Gynecomastia Surgery In Dubai
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There are many surgeries that men can benefit from. But which of them are best used to contour male bodies? Here are the best surgical options to consider.

It is natural to want to look good, regardless of your gender. It is a no-brainer that there are so many surgical options for women that want to improve their physical appearance — from breast augmentation, lifts, mommy makeover, and much more. But what options are available for men?

This post takes you through the most popular and beneficial surgical options for male body contouring that you can get done by the best plastic surgeons in Dubai.

Why Do Men Need Surgery for Body Contouring?

Just like women, men can also get some stubborn fat deposits stored inside their bodies and won’t just go away with exercising and diet. Besides that, there are certain conditions that can take away your ‘manly’ body, such as gynecomastia.

Regardless of the situation, you still need the ideal body that will make you appear more ‘manly.’

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Let’s go through some of the most popular male body issues and their ideal surgical contouring solutions:


Gynecomastia is the medical term for enlarged male breasts. Naturally, male breasts should not be large, but certain conditions make them overdevelop, giving out enlargened breasts. Some of the leading causes behind gynecomastia include:

  • Obesity
  • The use of particular drugs
  • Hereditary issues
  • Hormonal issues

Gynecomastia can be characterized by various signs, such as excess localized fat, excess skin, and glandular tissue development.

Gynecomastia surgery is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon to reduce the size of breasts in men, giving them more masculine chest contours.

High Definition Liposuction

High-definition liposuction — also known as six-pack liposuction — is a form of liposuction that aims to give people a better abdominal shape. Men use this procedure to get six packs or four packs in the case of women.

A six-pack liposuction is a revolutionary procedure plastic surgeons use to selectively remove small fat deposits surrounding the abdominal muscles. Doing so enhances the natural contours underneath the abdomen. The result is a more visible 6 pack.

Such a procedure is essential to men that wish to get a better body contour, and no other solution proves to be helpful. For instance, if you toil over the years exercising and dieting to get that body shape, but there are some fat deposits that simply won’t go away, then high-definition lipo would be ideal for you.


Yes, men can also get liposuction.

Liposuction can be an ideal option if you have excess fat deposits in your body that just won’t go away regardless of how hard you exercise or stick to a diet plan. Liposuction involves a suction technique that ‘sucks’ out fatty deposits from various parts of the body. Some of the body parts that best benefit from liposuction in Dubai are:

  • Buttocks
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Neck and chin
  • Facial cheeks
  • Upper arm
  • Calves
  • Inner knees
  • Chest area

Excessive fatty deposits at any of these areas may make a man lose his ‘manly’ body shape. If there isn’t any other solution for you to rid the fat, then liposuction can be ideal.

Note that liposuction is not a weightloss technique but rather one that helps improve the shape of your body by getting rid of excess fat.

If you have a protruding belly, your plastic surgeon may recommend liposuction. However, you will be left with a significant amount of sagging skin which will require surgical excision. This is why you may have to combine liposuction with another surgical technique: tummy tuck.

Tummy tuck

Also referred to as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is one of the most common procedures for male body contouring. In case you have undergone liposuction, you may also require additional procedures like a tummy tuck.

In this case, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure done to tighten abdominal muscles while removing excess fat and skin. Once you undergo a tummy tuck, you get a more muscular core and a better overall appearance.

Combining body contouring procedures to enhance the male physique.

You can improve your general body shape by combining various male body contouring procedures. You can get gynecomastia, liposuction, and tummy tuck even in one operation — ensure to discuss this option with your surgeon if you are a candidate for such a procedure.

Furthermore, you can top up your physical appearance with high definition six pack liposuction to give you a more ‘manly’ body.

Get the best results from the best.

Are you ready to get that muscular and masculine body? Get in touch with the team at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics and discover the benefits of male body contouring. Led by Dr. Tarek Bayazid, the team has assisted many men in Dubai and beyond to achieve their desired body goals. If struggling with excessive fat, sagging skin, or desire a better contoured male body, contact the team to book your consultation today.

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