Tummy tuck in dubai
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Are you considering getting a tummy tuck after pregnancy? Are you considering getting pregnant after a tummy tuck? This post has all the answers that you seek.

Pregnancy has a way to change your body, not just through hormones but also your body. After pregnancy, it is possible that your body may not get back to being the way it was pre-pregnancy. One of the most apparent outcomes is that your tummy becomes saggy. This is because even though much of the skin goes back, there’s always that bit of loose skin that never gives you the flat tummy you always desired. 

Fortunately, you should not let pregnancy scare you from having the body you desire. Thanks to improvements made in medicine, you can now get tummy tuck surgery with minimal pain experienced and a smooth, fast recovery journey.

What most people don’t get whenever they think about getting tummy tuck surgery in Dubai is if they can get pregnant after the surgery or how long they should wait before getting the surgery after pregnancy. If you fall into this category, this post is for you.

What is Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure performed by a qualified plastic surgeon to tighten the abdomen. The surgeon achieves this by surgically removing loose and excess skin and fat around the abdomen. They also tighten weak abdominal muscles.

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The result is a flatter tummy with a firm appearance and a more pleasing silhouette.

A tummy tuck procedure is a helpful procedure for women that have given birth as it assists them to restore their pre-pregnancy looks, or an even better contour. It can be performed alongside other complimentary cosmetic surgical procedures, such as liposuction, or if you want a full body makeover, a mommy makeover would be ideal for you.

Who Can Get a Tummy Tuck?

Generally, anyone with a good health condition can be an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck. In most cases, plastic surgeons advise that you should get a tummy tuck if you have loose skin, fat, or weak abdominal muscles in the tummy that have refused to go away regardless of your exercise or dieting regimen.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes various changes. After pregnancy, your tummy tends to go back to its normal size, but there’s always that stubborn loose skin or fat hanging. If you want to go back rocking your swimsuit in the near future, getting a tummy tuck would be an ideal option for you.

Is it safe to get pregnant after a tummy tuck?

You can have the best planning and everything else planned for, but life is very unpredictable. You may end up or decide to get pregnant after a tummy tuck, just a little while or a few years later. If this is your case, then you must be wondering about your safety. Fortunately, you have no reason to get concerned.

Pregnancy after tummy tuck isn’t proven to have any inherent risk factors. Patients that get pregnant after a tummy tuck have an equal chance of carrying a healthy, full-term pregnancy just like those that have never had a tummy tuck before.

However, it is possible for a woman to report a tighter sensation with pregnancy after tummy tuck compared to their previous pregnancies before the surgery. However, this is usually just mild and tolerable, and it doesn’t in any way affect their pregnancy.

So, what’s the catch? 

The biggest concern about getting pregnant after a tummy tuck is the potential negative results it will have on your tummy tuck surgery. After you get a slimmer, well-toned tummy, pregnancy changes all that and you will have the saggy and loose skin that you had gone to get rid off initially. You may be forced to undego another procedure soon after your delivery to restore your original results. 

How long should you wait before getting pregnant after a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is an invasive surgery. This means that there is a longer expected downtime. It is advisable that before you get pregnant, you should give your body enough time to heal. In most cases, if it is a planned pregnancy, you should wait for at least a year before you start planning to get a baby.

Some compilations may occur should you get pregnant just a short while after a tummy tuck. Nevertheless, it is important to discuss your options with your plastic surgeon and OB/ GYN before making any decisions.

Can you get a tummy tuck immediately after pregnancy?

You’ve just had your baby and would like to look youthful again, and as soon as possible. However, the best plastic surgeons in Dubai will always be against getting a tummy tuck immediately after pregnancy.

Pregnancy is tough on a woman’s body. You need enough time to heal and also cater to your little baby. If you were to add a tummy tuck just after pregnancy, especially if you had a C-section, you may just overwhelm your body.

Besides, you’ll need at least a year before you’re completely healed, meaning taking care of your baby might be difficult. It would be prudent to wait until you’re fully healed from your pregnancy, and at least when your child doesn’t necessarily need your full-time care for you to consider a tummy tuck.

Bottom line

Having a baby is considered a blessing in many cultures and to many women. Whenever you get pregnant, it is a natural feeling to want to change your priorities, and to make everything centered around your unborn or newborn baby. This is why you shouldn’t do anything to sabotage the optimum care that you’d have given your young one.

Getting a tummy tuck immediately after pregnancy will hinder you from providing full care to your young one. It is advisable to wait until you’re completely healed from pregnancy and your child no longer requires full-time care from you to consider any invasive surgeries.

On the other hand, if you have just had a tummy tuck, it is important to give your body time to heal before choosing to get pregnant. Doing so may bring forth unforerseen complications. 

Talk with the experts

Do you have any questions or concerns about pregnancy and tummy tuck? Are you planning on getting a tummy tuck? Not yet decided? Schedule your consultation today to speak with Dr. Tarek, one of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai to help you with any tummy tuck needs. Read this article to find out about the price of Tummy Tuck in Dubai

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