant role in cellulite visibility. The more fat is burned through training; the less cellulite will be visible.
  • Thermage is a technique used in tightening, lifting, smoothing, contouring, and revitalizing the skin through advanced radiofrequency technology.

Its monopolar Capacitive Radiofrequency targets existing collagen, promoting fatty tissue circulation and boosting collagen production. The technique can also contour and sculpt your body.

All the procedures may affect the cost of liposuction as well. 


Cellulite is commonly found in women despite their body contour. It can affect their self-esteem and hence lower confidence. Cellulite can be hidden temporarily via liposuction; however, it is not a recommended cellulite removal procedure. Combining liposuction with techniques like cellulaze, cellfina, Bio Stimulating Injections, and Rejuvenation will aid in ridding cellulite. Consulting a board-certified and qualified surgeon is essential to attain the desired results. 

At Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, you will get a bundle of free LPG endermologie massage before surgery to prepare the tissue and reduce potential complications. With over 15 years of experience and ten years of operating in Dubai, Dr. Tarek Bayazid is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon and a member of the following surgeon societies: 

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS),
  • the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
  • the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS),
  • and Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course (MAFAC)

Dr. Tarek understands the concept of facial harmony and gives his patient a rejuvenated, natural look after his surgeries or after injectables such as Botox and filler. Kindly book a consultation with us today and let us help with your cellulite removal surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cellulite removal painful?

Cellulite removal involves non-surgical methods, meaning little to no incisions are made during surgery. The incisions are created directly into the connective tissues and eliminate the fat caught in between. Because of this, cellulite surgery is not a painful procedure.

Is cellulite permanent?

Cellulite has the potential to become permanent if a person does not do anything about it. If someone attempts to remove the cellulite, they may temporarily reduce the effects.

What age does cellulite appear?

Cellulite has no given age about its appearance on the body. Age is not a determining factor in developing cellulite. A young person can build cellulite if their lifestyle choices are poor, resulting in fat accumulation.

Can cellulite affect men?

Although it is rare, cellulite has the potential to occur in men. Due to their low-fat percentage, men will naturally get rid of cellulite quicker than women.

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