Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer
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Lower lid blepharoplasty with fat transfer is a plastic surgery procedure that improves the appearance of the under-eye area. It involves removing excess skin, muscle and fat through an incision under the lashes. The procedure then replaces some of the removed fat with a person’s fat harvested from another part of the body.

What is Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer?

Lower Lid Blepharoplasty with Fat Transfer is an advanced cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates the appearance of the lower eyelids. It combines the removal of excess skin and fat from the lower eyelids with the addition of fat transferred from another part of the body. This approach ensures a more natural and youthful look.

Key aspects of this procedure include:

  • Fat Removal and Transfer: Excess fat is removed from the lower eyelids, and fat from another body part is transferred to the area.
  • Enhanced Under-Eye Area: This aims to reduce under-eye bags and hollows, providing a refreshed appearance.
  • Natural Results: Utilises the patient’s fat for a more natural-looking rejuvenation.
  • Dual Benefit: Addresses both excess skin in the lower eyelids and loss of volume in the surrounding areas.
  • Minimally Invasive: Typically involves less invasive techniques than traditional blepharoplasty alone.

Benefits of Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer

Benefits Over Fillers For Under Eye Hollows

Some key benefits of lower lid blepharoplasty with fat transfer include:

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Reduces Under-Eye Bags and Wrinkles

Removing excess fat and skin smooths and tightens the under-eye area, reducing unwanted bagging, wrinkles and fine lines.

Restores Volume

Replacing some of the removed fat using the patient’s own fat restores volume lost with age, filling hollows for a more refreshed, youthful appearance.

Long Lasting Results

Fat transfer results from this procedure tend to be long-lasting compared to dermal fillers. The transferred fat has the chance to establish its blood supply and permanency in the under-eye area.

Natural Looking Outcomes

Using a patient’s body fat creates very natural-looking results. The fat blends seamlessly into the surrounding tissue.

Candidates for Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer

Candidates For Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer

Good candidates for lower lid blepharoplasty with fat transfer include:

Patients With Under-Eye Hollows and Bagging

People whose under-eye areas have begun to appear sunken, hollow and loose due to fat loss and ageing skin make ideal candidates.

Relatively Healthy Individuals

Good surgical candidates are relatively healthy, with no serious medical conditions that impair healing. They should be non-smokers.

The Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer Procedure

The lower lid blepharoplasty with fat transfer procedure involves several key steps:


The surgery is performed under local anaesthesia with IV sedation or general anaesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure.

Incisions Under Lower Lashes

Tiny incisions measuring less than half an inch are made just under the lower lash lines.

Removing Excess Fat and Skin

Through the incisions, excess bulging fat, loose muscle and redundant skin are removed.

Harvesting Fat Via Liposuction

Using liposuction, fat is removed from another part of the patient’s body, like the thighs or abdomen.

Fat Transfer to Under Eye Area

After processing, the harvested fat is carefully injected back into the under-eye regions that need increased volume.

Closing Incisions

Finally, the tiny lower lid incisions are meticulously closed with sutures.

Recovery After Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer

Patients will need to allow for sufficient lower lid blepharoplasty recovery time after having fat transfer:

TimelineRecovery Experience
1-3 daysSwelling and bruising are most pronounced right after surgery. Pain and discomfort require prescription medication. Very limited activity. Sleeping with my head elevated on several pillows.
5 daysBruising starts fading. Swelling slightly improved. Fatigue with continued need for rest. Can return to non-strenuous work in 10-14 days.
2 weeksBruising is typically resolved. Swelling and tenderness around incisions subside substantially. You can wear camouflage makeup.
3 weeksIncision sites are less visible. Transition to daily activities without restriction.
1-2 monthsExperience gradual improvements. Swelling gone, revealing enhanced contours.
3-6 monthsFinal results after transferring fat fully integrate adding volume. Scars are faint and barely detectable.

Proper wound care, ice packs and over-the-counter pain medication promote an easier early recovery period.

Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer Cost

The average cost breakdown for lower lid blepharoplasty with fat transfer in the UAE is:

Surgeon’s Fee8,000 – 15,000 AED
Anesthesia Fee3,000 – 5,000 AED
Facility Fee4,000 – 7,000 AED
Total15,000 – 27,000 AED

Many factors affect the overall price, such as the surgeon, extent of treatment needed and facility location.

Benefits Over Fillers for Under Eye Hollows

While dermal fillers can also treat under-eye hollows, lower-lid blepharoplasty fat transfer has some advantages:

  • Longer lasting – Fat transfer aims for permanent versus temporary filler results
  • Uses own body tissue – Fat has a more natural feel and integration
  • Avoids repeat filler injections – Just one procedure rather than ongoing filler maintenance appointments

Lower lid blepharoplasty with fat transfer can provide transformative yet natural-looking enhancement of the under-eye area. It reduces under-eye bags while restoring youthful volume loss due to ageing. Performed properly, results from this procedure can refresh and rejuvenate the eyes for a more vibrant appearance with lasting results.

To explore whether you may be a good candidate for this highly effective eyelid rejuvenation treatment, contact a facial plastic surgery specialist like Dr. Tarek Bayazid today. With his exacting surgical skills and eye for facial harmony, outstanding patient-centred care and outcomes can be achieved.

To book a consultation with Dr Tarek Bayazid, an experienced plastic surgeon providing exceptional blepharoplasty outcomes to patients in Dubai, visit his website or call today.

FAQs About Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transfer

Most of the bruising and swelling will resolve within 2 weeks. Final results may take 3-6 months as the transferred fat fully integrates.

Incisions are tiny and hidden inside the lower lash line, leaving no visible scarring.

Like all surgery, rare risks include infection, poor wound healing, bleeding and the need for revision surgery.

When enough fat is able to establish its blood supply, results can be permanent, although some fat resorption can happen over time.

You will be comfortable under anaesthesia during surgery. Mild discomfort, manageable with medication, is common during the recovery period.

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