Rhinoplasty Vs Nose Filler Find The Right Fit For Your Needs
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Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the modification of your cartilage or bone to change the shape of your nose. Nose filler on the other hand is a non-surgical procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid filler into the nose.

People often get confused between rhinoplasty and nose filler. To save you from that, we have prepared a complete blog on rhinoplasty vs nose filler to help you choose the best option. Read this blog to learn more about the differences between rhinoplasty and nose fillers. We have laid out all the pros and cons of the two procedures, to help you choose the most suitable procedure for your needs.

Rhinoplasty vs nose filler: Understanding the difference

Understanding the difference between rhinoplasty and nose filler is important to make the best decision for yourself. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure whereas nose filler is a non-surgical process. One thing that holds equal importance in both these procedures is to go to the Best Plastic Surgeon in Dubai to get your nose reshaped. To understand both these processes in detail, read below.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty also referred to as a nose job is a surgical procedure performed by a qualified surgeon in a surgery center, surgical facility, or hospital. Before starting with the process your surgeon will examine you and take your history.

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Then he will figure out if there will be a need to harvest your skin tissues for the nose job or not. After this decision, you will be given anesthesia: general or local. General anesthesia will put you in deep sleep whereas local anesthesia will keep you awake but relaxed.

Furthermore, he will get access to your nasal bone and cartilage by making an incision. Then using an osteotome he will shape your nasal bone. Rhinoplasty is also helpful in treating problems like deviated nasal septum, nasal valve repair, and cartilage grafting.

What is nose filler?

Nose filler also referred to as liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical replacement for traditional rhinoplasty. It is a temporary solution to problems like a drooping nasal tip, small bump (dorsal hump), and asymmetry.

The nose filler process is performed by a surgeon in which he uses an injection to inject fillers into the patient’s nose. This helps in improving the contours of the nose and reshaping it. The most commonly used filler, in this case, is hyaluronic acid which is also commonly used in lip and cheek fillers.

The reason behind using hyaluronic acid is that it is effective, safe, and a suitable alternative to surgery. Moreover, the hyaluronic acid gel helps treat nasal problems that are not addressable by traditional rhinoplasty.

Pros and cons of rhinoplasty vs nose filler

Rhinoplasty And nose filler: both processes come with significant advantages and disadvantages. It is important to understand these pros and cons completely before deciding on the process you want to go with. Read below to know the pros and cons of rhinoplasty vs nose fillers in Dubai.

See related: Botox vs fillers, which is right for you.

Pros of rhinoplasty

  • You can get more than one surgery done simultaneously. For example, getting your chin and nose reshaped at the same time.
  • The results obtained by surgical rhinoplasty are permanent.
  • This process is also helpful in treating breathing problems and is just not a cosmetic process.

Cons of rhinoplasty

  • Surgical rhinoplasty comes with more risks like infection, bleeding, numb nose, or reaction to anesthesia.
  • The cost for this process is significantly high.
  • The recovery time for surgical rhinoplasty is longer; maybe up to a year to get the swelling settled. See these rhinoplasty recovery tips for more help.
  • If you are not happy with the results you can go for another surgery after complete healing of your nose.

Pros of nose filler

  • The nose filler process is fast and time-saving. The average time taken for this process is about 15 minutes only. This is way less than taken by the surgical rhinoplasty process.
  • You get immediate nose filler results which is not the case with surgical rhinoplasty. Moreover, the recovery time required is short and easy. You can start with your daily activities on the same day after your procedure is done.
  • In this process no general anesthesia is given, local anesthesia is used only. This means you are awake during the entire process and conscious. So you can see the whole process going on yourself.
  • In case hyaluronic acid is used as the filling agent this process is reversible. If any serious complication occurs or you do not get your desired results, hyaluronidase injections can be used for the reversal. It helps in dissolving the fillers.

Cons of nose filler

  • The results of nose filler are temporary. So you have to take more treatments to maintain the nose filler results.
  • This process may involve serious vascular complications like blockage of a blood vessel. It occurs upon injecting the filler in the wrong way. Like in a direction that compresses the arteries or punctures them. This ends up cutting off the blood supply.
  • Sometimes vascular complications may also cause blindness. It is because certain terminal arteries of the nose are linked to the retina of your eye. Other serious problems may include the death of the skin or necrosis, but are very rare.


Hopefully, now you know what rhinoplasty and nose filler is, their differences, pros, and cons. Keep in mind to look for certified surgeons offering the Best rhinoplasty in Dubai to get your rhinoplasty done.

Book a free consultation for rhinoplasty with Dr. Tarek Bayazid. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery “ISAPS”, and the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS). He is proudly a member of the most prestigious societies worldwide such as the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course – MAFAC from Australia by the eminent Dr. Mendelson.

See related: Injectable Fillers in Dubai


Rhinoplasty is more expensive than nose filler and has an average cost of $5000+. Whereas, nose filler has an expense range of $600-1500.

Rhinoplasty has permanent results until you get another surgery to change the previous results. But nose filler results may last up to a year only.

Rhinoplasty involves more complicated risks than nose filler which is comparatively safer. However, both the procedures can be safe if performed by an expert surgeon.

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