Getting liposuction is a great way to get rid of unwanted fat. However, you should take some extra precautions after the procedure. After any surgery, our bodies are in distress and should get some extra love and care. You might be confused about the best foods to eat after liposuction surgery. Specifically, after this type of surgery, you should adjust your diet a bit as you recover. Depending on your specific case, you might be given antibiotics. In this instance, you should start eating food rich in probiotics to enhance your gut-flora. Let’s look at some fantastic healthy options to go for that will help your recovery.
What Foods to Avoid After Liposuction Surgery?
Let’s get the difficult part out of the way—avoiding the food you may be craving. You will probably feel like going straight for that comfort food after going through a stressful situation. But think again—sugars and saturated fats can hinder your recovery as they cause inflammation. Even though you may think they will help you on an emotional level, they will do much more harm to your recovering body. We all know what these foods are, as you should avoid them generally. Look out for:
In addition to that, spicy foods may upset your stomach, so try to stay away from them too. What about alcohol? Avoid it for about two weeks after the surgery. Your liver can direct all its efforts to your healing process. Alcohol is also a bad match with antibiotics as it will reduce their efficiency.
Focus on Protein Intake
The best foods to eat after liposuction surgery will contain protein. This nutrient is vital because your body needs to recover big-time, and protein is crucial to healing. It helps heal and regenerate wounds, damaged skin, and muscle tissue. Moreover, as you will experience swelling after liposuction, protein is a great helper in reducing it. Vegans and vegetarians need not fret as we do not mean meat specifically. If you are wondering what foods are rich in protein, you will be surprised by how many options you will have:
- Meat and fish
- Legumes such as beans, chickpeas, and lentils
- Nuts and seeds
- Whole grains like barley, buckwheat, oats, and whole wheat
- Green vegetables like spinach and broccoli
- Protein supplements
Get Those Vitamins In
The general rule for a healthy diet is always to eat lots of fruits, veggies, and grains to keep your immune system in check. Getting enough of the essential vitamins and minerals will help immensely with your healing process. If you are not a big fan of these food groups, add supplements to your daily routine. You will need a minimum of magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 to heal correctly. To be on the safe side—go for a daily multivitamin.
Stay Hydrated
You have probably noticed that the best foods to eat after liposuction surgery are not much different from the best foods to eat in general. The same goes for staying hydrated and as in any other circumstance, getting a decent amount of water is imperative. You can have sports drinks if you are not a fan of plain water, but do not overdo it since these are typically high in sugar. As a better alternative, add lemon or lime to your water. It will enhance the flavor and is an excellent antioxidant. Staying hydrated is essential for the reduction of swelling. Your body will retain the little moisture it has if you are dehydrated, which will result in swelling. Stay hydrated, and you may even see your liposuction results sooner, as the inflammation will go down faster.
Eat Smaller Meals
Avoid having two or three big meals during the day after liposuction surgery. This way, your body will store additional fat and calories, which you do not want. Instead, go for smaller meals several times a day. Doing so will ensure you use all the energy from the foods you eat. You will have much more energy and keep the weight off with smaller portions of healthy foods.
Foods to Eat After Liposuction Surgery When Eating Out
Once you start feeling better and are ready to eat out with friends and family, you will feel tempted to go for all the junk food. While it is perfectly acceptable to indulge once in a while, you do not want all that hard work to go to waste. Most restaurants have healthy options to help you stick to your post-liposuction diet. Additionally, as healthy food has grown in popularity, most restaurants have gone out of their way to ensure their healthier options are tasty and fulfilling. Going for the healthy option will leave you just as satisfied and happier in the long run.
What to Eat on Moving Day and Similar Busy Days?
Eating right is not easy, even if you have complete control over your daily life. However, you might find yourself in circumstances where you cannot entirely stick to your post-lipo diet. Moving to a new home is an example. The easiest thing to do if moving during recovery is to stick to simple solutions.
How Long to Stick with Your Diet?
Ideally, your new diet should become a part of your everyday routine. If you got liposuction, you would want to maintain your new figure. The surgery will not affect your metabolism, and if you go back to old eating habits, the weight will come back too. The best foods to eat after liposuction surgery should become a part of your lifestyle for the best results. You should maintain a stricter diet for at least two to four weeks after liposuction surgery. In addition to that, if you continue to exercise and have a healthy diet, your results will be way better than if you stick with it for a few weeks.
Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid
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Read this article to find out about the price of Liposuction in Dubai