Excess breast fats and tissues can cause abnormal enlargement of breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia affects men and boys at various stages of life and is mainly caused by an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen sex hormones.
The condition can naturally cure itself. Medication is sometimes required, and surgery is recommended in severe cases. Liposuction is one method of treating gynecomastia and removing excess breast fats and tissues.
This guide contains additional information about Liposuction for man chests. Let’s get started!
What Is a Male Breast Removal Surgery?
Male breast removal surgery entails using a surgical treatment to reduce your breast fats or tissues. The technique uses cutting-edge technologies to remove extra fat beneath your skin.
An incision is made around your breast. A device is put through the incision to reach the excess fat beneath your skin. The tube aids in melting extra breast fat while tightening the skin above.
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Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Gynecomastia in Dubai
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What Is Gynecomastia Surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess breast fats and tissues in men. The process aims to shape your chest physique by correcting the abnormal growth of enlarged male breasts.
Gynecomastia is abnormal breast growth from increased breast tissues and excess breast fats. One or both of your chests may be affected by the disorder. The following signs may indicate the presence of gynecomastia disorder in a man.
If you detect such symptoms, you should consult your doctor, who may recommend mammograms and an MRI to rule out breast cancer or gynecomastia.
Why do Men Go For Breast Reduction Surgery?
You can have a breast reduction out of opting to have one. Other reasons you might need breast reductions are;
How Is Liposuction performed?
Local anesthesia is administered to the target area. Your surgeon may administer a sedative through an IV injection to make you remain relaxed and calm. The procedure entails sucking extra fat beneath the skin from an incision created on the targeted area with a surgical needle.
The surgical needle transmits heat beneath the area with excess fat, causing it to melt and straighten the skin above. A suction tube is then moved back and forth to make the fat loose and suck it out.
Blood and excess fluid is also drained out. Finally, the treated area is stitched up and bandaged.
Best Treatments For Gynecomastia
When your doctors confirm gynecomastia, they will likely advise you on the possible treatment for your condition. The extensivity of your situation will decide the kind of treatment you will be given. Some gynecomastia remedies will include;

If your condition is severe, surgery will be advised. Some of the gynecomastia treatments you can select from are;
Non-surgical Procedures
Surgical Procedure
Male breast reduction can be surgical or non-surgical removal of extra breast tissues or fat. Surgical excision and Liposuction remove excess breast glandular tissue and fat. The method employed involves eliminating the fat beneath your skin and tightening the skin above.
Liposuction For Gynecomastia
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to remove excess fat from the body. It is a non-surgical treatment that is performed on your breasts.
Recovery After Men’s Breast Removal Surgery
Understanding how you will recover before undergoing treatment is essential. It will take 7-10 days to recover from Liposuction and four weeks to return to the gym. It will take 2 to 4 weeks to completely heal and return to normal activities after surgery involving surgical procedures.
What you need to know about breast reduction surgery recovery is that if you carefully follow your doctor’s instructions. On average, your recovery will take between 1 and 2 weeks, during which you should take it easy and avoid strenuous activities to assist in healing and prevent complications.
You should combine exercise with your recovery after the two weeks and monitor your weight loss and diet. Similarly, you should follow up on your doctor’s appointment and medical prescription.
Men’s Breast Removal Surgery Risks
Men’s breast removal surgery has a satisfaction rate of 92.6 and 89% accuracy. What about the remaining 7.4% and 11% inaccuracy?
During surgery, complications such as excessive bleeding, bruising, shape irregularities, nipple skin loss, apparent scars, and nipple numbness are possible. Aside from that, gynecomastia surgery is extremely safe, and most patients recover quickly.
Liposuction is a non-surgical method used in male breast reduction. It is used in removing excess breast tissues and fats. Book a free consultation for gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Tarek Bayazid. He is a proud American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and possesses outstanding skills in the plastic surgery domain.
Get in touch and learn more about us. We shall take you through the best man chest treatments available in Dubai today.
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