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Understand what’s involved in the recovery process and when it’s safe to return to a normal routine with the help of one of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai.

Tummy tuck procedures have increased in popularity in Dubai. You may have considered a tummy tuck or have already undergone the procedure. Your concerns about the recovery are valid. Understanding what to expect during this process will make your journey easier and more manageable.

Recovery times vary from one person to another depending on their age, health status, or even bodyweight. So, there is no one answer on when you would be fully recovered. 

However, you may expect to go to normal activities eight weeks after surgery.

After your procedure is done, your plastic surgeon will discuss a specific recovery timeline with each patient.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Tummy Tuck in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Installment Plan Available

Recovery immediately after surgery.

Following a tummy tuck, the recovery and healing process is gradual and requires patience. Most importantly, follow the instructions closely your surgeon has given you.

The doctor will cover the incision area with a surgical dressing to stop bleeding. You may also have small tubes to drain any fluid along the incision for a few days.

As the body adjusts to its new shape, swelling may be present for several days, weeks, or months. Pain, numbness of the skin, and loss of strength are common occurrences after surgery. You should expect some scarring and pain during recovery (this will gradually subside over time).

You can ease any pain you may experience by taking painkillers that your doctor has prescribed. Even though it might be difficult and painful to walk after surgery, it is highly recommended that you walk as soon as possible, to help prevent forming blood clots.

You will probably need an abdominal support belt or binder that will aid in holding you in place. The belt may also help with any swelling and discomfort that may be present. You can continue wearing it until six weeks after surgery, or when the doctor advises you otherwise.

Take care not to put pressure on your abdomen while moving because it might open your incision and prolong your recovery. Your movement may be limited, so request some help. Since you might not be able to lie flat, it is okay to rest at an angle with support for the first few days of your recovery.

As with any surgery, it’s essential to follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions. Dr. Tarek will give recovery advice and assistance during your healing period. He provides all tummy tuck patients discharged from the plastic surgeon’s office with in-depth instruction about caring for their postoperative wounds. He follows up after surgery for check-ins and to observe your healing progress.

Tips on what to avoid after tummy tuck surgery

It is vital to follow your doctor’s advice during this time because it can significantly impact recovery times. You want to feel as normal as quickly as possible. 

  • For example, you should avoid lifting heavy objects until after your surgeon clears you to do so—this can prolong your recovery time if you strain yourself too much too early.
  • Try and eat light meals but with a higher fiber content to not burden your stomach and reduce the chance of constipation. Incorporate low sodium food in your meals to help reduce inflammation. Avoid alcohol and smoking for the first few weeks after surgery.
  • Rest as much as possible to give your body some time to recover. However, do not forget that incorporating some movement that is not strenuous will help in your recovery process.
  • Maintain hygiene and keep the incision area clean and dry every day. Only remove the dressing on the advice of your doctor. If the doctor has prescribed any topical cream, make sure to use it every day.

After surgery:

  • Avoid lifting heavy objects
  • Avoid driving for the first week
  • Avoid bending over
  • Avoid standing for long periods
  • Avoid physical exercises later
  • Avoid straining when you go to the toilet

Recovery Timeline

Two weeks after surgery

Two weeks after surgery and during your follow-up visit, your doctor may now remove the dressing but may advise you to continue using your supportive belt or garment.

Follow your doctor’s advice about returning to work and engaging in other activities, especially if you are constantly standing in your workplace. If you’re unsure about doing something after surgery, ask your doctor.

Many people will resume their exercise routines six-eight weeks after surgery, but this will significantly depend on the progress of your healing and what your doctor says.

Six months to one year after surgery

You should now be fully healed one year after surgery, and the body contouring progress should be visible.

If you develop any complications during your recovery, you should consult your doctor for further evaluation.

Talk to Us

If you are interested to learn more about tummy tuck preparation and recovery here in Dubai, contact Dr. Tarek, a plastic surgeon who will take you through your consultation. He has years of experience performing surgery and can give you tips that will work well for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use my friend’s pain medication that she was prescribed but she is no longer taking?

Taking someone’s else medication is not recommended. It is essential to get your prescription because your body is different from your friend’s and might react differently to the exact medication dosage.

Are there any possible complications that might arise after surgery?

Your doctor will discuss with you any possible complications after your tummy tuck. If you notice excessive bleeding or an infection, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Is it normal to have swelling after surgery?

Yes, it is perfectly normal to experience swelling after tummy tuck surgery. However, it goes down after a few days and will not affect you in any way.

How can I expect my stomach to look over time?

Your stomach will have an improved appearance and create a toned look. Finally, you get a significant boost in your overall body image.

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