Men'S Breast Reduction Surgery | Liposuction For Man Boobs
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Excess fat deposits on the chest area, especially for men can be a destructive self-image issue. And this is especially true if you have tried dieting and exercise with little results.

However, liposuction is another option but it does not mean forsaking your daily routine. Rather, it is a complementary mechanism for enhancing your body shape.

So, how does liposuction for a man’s chest work, and what should you know about it? Here is a detailed look and if it is the missing solution for men’s breast reduction surgery. 


Gynecomastia is the enlargement of one or both breasts in males. It typically occurs during puberty but can also develop later in life.

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The exact cause of gynecomastia isn’t known, but it’s believed to be caused by a hormone imbalance between estrogen and testosterone levels. 

The condition usually affects adolescents who have not reached full maturity, as well as older men going through a decline in their testosterone levels due to aging or medical conditions like liver disease or heart failure.

What Are The Causes and Symptoms?

A man’s chest can be a temporary or permanent condition often resulting from an imbalance of hormones. It is characterized by;

  • An enlarged breast-like tissue under the nipple area
  • Large breast skin
  • Excess fat in the breast area

However, it may also arise due to over-consumption of alcohol and drugs, which lead to high estrogen levels in the body. This causes increased production of fat cells and causes them to grow into breasts like those found in women.

Other causes include hereditary issues and changes in hormones.

If caused by drugs or alcohol, this effect will disappear after you stop consuming them. But if it does not, consult a professional plastic surgeon who will determine if other underlying conditions may contribute to your problems.

These conditions may be low testosterone levels or depression and may require medication. Nevertheless, in many cases, the situation goes away on its own, but if it does not, you need to seek the services of a male breast reduction surgery near me.

When to Seek Help with Gynecomastia

If you are self-conscious about your appearance affecting your social life, try to wait until you are older and more mature.

However, if the condition is causing physical pain or emotional distress, you should seek help as soon as possible.

The sooner you get male chest fat reduction surgery, the better your results will likely be.

What Is Male Breast Reduction?

Men’s breast removal surgery is a surgical procedure that helps reduce the size and excess skin of your breasts. The procedure can be done using a medication, liposuction, or a combination of liposuction and excision.

It also addresses any underlying glandular abnormalities causing excessive tissue growth so that you’ll have better proportions overall when finished recovering from the procedure. It typically takes around two weeks but sometimes longer, depending on how extensive your surgery was.

How is Gynecomastia Treated?

Gynecomastia is a condition that can be corrected with surgery. There are two approaches to gynecomastia correction; liposuction or excision. In either case, the basic steps of treatment are the same:

  • A small incision is made to remove excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the upper chest area commonly associated with male breast enlargement
  • After surgery, your body will naturally grow new glands underneath your pectoral muscles that help further reduce your breasts.
  • Your doctor may recommend physical therapy after surgery

Is Gynecomastia Painful?

Gynecomastia surgery is not painful. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia so that you will be asleep during the procedure. You may be given pain medication to help manage your discomfort after the surgery.

The gynecomastia surgery is performed in a hospital, but it can also be done on an outpatient basis. The length of time for both options varies depending on factors such as how extensive your surgery needs to be and what type of anesthesia you are getting (general versus local). 

If you have an overnight stay at the hospital, all your meals will be provided to you by nurses working in the hospital cafeteria or kitchen.

Liposuction for Men’s Chest

Liposuction is one of the remedies for gynecomastia. It is a surgical procedure that uses suction to remove fat deposits from body areas. It’s often used to treat love handles, arm fat, and other types of stubborn fat such as liposuction arm.

How Does It Work?

Liposuction for the chest is a relatively simple procedure. It involves using a needle to remove excess fat from beneath your skin while leaving the breast tissue in place so that they remain rounder and firmer than before.

What To Do Before Surgery

Generally, your plastic surgeon will advise on how to prepare. However, the process is not too complicated to warrant admission unless under exceptional circumstances. 

Sometimes your surgeon may ask you not to eat or drink for several hours before surgery. This depends on the anesthesia used, how long the procedure takes, and whether blood loss is expected during the operation.

Other preparations include

  • Taking medical records and doing tests
  • Discussing the pros and cons

The Procedure

In most cases, a chest fat removal surgery will last about an hour to two hours, depending on the tissue targeted.

If targeting breast tissues, a small incision will be made on the areola area to leave the smallest scar possible. However, if more tissues are targeted, more incisions will be made.

The Recovery Process 

After surgery, you’ll be taken back to your room. You may initially feel pain or discomfort, which can be controlled with pain medication. 

Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection and ask that you avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for several weeks after surgery, depending on how much tissue was removed.

When you’re ready to go home, get someone else to drive because it’s not safe for you yet. If possible, you should also plan on taking a few days off work since swelling often subsides gradually over time rather than immediately after surgery.

Why Go for Male Breast Reduction?

The main reason you should go for this liposuction service in Dubai is that it helps reduce the size of the breasts, making one feel more confident and good about his body. The procedure can also help reduce the pain of excessive fat build-up in some people with gynecomastia.

Is Liposuction For Man Chest Safe?

Before you decide whether or not you want to go ahead with this procedure, you must be aware of its associated risks. Although most surgeons will tell you that this procedure is safe, some risks are still involved.

One of the major risks is an infection due to several reasons like an unsterilized instrument or even if they do not have enough experience performing such operations.

Therefore, seek qualified and professional plastic surgeons to minimize these risks.

Are There Any Other Treatment Methods?

Generally, gynecomastia goes away on its own, especially if it manifests during puberty. Nevertheless, there are instances where intervention is needed, such as the use of liposuction.

Other viable options are mastectomy and medications.

Why Choose Dr. Tarek Aesthetics

During your consultation, Dr. Tarek Aesthetics will fully explain which surgical techniques are best for your unique situation. He is among the most sought plastic surgeons due to his vast experience and client-centric approach. As a liposuction surgery provider, he is board-certified across various medical associations and thus trustworthy.

He will also be sure to discuss the pros, cons, expectations, and costs of the liposuction so that you know what to expect from start to finish. And because he understands that there are a lot of considerations to make before undergoing liposuction for man chests, he allows consultations to help you feel contented.

He specializes in male breast reduction surgeries and looks forward to helping you achieve your goals. Contact him today to learn more about your liposuction treatment option if you’re ready to start living your best life. Find out about the cost of gynecomastia In Dubai


What is the real cause of gynecomastia?

Medical experts agree gynecomastia comes due to puberty, old age, and other factors such as alcohol and drug intake. In other cases, it may be heredity or hormonal issue.

Does your chest look natural after the liposuction?

Gynecomastia surgery aims at giving you a natural look. Even though there will be a slight effect, it is largely unnoticeable if done by a skilled surgeon.

Is there an option for pills to treat gynecomastia?

Although pills are available to treat men’s boobs, there is not enough research explicitly linking them to effectively treating gynecomastia. The most viable solution is undergoing liposuction surgery under a professional plastic surgeon.

Does liposuction permanently heal gynecomastia?

In most cases, liposuction will give a permanent solution. However, you should follow your surgeon’s advice on things to avoid that may accelerate the return of the condition.

How long does it take to heal?

It takes 4-6 weeks to heal and resume strenuous activities such as gymming.

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