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Are you struggling with stubborn excess fat and wondering what cosmetic procedure would be best to help with elimination? Learn more about superficial Liposuction Vs. Traditional Liposuction and which of these two is best. 

Imagine having excess fat not just in one area of the body but in several different regions. Most people prefer to use exercising and go through s strict diet to ensure they eliminate stubborn fat at all costs. 

But what happens when these methods do not suffice, and there are still layers of fat making you lose all your self-confidence? In this article, we talk about two cosmetic procedures that continue gaining popularity. Superficial and Traditional Liposuction. Read on to learn more about them, their differences, and which of these two works best for your case. 

What is superficial Liposuction?

Is superficial Liposuction different from very common Liposuction? While we understand Liposuction as a cosmetic procedure mainly aimed at eliminating excess fat in some specific parts of your body, superficial Liposuction is a technique that helps to tighten loose and saggy skin. The fortunate thing about superficial Liposuction is that the procedure is still possible, even though Liposuction may be done in the deeper skin layers. 

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How is superficial Liposuction performed?

Most people today are looking for ways to tighten loose and saggy skin. This is because loose skin alters your body shape and reduces your confidence in the long run. What does the superficial liposuction procedure entail?

For your cosmetic surgeon to perform superficial Liposuction, he will insert a very thin cannula beneath your skin to an area where the lower skin layer meets the surface fat. As the cannula continues to move, you will experience skin shrinkage as the fat cells are removed from the superficial layer of fat. 

While the results are certainly not instant, you can rest assured that once the skin begins to shrink, you will start experiencing the tightening of the lost skin. Cosmetic surgeons recommend superficial Liposuction for the inner thighs and the abdomen as they are more relaxed. 

What are the benefits of superficial Liposuction?

What are the benefits of tightened skin? Two advantages come with tightened skin, the major being a well-contoured body shape. In addition to this, there are more advantages superficial liposuction offers. 

Minimally invasive with great results

During the procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will insert a thin cannula to help suck out unwanted fat while tightening the skin. Also, you can expect a short recovery time after the procedure. 

Superficial Liposuction sculpts the abdomen while extracting fat

Nothing feels like having a flat tummy after excess fat is removed and still having your dream body from the tightened skin. Superficial Liposuction helps you achieve both. 

Superficial Liposuction is excellent for both men and women

Fortunately, whether you are a man or woman looking to gain a great body from tightened skin, superficial Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that works for both genders. 

What is traditional Liposuction?

Unlike superficial Liposuction, traditional Liposuction is a surgical procedure. It involves the use of a suction technique where your cosmetic surgeon will remove excess unwanted fat from different parts of your body. 

Some patients prefer a procedure that removes excess fat from a specific area, such as high-definition Liposuction. Traditional Liposuction does this for any part of your body you identify as struggling with excess fat, even with efforts to eliminate using other alternatives like diet and exercise. 

What are the benefits of traditional Liposuction?

Undergoing traditional Liposuction brings with it several benefits including.

Improves self-confidence

When you go through traditional Liposuction, you will notice that clothes that didn’t initially fit due to the excess fat can now work better. You can now walk around with improved confidence and self-esteem. 

Permanent results

Going through traditional Liposuction and following your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions will provide permanent results. 

Removes pockets of unwanted fat

When your cosmetic surgeon successfully eliminates the unwanted parts from the identified areas in your body, you will notice that you will also lose a substantial amount of weight. You can sustain this weight by following the recovery tips after the traditional liposuction procedure. 

Factors to consider before undertaking superficial or traditional Liposuction

Expect some bruising and pain during the procedure

You can expect some bruising during superficial or traditional Liposuction. Some pain may extend even after the procedures and will only go down a few days after you have completed the procedures. 

Superficial and traditional Liposuction are not weight loss strategies

You must continue eating and living healthy, even after going through traditional or superficial Liposuction. Not following your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions may result in the same stubborn fat-building fat, which may require repeating the same procedure. 


One question you may want to ask is, which is better? Superficial or traditional Liposuction? While there cannot be a definitive answer, either of these two procedures can meet your expectations depending on the goals you were hoping to achieve after these procedures. 

However, if you are still stuck and looking for excellent advice, there’s help. Dedicated to excellence in health & beauty, Dr.Tarek Bayazid provides a wide selection of today’s most sought-after aesthetic procedures. His patient-focused approach to being at the forefront of his expertise has resulted in unsurpassed outcomes for his clients. 
Dr. Tarek uses the newest technology during body contouring surgeries, such as Bodytite, J-plasma, Vaser machine, and the power-assisted Liposuction devise to remove accumulated fat effectively. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Tarek Aesthetics today and get the best advice on which superficial and traditional Liposuction is ideal for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

When too much fat is removed during superficial or traditional liposuction, it may alter the results. Ensure the procedure is done by a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon.

Both procedures are confidence and self-esteem boosters because the clothes fit better. Superficial liposuction makes the skin tighter, allowing better fitting, while traditional liposuction removes excess fat

While rest is essential after either of these two procedures, you must also keep circulation in your legs. Rest enough but ensure to get out of bed for meals, baths, and a little exercising.

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