Recovery for breast lift Breast lift recovery time

Recovery for breast lift | Breast lift recovery time

Like other surgical processes, the recovery time for a breast lift is different from person to person. On average the recovery time for a breast lift is 3-6 weeks. Some women may feel good enough to return to work even after 1-2 weeks. Breast Lift Recovery Time It takes about 6 weeks to fully recover…

Breast augmentation after care

Nega posle povećanja grudi

Saznajte više o tome šta treba a šta ne treba raditi tokom različitih faza nege posle povećanja grudi. Takođe, čitajte o pojedinim savetima koji će vam pomoći da pregurate proces oporavka.  Žene se opredeljuju za povećanje grudi iz različitih razloga. Možete smanjiti ili povećati veličinu grudi, korigovati neujednačenosti i druge probleme operacijom dojke. Rezultati vam…

Will gynecomastia go away after puberty

Will gynecomastia go away after puberty?

Puberty is a delicate time in any boy’s development. Unfortunately, this key life stage can be negatively affected by gynecomastia. Gynecomastia, commonly called man-chests, can occur in infants, adolescents, or adult men. It is caused by hormonal imbalances, certain medications, and underlying conditions.  Reassurance and observance go a long way in handling gynecomastia in pubescent…

Da li je dojenje moguće sa implantima?

Da li je dojenje moguće sa implantima?

Da li ste znali da je moguće dojiti sa implantima? Evo šta sve treba da znate po pitanju dojenja posle operacije povećanja grudi.  Povećanje grudi je plastična operacija kojom se povećava veličina i ističu ženske grudi.  Ova operacija je dobila na popularnosti poslednjih nekoliko godina, te sve više žena traži ovu operaciju, sve zahvaljujući napretku…

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast augmentation recovery.

Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) is becoming common among women who want fuller breasts. The procedure involves inserting breast implants over or under the chest muscle. These implants can either be saline or silicone. Saline implants are filled with fluid after they’re inserted into the body. Silicone implants are already pre-filled according to the desired breast…

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Oporavak posle povećanja grudi

Oporavak posle povećanja grudi je bolan proces.  Ključ za postizanje dobrih rezultata je da vodite računa o svom telu i da se pridržavate saveta svog doktora.  Oporavak posle povećanja grudi je, kao što mu ime kaže, proces zaceljivanja posle operacije povećanja grudi. Naša klinika za povećanje grudi u Beogradu vam nudi neke smernice i medikamente…

What Should You Know About Breast Augmentation and Pregnancy?

Povećanje grudi posle trudnoće

Povećanje grudi u Beogradu je sjajna procedura kojom možete oblikovati opuštene grudi. Čitajte više o tome ovde kako bi ste saznali kada je pravo vreme za ovaj zahvat.  Povećanje grudi je popularna operacija kozmetičke prirode. Tokom nje, plastični hirurg će upotrebom grudnih implanata ili transfera masti povećati veličinu vaših grudi. Pored toga, ovaj zahvat će…

Bodytite Surgery in Dubai

How Effective is Bodytite? | Bodytite Surgery in Dubai

How effective is Bodytite? Discover why this minimally invasive surgery is the best way to deal with stubborn fat and excess skin giving you a youthful look. Technology has come a long way when it comes to cosmetic surgery. It’s not hard to notice the high demand for body enhancement services for breasts, waists, thighs,…

All You Need To Know About Breast Lift Surgery in the UAE

All You Need To Know About Breast Lift Surgery in the UAE

Is breast lift surgery painful? As you wonder, find out why the procedure may be your ticket to a youthful look of a tight, firm, and an elevated looking bust. No woman will mind having attractive-looking breasts. Most women will consider doing something about their breasts when they start sagging after pregnancy, after a weight…

Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Treatment Fat Removal Without Surgery

Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Treatment Fat Removal Without Surgery

Before considering a surgical procedure for male breast reduction, consider alternative methods to resolve gynecomastia without surgery. Check if they work for you. What is Gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is a common condition, often due to an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen hormones which results in enlarged male breast tissue. Certain medications and diseases can also cause…