Liposuction arms is a surgical procedure that removes fat deposits in the arms via small incisions. What do you need to know before considering it? Let’s find out.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves suction techniques to remove fat from any body parts. It aims at making your body contour as good as you can imagine it. To get the best out of Liposuction, you should be on a healthy diet and regular exercise.
A liposuction is an option if you have excess fat on your upper arms and are unhappy with that appearance. However, it is a procedure undertaken only by qualified plastic surgeons like Dr. Tarek Aesthetics.
Liposuction is not an effective weight loss solution, thus only recommendable for improving a patient’s shape. Before choosing Liposuction, you should have clear information on what it is.
Let’s get to know more about Liposuction.
Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid
Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Liposuction in Dubai
Installment Plan Available
Upper Arms Liposuction
Upper arms are often the most stubborn areas treated with liposuction. The upper arm is a large muscle group, and the fat that builds up there can be challenging to remove. However, Dr. Tarek has experience handling upper arm liposuction in UAE and can effectively reduce fat in this area.
Who is the Best Candidate for Arm Liposuction?
Arm liposuction is an excellent option for individuals who have excess fat in their arms and other areas of their bodies.
Your eligibility depends on the following:
How to Prepare for Arm Liposuction
Before Liposuction surgery, you will have guidance from a qualified and well vast plastic surgeon.
The lead surgeon at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics and one of the most highly rated plastic surgeon in Dubai, Dr. Tarek Bayazid, recommends the following plan:
Two weeks before Liposuction Surgery
A week to your Liposuction Surgery
A day before the Liposuction Surgery
On the Surgery Day
How Liposuction is Done
Liposuction procedures can either be local or general anesthesia. It involves making a small incision near the focus region. A small hollow tube attached to a suction machine is then used to extract excess fat.
The plastic surgeon closes the incisions after the surgery and gives you specific post-care instructions.
The various types of liposuction are:
Suction-assisted liposuction
It is the oldest and most common liposuction surgery.
It involves making a few minor incisions and introducing a hollow needle known as a cannula into the incisions to remove the fat cells.
Tumescent liposuction
It uses anesthetics such as lidocaine and epinephrine that evoke swelling in the fat, making it easier to locate and remove.
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction UAL
It breaks down fat cells using vast energy from high-frequency sound waves.
It makes the procedure more straightforward. It is recommended to remove excess fat in the stomach and waist.
Laser-assisted liposuction
This procedure breaks down fat using a laser. First, the plastic surgeon makes several small incisions and inserts a cannula and laser probe into the region. Then, there’s an injection with an anesthetic and epinephrine to counter pain and bleeding.
Risks of Arm Liposuction
Arm liposuction should not be done if you have any medical conditions that could make the procedure riskier.
Before you have your arm liposuction, talk to your plastic surgeon about possible risks and complications of the procedure, such as:
Infections during the surgery are rare but can occur if you do not follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions carefully after surgery.
Blood clots
Blood clots may form in your arms after surgery if you take blood thinners or anti-inflammatory medications that increase your risk of developing blood clots.
Skin loss on the arms
Excessive pressure during surgery can cause skin loss in the upper arms. In addition, it can result in scars that are visible when wearing short sleeves or sleeveless outfits.
Scars can form during the healing process (days or weeks after surgery) or later (years after surgery).
Recovery After Arm Liposuction
The recovery time after arm liposuction will vary from patient to patient. Most patients can expect to be back to their routine within four to six weeks. It is crucial to follow your surgeon’s instructions to hasten your recovery.
In general, you can expect some bruising and swelling in the area. At first, you may have some numbness, which should resolve after a few weeks. It is also customary to feel some pain in the area during this period.
You can do the following during your recovery journey:
Get the Arm you desire
Arm liposuction is best if you have stubborn fat that you want to get rid of. Different plastic surgeons uniquely do their procedures.
The procedures include assessing your body to formulate a customized treatment plan to achieve your body goals.
Do a thorough scrutiny of the surgeon’s quality before making your final selection. For the best arm liposuction services and results in Dubai, consider contacting Dr. Tarek Aesthetics.
Find out about the cost of liposuction In Dubai
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Arm Liposuction a Safe Procedure?
Liposuction is a safe surgical procedure offered by qualified plastic surgeons. However, Liposuction has its risks explained in detail during your initial consultation.
How do I find the best Arm Liposuction services?
You have to do deep research before choosing your plastic surgeon. You can use Google or other social media platforms to find your ideal surgeon.
User-generated content can help you choose the best plastic surgeon. Dr. Tarek Aesthetics should be your first thought if you are in Dubai, as he is one of the best.
Are Arm Liposuction results permanent?
Liposuction does not guarantee permanent results. However, a healthy diet and exercise can make the results last longer.
What is the quality of Liposuction arm procedures in Dubai?
With Dr. Tarek Aesthetics in the equation, the procedure is highly valued. From the user-generated content, 91% of those who have undergone liposuction are satisfied.
Is there liposuction aftermath pain?
After liposuction surgery, expect pain and discomfort for the first few days. After that, your plastic surgeon will prescribe medication to ease the pain and discomfort.