Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Treatment Fat Removal Without Surgery
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Before considering a surgical procedure for male breast reduction, consider alternative methods to resolve gynecomastia without surgery. Check if they work for you.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a common condition, often due to an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen hormones which results in enlarged male breast tissue. Certain medications and diseases can also cause male breast tissue to grow bigger. It is seen in males of all ages but usually occurs during the newborn period, puberty, and older adulthood.

According to the Cleveland Clinical Journal Of Medicine, gynecomastia is common and present in about 30% to 50 % of adult men.

To treat gynecomastia, we must first establish the root cause and treat it accordingly. It is also essential to ensure that other breast problems that look like gynecomastia are not present, like pseudo-gynecomastia or breast cancer.

What is Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Treatment? Male breast reduction without surgery

Non-surgical gynecomastia treatment is the male breast reduction without surgery.

If you want to treat gynecomastia without surgery, the first step is to review the possible cause. A visit to your doctor will help evaluate any triggers or underlying causes.

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Some of the leading triggers of breast enlargement in males are; prescription medication use, steroid use, excessive alcohol intake, and recreational drug use.

After the doctor has evaluated your breast tissue and any other review of your symptoms, they may also order a series of other laboratory tests to rule out other conditions or breast cancer.

There are several options for non-surgical treatment, including the following.

  • Weight loss, dieting, and exercise
  • Stopping the use of drugs and steroids
  • Reducing alcohol intake
  • Treatment using drugs with tamoxifen
  • Laser Therapy
  • Cool Sculpting
  • Counselling & reassurance

1. Weight Loss, Dieting & Exercise

If your diet is poor and you also skip exercises, then you’ll probably end up with increased weight. Studies have shown that excess fat in the body correlates with low metabolism and testosterone levels.

Lower testosterone may correlate with increased fat mass deposits in the body and loss of muscle mass. All these factors contribute to pseudo-gynecomastia.

Weight loss may help to decrease the size of the breasts. Losing weight will work on eliminating the excess fat in the body but may not work for eliminating excess breast tissue.

Maintaining a healthy diet with minimally processed foods and an exercise routine will help burn fat deposits and help balance your hormones in the body. A balanced diet will ensure your body has all the nutrients to produce enough testosterone, such as proteins, Vitamin D, and zinc.

Irrespective of the exercise you choose to add to your routine, consider the exercises’ length, intensity, and duration.

2. Discontinue the use of drugs and steroids

Male breast enlargement can be associated with steroids and certain drug usage.

When you establish what is causing the breasts to enlarge, it is easier for the doctor to change any medication to another alternative that doesn’t cause gynecomastia.

Several medical conditions may also act as a catalyst for gynecomastia and hormonal imbalances. Kidney failure, Klinefelter syndrome, cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, malnutrition, and adrenal tumors have been noted to cause gynecomastia.

On many occasions, the gynecomastia usually resolves once the condition is treated.

The use of steroids also has the side effects of male breast enlargement. You can stop further breast tissue growth by discontinuing the use of steroids.

3. Reducing alcohol intake

Excessive alcohol intake can increase the risk of gynecomastia.

Not only does Alcohol not give your body any nutrients, but it also contains calories that cause weight gain. Alcohol may also lead to other conditions such as alcoholic fatty liver, which affects how your body stores fats and carbohydrates.

Keep off other triggers such as alcohol and recreational drugs and closely evaluate if there will be any notable changes in the size of the breast. If the gynecomastia shrinks or disappears, you may not need further treatment.

4. Treatment using drugs

Currently, no drug has been approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) to treat gynecomastia. However, some drugs have been prescribed to help with other symptoms such as pain and breast tenderness. These drugs include;

  • Tamoxifen. This is an anti-estrogen drug that may be given to patients who are on prostate cancer drugs to help with gynecomastia. It works by blocking estrogen receptors of the breast gland. It also helps significantly in reducing pain, size, and other symptoms of gynecomastia.
  • Aromatase inhibitors drugs. These drugs act as obstructors to the formation of estrogen hormone. The most widely used drug is Anastrozole which has been used in many gynecomastia cases during puberty or obesity.
  • Testosterone replacement drugs. These drugs have been prescribed to some patients with low male hormone levels, testosterone. Androgens increase the testosterone level while also decreasing the level of female hormones.

Hormonal imbalances are the leading cause of male breast development, and hormone balancing treatment may be an option to alter the hormone levels and help minimize the appearance of breast enlargement.

Testerone replacement drugs may come in the form of injections, skin gels, or patches.

5. Laser Therapy

This technique involves using a laser on the fat tissue around the breast region.

Although this technique has been picked as a non-surgical treatment of gynecomastia, it is still considered experimental. More research is needed to study the effects across a wider population group.

6. Coolsculpting

Cool sculpting is a method used to freeze fat deposits in any area of the body, in this case, the chest area, through a specially designed machine.

The machine supplies cool temperatures at extreme points to a selected region of the breast, The intense temperature breaks down breast tissue cells and removes fat deposits. The procedure targets the stubborn areas where you want the fat gone.

The breast size slowly reduces after several sessions of the procedure.

7.Counseling and Reassurance

Men with gynecomastia often are anxious and embarrassed about their self-image. Some people have even reported mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem as a psychological impact of gynecomastia.

To counter low self-esteem, it is important to continue with counseling and reassuring the men so that they can cope with the condition. It may also help if you find other men who have suffered from male breast enlargement and talk together in a group or individually.

Gynecomastia surgery

Surgical methods to remove enhanced breasts are the most reliable, fast, and permanent solution to eliminate man chests. Today, great technological advancements lead to better outcomes in minimal scarring and success rates.

Liposuction and mastectomy are the most common methods of removing excess tissue.

Are there any risks associated with non-surgical treatment?

Working with non-surgical treatment methods has the advantage of protecting your body. Any invasive procedure usually has side effects ranging from excessive bleeding to loss of life. So, if you can avoid any surgical treatments and succeed with other methods, then it is preferable.

Some treatment methods, however, have not been approved to treat gynecomastia, and the drugs have been used to treat other conditions successfully.

Does non-surgical gynecomastia work?

Many of the non-surgical gynecomastia treatment methods will work for some people. Weight loss, for example, will reduce the appearance of breasts for some men but not for others.

A great factor will also be to start the treatment early enough once you have noted the symptoms of male breast enlargement.


Depending on how long you have had the condition of gynecomastia, non-surgical methods may prove helpful to you. These methods may be okay if you’ve just developed larger breasts. However, if you have had gynecomastia for a long period, then the extra tissues in the breast can be made of fat, and glandular tissue, which may not go away with weight loss and exercise.

If you see a doctor and the doctor suspects an underlying condition, then you should first seek treatment for the condition before addressing gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia surgery is the most effective method to eliminate excess breast tissues.

Whether you opt for a surgical operation or a non-surgical treatment for gynecomastia in Dubai, Dr. Tarek is ready to discuss with you all your options. The team at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics are well experienced in handling all types of gynecomastia cases and will show you what you can look like after your treatment plan. Find out about the cost of Gynecomastia In Dubai

Read this article to find out aboutGynecomastia Natural Remedies

Make an appointment for a consultation today.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several drug treatments that your doctor may recommend to get rid of gynecomastia. Drugs, such as Tamoxifen affect the production of hormones in the body and work to reduce fat deposits on the chest.

If you suffer from gynecomastia, a few changes in your lifestyle can help improve your condition. It is better to incorporate these changes into your daily life so that they dont seem like distractors but rather an addition. Work on a balanced diet and a routine plan for your exercise routine.

Depending on your unique condition and desired result, weight training can be one effective way of male breast reduction without surgery. It will help tone your muscles, aid in losing weight, and balance your hormones in the body.

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