liposuction in dubai

Why does recovery matter? How long does it take to heal from liposuction? Read on and find out all you need to know about the liposuction recovery journey.

Liposuction is one of the most effective methods for permanently removing fat from troublesome areas of your body. This is a procedure that demands attention and care to ensure a smooth recovery. However, many people are unsure of what to expect during their recovery journey.

Knowing what to expect is important for making the most confident and informed decision about whether to proceed with the liposuction procedure. One of the best liposuction surgeons in Dubai, Dr. Tarek, will provide you with a detailed explanation of the recovery process before committing to performing liposuction.

How long does it take to heal from liposuction?

Each person’s healing journey is unique. There are several variables to consider, such as the size of the area to be treated, age, and general well-being. Recovery following liposuction typically takes four to six weeks, but complete results can take up to three months.

Following your surgeon’s post-op instructions, including resting and taking your prescribed medicine, improves your outcome and speeds up the healing process.

Liposuction recovery timeline

Immediately after surgery

As with any surgical procedure, you should expect to experience some discomfort.

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You’re going to:

  • Experience mild to moderate pain
  • Notice some bruising and swelling 
  • Be constrained in your movements

Your plastic surgeon will prescribe some pain medication for you. You will also be fitted with compression garments that will be wrapped around the treated regions, as well as elastic bandages to keep your wounds protected. 

You should have someone to help you around the house and run errands on the first day you arrive home following surgery. You’ll still need ample rest.

Your pain may increase as the anesthesia wears down. Prescription pain relievers will assist you in alleviating the discomfort. Additionally, ice packs and compression garments will assist you in dealing with the swelling.

You should always wear compression garments. Do not take a shower or bath, and adhere to your post-op therapy to avoid complications. You may also see some fluid oozing from your incision. It’s quite natural, so there’s no need to be worried.

Week 1

A week after liposuction, the treated region will still be swollen and bruised, but you will begin to feel better.

Moving around and taking short walks is recommended if you feel up to it, but you must avoid heavy lifting and other forms of intensive exertion. You should also keep your incisions clean and well-dressed to minimize getting an infection and scarring.

Your doctor will determine the best course of therapy and the level of physical activity you can engage in during your recovery. After a few days, you can return to work and resume your normal routine

First month

The pain will have reduced but you should still avoid weightlifting unless your doctor gives you the go-ahead. You can shower and engage in minimal physical exercises.

Even after a few weeks, you can expect some bruising and swelling, and you should keep an eye out for any lumps that form in the surgery area. If the bruises and swelling have gone down, you should expect to see some initial results.

Being patient is essential for a successful post-liposuction recovery. So don’t let yourself get disheartened and stick to your doctor’s instructions.

First three months

You should expect to experience the full effects of your liposuction surgery three months after the procedure. You can stop using compression garments and notice that the treated area will appear slimmer.

To get the best results from your body contouring procedure, you must follow the recommended post-operative instructions precisely and consistently. Ensure you observe how your treated area looks and note if there is any improvement in its appearance. Any swelling, rash, or redness on the skin that persists or worsens could be an infection.

Scarring after Liposuction

The number of scars is determined by the number of insertion points required to address the affected area.  Furthermore, scarring varies depending on your skin quality. To minimize scarring, your plastic surgeon will talk about the location of scars and how they can be minimized.

See related: Liposuction for large lipomas

Recovery tips

The liposuction healing period might be fairly lengthy. You should not try to rush your recovery, but there are certain things you can do to help your body’s natural healing process. They include: 

1. Eating well

Good nutrition is essential for a speedy recovery. Preparing healthy meals ahead of time is a good idea because you may not feel like cooking after surgery. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to aid in the recovery journey and reduce inflammation.

2. Drinking plenty of water.

Hydration is an essential part of a healthy recovery. Therefore, you should drink plenty of water. 

3. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol

Smoking will harm your healing process, and you should avoid it entirely during your recovery. Furthermore, alcohol intake results in dehydration during the recovery process, which can cause prolonged healing of scars. 

4. Getting enough rest

The best method to help your body recuperate after surgery is to take it easy and get enough sleep for the first several weeks.

5. Going for a stroll

Even though you should avoid strenuous exercise while recuperating, light movement can speed up the healing process. Walking for a few minutes at a time is an excellent technique to get moving without overtaxing your muscles.

6. Getting a lymphatic massage

A lymphatic drainage massage releases toxins collected in the lymph nodes. Studies have indicated that this type of massage, performed weekly, can help your immune systems, reducing your vulnerability to infection. Patients report less discomfort and agony after receiving this treatment, which means faster recovery. 

7. Seek assistance

Ask a friend or family member to assist you with cleaning, babysitting, or running errands whenever possible.

8. Attend your scheduled follow-up appointments.

After liposuction, follow-up sessions allow your surgeon to assess your progress and monitor your recovery. Make sure to show up for all of your post-operative appointments as arranged by your cosmetic surgeon.

you may also be curious to know about How to Prepare for Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Surgeries


Liposuction has many advantages for patients and is a reasonably uncomplicated surgery to recover from. To ensure a quick and painless liposuction recovery journey, it’s best to follow your doctor’s instructions. In addition, rest, hydration, and quitting smoking are all healthy lifestyle choices that will help you recuperate faster and with fewer issues.

Reach out to some of the best liposuction surgeons in Dubai to get your ideal body today. Find out about the cost of liposuction In Dubai
