Will Tummy Tuck Remove Stretch Marks
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Have you tried all possible options and now wondering if a tummy tuck surgery will get rid of your stretch marks? Read further for more insight on the same. 

So many people carry a little extra skin around their waist and tummy area. While incorporating a balanced and healthy diet can do the trick of reducing this excess fat, sometimes you need to do something extra.

A tummy tuck Surgery is a procedure you can undertake to correct the excess skin or fat on the area of your abdomen. Additional reasons for this procedure could be the excess skin due to a significant weight gain or loss.

Excess skin weakens the abdominal muscle and is corrected by the tummy tuck procedure.

There are several misconceptions you will hear regarding the tummy tuck procedure. involve what it can and cannot do for you. If you are stuck and especially wondering if a tummy tuck will remove your stretch marks or not, you are in the right place. 

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Tummy Tuck in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
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Stretch marks and tummy tuck

Many people walk around carrying stretch marks on their abdomen and thigh areas. If your skin cannot accommodate rapid growth and changes from time to time, it will tear. A tummy tuck can only do so much.

During a tummy tuck, the plastic surgeon will focus more on getting rid of the excess skin. Since stretch marks are directly located on the excess skin pending removal, the procedure will get rid of them.

Any stretch marks situated on any area of your body that will not undergo a tummy tuck procedure will remain on your body. A tummy tuck does not address those. 

Getting rid of stretch marks is not the primary function of a tummy tuck procedure. Patients will reap tummy tuck procedure benefits as it potentially decreases the stretch marks on their body.

Suppose you are uncomfortable with stretch marks. Dr Tarek can advise on alternative treatment options, which can help clear the stretch marks. 

See related: Post-operative care for tummy tuck

What Will a Tummy Tuck Procedure Do for You?

A tummy tuck can give you a flat tummy by removing excess skin and fat.

If you have struggled with excess fat and skin that has brought about sagginess in your tummy area, an abdominoplasty procedure can be a life-changing experience for you. 

Most of the sagging excess skin comes about due to pregnancy and childbirth.

It would be best if you had a reason for getting the tummy tuck service in Dubai. The procedure intends to give you abs or a muscle tone to reduce your tummy’s excess fat and skin. 

Getting one of the best performing plastic surgeons in Dubai who is well-versed in what a tummy tuck and other cosmetics procedures can do for you is a great place to start. 

Getting this surgical procedure from the surgeon will give you a slimmer and less chubby version of your initial self. The new body is a booster for you in wanting to live a healthier lifestyle. 

A Tummy Tuck will not prevent future weight gain.

A tummy tuck is not a weight-loss procedure. Instead, it helps eliminate excess and unwanted skin on your tummy. The focus is mainly on your abdominal area.

While pregnancy can cause a significant amount of weight on you, a tummy tuck is a great way to feel like you have your super body back. 

You should undergo this surgical procedure only if your weight is stable. A tummy tuck service in Dubai does not mean you will not gain weight soon. 

Once a renowned plastic surgeon in Dubai does this procedure, you have to purposely live a healthy lifestyle to maintain the new body shape. 

A Tummy Tuck can remove extra skin.

The primary purpose of a tummy tuck is to remove the excess skin dangling around your abdominal area. The same can be frustrating and usually takes away the confidence you feel reformed.

Many patients have tried all sorts of solutions like regular exercise and a healthy diet with no success. A few best plastic surgeons perform Tummy Tuck procedures that can get rid of this excess skin.

While the tummy tuck procedure can only eliminate a significant amount of excess skin, the best plastic surgeons in Dubai advise how your aesthetic goals align with this surgical procedure. Tummy tuck before and after Dubai process shows a difference before the procedure and everything you need to adhere to during the process of recovery.


The main aim of a tummy tuck procedure is to get rid of dangling excess skin and excess fat from your abdominal area. The only stretch marks that a tummy tuck will address are those situated directly on the area of the surgery.

However, the advantage you will get is a reduction of the stretch marks through this procedure. A tummy tuck is a transformative procedure undertaken by one of the best plastic surgeons. Dr Tarek is well known for his significant expertise in facial rejuvenation and body contouring.

After all, if any procedures to reform you back to your original body shape have failed, you can rest assured that his contouring methods will not. 

His services in Dubai include non-surgical enhancements and different surgical procedures. He is the expert and will execute everything in excellent quality, whatever you are seeking. 
Schedule an appointment with Dr Tarek Bayazid and get the best reformative tummy tuck that will leave you loving your new body. Find out about the cost of Tummy Tuck In Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need to lose weight before a tummy tuck?

Plastic surgeons recommend that you lose weight before having a tummy tuck. It would help shed some weight until you are at your ideal weight to undergo the procedure.

How soon after pregnancy can you get a tummy tuck?

Generally, the plastic surgeon advises that you wait between six and twelve months before undertaking the surgical procedure. The period between allows your body to heal completely and get you to your ideal weight.

How should you prepare for a tummy tuck?

Once you schedule your appointment with your surgeon, he will conduct some tests on you. The plastic surgeon will recommend you take a few days off from work. He will also advise that you stay off alcohol and cigars two weeks before the surgery.

Do you have enough skin for a tummy tuck?

Many people assume that you qualify for a tummy tuck as long as you have excess skin on your tummy.

While this is not the case, the excess skin needs to be enough and able to stretch from your belly button to your pubic hairline. Then, you can get a tummy tuck.

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