Tummy Tuck In Dubai
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Getting rid of excess skin feels like the real deal. However, what must you eat before and after a successful tummy tuck surgery? Read on further to find out. 

An abdominoplasty is a surgery whose intention is to remove any unwanted or loose skin from your abdominal area. Therefore, your plastic surgeon should review this surgery in detail, but still, you should have a glimpse of what it is to expect before and after the surgical procedure. Knowing what you should do, including what to eat during a tummy tuck recovery process, is essential. 

What is the difference between tummy tuck surgery and liposuction?

While both are body contouring procedures intended to eliminate excess fat or loose skin from your body, they are not the same. You also must note that these two do not do weight loss procedures. A tummy tuck surgery moves excess fat on your abdominal area. At the same time, liposuction in Dubai is a body contouring process whose focus is on removing excess fat from specific parts of your body. 

Whether minor or significant, surgery can take a complete toll on your body. Every surgery comes with its share of risks, and that is why plastic surgeons on adequate preparation both mentally and physically before going to the operation table. 

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Tummy Tuck in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

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What is your recommended diet before a tummy tuck surgery?

How well you prepare yourself before an abdominoplasty procedure determines how successful the surgery will be. The most extraordinary influence preparation has on your surgery is its success and how much time it will take for you to recover.

If you are looking to achieve the desired results of a tummy tuck, you must follow the instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon. Here is how best to incorporate a healthy diet plan for pre-tummy tucks.

See related: Impact of smoking on tummy tuck

Constantly hydrate yourself

Keeping your hydration at an optimal rate allows your body to function efficiently. You need to begin the process of hydration a few days before getting the abdominoplasty. The hydration process should continue at least a week after you are done with the surgical procedure. Proper hydration makes the surgical process seamless, lowering risks and giving you a high-definition liposuction result.

Increase your protein intake

Proteins play a crucial role in your body when speeding the time your wound will heal. Ensure there is more than enough protein intake while you prepare for your tummy tuck and after the procedure to speed up the process of recovery.

Eliminate inflammatory foods from your diet

One thing the plastic surgeon will advise you before conducting an abdominoplasty is to remove all inflammatory foods from your diet.

The main reason behind this is to help with your healing process and proper scar formation after the surgery. You will also notice that most stretch marks accumulated around your abdominal area disappear after a successful surgery.

While these are just a few ways to incorporate a healthy diet before getting the tummy tuck surgery, it is not the end. One of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai, Dr. Tarek Bayazid, insists on a proper diet plan after the surgery.

He also insists that having the abdominoplasty does not mean making it a substitute for a healthy diet. You must want to keep your body in good shape by taking the right foods. Here is what eating healthier after a tummy tuck means.

  • Eat a balanced diet. That is, ensure that everything you consume is highly effective. For example, ensure that your meals include quality carbohydrates, fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Eat foods rich in omega-3, such as olive oils, soybeans, and salmon.
  • Eat the only quantity of calories recommended by your plastic surgeon.
  • Eat high-protein foods such as fish, poultry, and lean meat.

In many cases, you will notice that the same diet you incorporate before the surgery continues for some time after the surgery to facilitate faster healing and better results.


You must understand that all body contouring procedures are immense and require proper preparation, and a good diet is one way to prepare. A tummy tuck will require that you be physically and psychologically prepared.

Have you heard of Dr. Tarek Bayazid? He is one of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai, and as you would expect, any questions regarding an abdominoplasty are well-answered by him. Dr. Tarek is best known for his tremendous work that involves facial rejuvenation and body contouring procedures. He will leave your body looking better than you had anticipated.

Suppose you are struggling with preparing a proper diet plan that will significantly aid in preparing for your tummy tuck surgery and enhance speedy healing. Reach out to Dr. Tarek’s Aesthetics and schedule an appointment. You can never go wrong with their assistance. Find out about the cost of tummy tuck In Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions

What diet should you follow after a tummy tuck?

While there is no specific diet recommended for post-tummy tuck, you may want to consider something light for the first few weeks of recovery. You may incorporate more clear foods, mostly water, then follow through with a soft diet like fruits and vegetables.

What foods should you avoid after a tummy tuck?

Plastic surgeons often recommend avoiding fatty and inflammatory foods as they tend to slow down the recovery process. The list below should also be foods you avoid if you look for effective tummy tuck results and a quick recovery process. 

  • Sodas
  • Fast foods
  • Fried foods
  • Sugary cereals
  • Alcohol

Do you eat less after a tummy tuck?

Anyone who has gone through a tummy tuck procedure reduces their food intake. The surgical procedure affects the appetite and reduces tremendously for the first six months post tummy tuck. As your muscles and skin tighten, your stomach may feel constrained, leading to a small food intake.

Can you eat eggs after a tummy tuck?

Proteins are highly recommended before and after a tummy tuck surgery. They are easy to digest and greatly facilitate the recovery process. In addition to eggs, you can take other proteins such as lean meat, fish, poultry, yogurt, and cheese.

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