Breast Augmentation In Dubai
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Silicone and saline breast implants are the most commonly used implants during breast augmentation. But which of the two should you opt for? Let’s find out.

Breast augmentation is becoming more and more popular each passing day — but for a good reason. With all the new techniques and improved methods of doing things, plastic surgeons can now give women the look they desire through breast augmentation.

Although your surgeon will take you through all you need to know regarding breast augmentation in Dubai, you may still have to make certain decisions, including choosing the right implant.

Technically, there are two main methods for full breast augmentation: through saline or silicone implants. Although they are both equally good, they vary in some ways, including appearance and functionality.

In this post, we highlight some of the key differences between these two types of breast implants to enable you to make a more informed decision.

Saline implants

Saline implants have been in use for many years, with the first usage being traced to the late 1960s. These implants have an outer shell made of silicone. However, the shell is inserted empty before being filled with sterile salt water.

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Due to this, the incision site is often smaller and with less noticeable scars. Furthermore, saline implants are generally less expensive compared to silicone implants.

One of the most popular drawbacks of saline implants is that they are more noticeable under the skin to a keen eye. You may even feel the water sloshing which might make you feel uncomfortable.

Saline breast implants are available to healthy women at least 18 years old.

Silicone implants

Silicone implants are made entirely of silicone, a synthetic material that feels similar to human fat. This is why most women tend to prefer this material as it closely mimics, feels, and looks like natural breast tissue.

Silicone implants have a silicone case filled with silicone gel. They come in various types, sizes, and shapes. Some of them, such as ‘gummy bear’ implants may feel more cohesive or firmer than others.

Although silicone implants are most known to look and feel more natural, they pose more of a risk if they rupture. Plastic surgeons in Dubai recommend scheduling regular checkups to look for ruptures through MRI.

You should be at least 22 years old to get silicone implants. However, there are special cases where you may get silicone breast implants, such as in breast reconstruction. Nevertheless, it would be prudent to talk to your surgeon to know if this is the ideal option for you. 300cc breast augmentation effects include making the breasts look bigger and fuller and can help boost confidence and self-esteem

Main differences between saline and silicone implants

Let’s take a look at some of the most common differences between saline and silicone implants based on a few factors:

How the implant feels

Both types of implants have a distinct feel when introduced into the body. Silicone implants feel more natural, while saline implants are typically firmer.

Saline implants have a more round look as they are often overfilled. In contrast, silicone implants are highly pliable, meaning that they have more similarities with natural breasts that hang with the proper curvature.

Nevertheless, both types of implants offer one a better appearance and look, and people may not even realize the difference. Your surgeon will take you through all the key differences in looks and feel to enable you to make a more informed decision.

Incisions made during the procedure

The incisions made during breast augmentation surgery also vary. Silicone implants are inserted as a whole. This means that they require a much bigger incision to be made for them to be inserted properly.

On the other hand, saline implants are not pre-filled and are filled with salt water only after being inserted into the body. This means that they generally require fewer incisions made.

The size of incisions made for each implant is an important consideration as it may influence the size of scarring that you will eventually get.

How long do they last?

Both silicone and saline implants are made to last long. Although durability is one of the key factors of consideration, they do not apply here as they both take almost the same amount of time.

However, how long they will last depends on where you get them from. Ensure that you get breast augmentation surgery only from a trusted and reliable plastic surgeon.

Implant ruptures

Although not very common, implant ruptures are an associated risk of getting implants. It is quite possible that when an implant ruptures, the liquid (salt water or silicone) seeps into the body.

When saline implants rupture, you do not have to worry much as the salt water is safely absorbed into your body. This is because saline is sterile and won’t negatively affect your body.

You will also likely notice the rupture right away as your breasts will feel ‘deflated,’ allowing you to seek medical attention.

Silicone implants may potentially cause complications should they rupture, and the patient doesn’t seek immediate medical attention. Besides, their ruptures are more difficult to detect. Eventually, you may feel some pain and a change in breast size or shape, which should be an indication that you need to visit your plastic surgeon.

On average, a breast implant can go up to 15 years before experiencing a rupture. Here find the lifespan of breast implants in detail.

Cost Comparison

Breast implants are mostly considered elective cosmetic surgeries and are not usually covered by most insurance providers. It is also important to note that breast augmentation is not always permanent and that you may need to have the implants replaced or removed at some point.

Silicone implants are generally more costly than saline implants. Besides considering the initial cost, it would be prudent to factor in the amount you’ll be spending after a couple of years for the MRI scan to ensure that it’s not leaking.

Discuss your options with your surgeon

You probably have an idea of what you’d like to get based on this guide. However, the best way to know what’s ideal for you is to consult with a reputable plastic surgeon. You can also ask your surgeon to show you images of their previous patients to help you determine which type of implant may work best for you.

Dr. Tarek Aesthetics has been one of the leading breast augmentation clinics in Dubai, offering top-notch services, using world-class equipment, and by leading plastic surgeons.

Get in touch with the team and get the body you deserve through breast augmentation surgery today.

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