Rhinoplasty in Dubai

Are you not happy with the shape of your nose? Does your nasal structure interfere with your breathing? Then you have come to the right place. Rhinoplasty — also known as a nose job — is a surgical procedure that works to change the shape of the nose, improve its functionality, or both.

If you need rhinoplasty in Dubai, you will have to get it from some of the most experienced plastic surgeons. This is because this is a surgical procedure that will have a permanent impact on your looks, and you wouldn’t want to risk all that, right?

You can rest assured of getting the best services and satisfactory results from Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, a team made up of highly experienced and accredited personnel to take care of all your needs.



General Anesthesia

Procedure Type



2 Hours

Recovery Period

Two Weeks

About Tarek Bayazid

One of Dubai’s premier plastic surgeons known for his exemplary work especially in facial rejuvenation and body contouring.

Dedicated to excellence in health & beauty, Dr.Tarek Bayazid provides a wide selection of the most sought-after aesthetic procedures of today. His patient-focused approach, as well as his dedication to being at the forefront of his expertise, has resulted in unsurpassed outcomes for his clients.

Whether you are seeking non-surgical enhancement, or a full menu of surgical procedures, Dr Tarek Bayazid will deliver and execute a plan that impacts the quality of a patient’s life.

After receiving his MD from Belgrade University, Dr. Tarek Bayazid completed his plastic surgery residency at Clinical Center of Serbia. He trained under many notable plastic surgeons in Europe.

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Why do you need rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is best for anyone who needs a change in the appearance of their nose simply because they are not happy with how it looks or because it interferes with normal breathing. Some of the main reasons people come for a nose job in Dubai include:

  • Correct a birth issue on the nose
  • Improve the overall appearance
  • Open blocked nasal passages
  • Counter damage caused on the septum, bone, or cartilage that separates the nostrils

Your plastic surgeon can help you achieve all your desires from a nose job by:

  • Repairing a facial structure (such as a broken nose)
  • Removing a hump on the nose
  • Straightening the bridge
  • Reshaping the nose’s tip
  • Increasing or decreasing the size of the nostrils

Who is a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Any adult can have rhinoplasty in Dubai as long as:

  • They are in good health and have finished growing
  • They are non-smokers, or willing to quit smoking before and after their surgery (smoking hinders the recovery process)
  • They understand the limitations of nose surgery (you may not achieve the exact shape that you desired)

Teenagers and children are usually not the most ideal candidates for a nose job, not unless it is an urgent medical concern. However, if done for purely cosmetic purposes, it is best to wait until the nose has reached adult size. This technically happens from 16 years for girls and a year or so later for boys.

Rhinoplasty procedure

Before the surgery

The first step to take to discover your new appearance is to book an appointment with Dr. Tarek Aesthetics. On your scheduled consultation, you should bring your medical history (list of current medications, allergies, and previous surgeries).

Your doctor will ask you a few questions which include your medical background as well as your motivation for getting the plastic surgery done.

Although it is not a must, we usually advise our patients to bring with them photos of the nose that they would like to have from the surgery.

During the surgery

Rhinoplasty is generally an outpatient procedure, which means you go home after the surgery. You will have to organize for someone to take you home and stay with you at least on the first night.

Depending on your preferences and the guidance of your doctor, you can get local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia. This process can take between 1 and 3 hours depending on the complexity of the issue.

After the surgery

There will be swelling and bruising around your nose and eyes for a few days (or weeks). Your surgeon will administer a long-lasting numbing agent after the surgery, to help you deal with the pain or discomfort afterward.

You’ll also get a plastic splint which you wear for about a week.

You’ll be given instructions on how to make your recovery as smooth as possible, including how to sleep, what to be doing, and what to avoid. You will be able to return to work one or two weeks later.

Looking for the best nose job plastic surgeons in Dubai? Dr. Tarek Aesthetics is your one-stop-shop for all your plastic surgery desires, with highly trained and experienced staff. Book your appointment today and come feel the experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

A nose job or rhinoplasty can be both a cosmetic and reconstructive procedure. Should you want to have a nose job for your aesthetic concerns, you can get some of the best cosmetic surgeons in Dubai to handle it for you, ultimately boosting your self-confidence. 

You can also get rhinoplasty as a reconstructive treatment if you need to address its functional or breathing components. Regardless of the reason for getting a nose job, ensure that you get it only from the best rhinoplasty surgeons near you.

Rhinoplasty surgery in Dubai can make your nose smaller or get you a preferred size and shape. Our surgeons at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics will address other factors like the nasal tip and nasal bones to get you a natural and balanced appearance. 

You’re an ideal rhinoplasty candidate if you are healthy and with an adult size nose. Girls from 13 years and boys from 15 years are physically old enough for rhinoplasty. There isn’t a cut-off age for people that want to get a nose job. 

There are cases of 70 – 80-year-olds getting rhinoplasty with minimal to no complications. The ideal age for getting a nose job is between 20 and 40. During this time, your facial skin is quite elastic and can easily accommodate surgery without complications.

The goal for every cosmetic surgery at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics is to achieve a very natural appearance – such that no one can even tell you underwent surgery. Your surgeon will meticulously blend all the elements to bring harmony to the overall appearance of your nose.

Rhinoplasty is also used for reconstructive measures to help you achieve optimal functionalities of your nose. This surgery can be used to significantly improve your breathing by opening up your nasal airways, hence boosting airflow. 

An experienced rhinoplasty surgeon will carefully examine each portion of the complex nasal airways and specifically address each of the elements to give you the results that you desire.

You will not feel pain during rhinoplasty surgery as you will be under anesthesia. However, slight pain, discomfort, swelling, bruising, and bleeding may be experienced after the surgery. This is normal and you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Your surgeon will prescribe some medication to control all those issues making your recovery journey smooth.

Almost all rhinoplasty surgeries are outpatient — this means that you simply come for the surgery and head back home the same day. There are very few cases (rare) that a patient may have to be admitted to the hospital. Nevertheless, you should plan for someone to take you back home after the surgery after your appointment.

Your surgeon will present to you the different kinds of anesthesia available. However, in most cases, most patients are usually placed under general anesthesia. This means that they are heavily sedated and usually asleep during the entire procedure. This leaves no room for discomfort or anxiety during the surgery.

A rhinoplasty surgery doesn’t take long — usually approximately one hour. However, it might take a little longer depending on the condition and complexity of your situation. Your surgeon will be able to take you through all that you may expect during your initial consultation, including how long the surgery will take. This will help you plan your time accordingly.

You may or may not experience bruising after rhinoplasty surgery. The outcome of the surgery depends on your skin condition or your genetic history. There are people that can easily bruise while others do not experience it. Fortunately, should you experience bruising, it should resolve within approximately 10 days after the surgery.