Gynecomastia Surgery In Dubai
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Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, is a safe and painless surgical procedure performed on men with large breast tissues and glands.

Among the many challenges men face is growing breasts. And to escape the embarrassment, many try wearing baggy T-shirts and other unconventional methods but with no results.

But did you know seeking gynecomastia surgery in Dubai is an ideal treatment method? The procedure is among Dr. Tarek’s well-known services in Dubai.

But is Gynecomastia surgery painful, and is it safe? Find out more by reading this article. You will also know more about one of Dubai’s best go-to plastic surgeons.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a breast growth condition in men that causes them to have enlarged breasts like a woman.

The causes may vary, but the major ones are

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  • Hormonal changes

  • Hereditary genes

  • Use of certain drugs

  • Obesity

A male with this condition displays

  • Increased breast tissue and gland development

  • Excess breast skin

  • Excess fat in the breast area

What to Expect from Gynecomastia Surgery Services in Dubai

There are different types of gynecomastia surgeries in Dubai. The ideal technique to be used depends on the size of your breasts and the condition of your skin.

Some of the procedures include:

  • Mastectomy. This surgical procedure removes the breast gland tissue.

  • Liposuction. It is a minimally invasive surgical technique that can be used to remove fat deposits and not the breast gland.

  • Combination surgery, which involves liposuction and mastectomy surgery techniques

The Gynecomastia Surgery and Healing Process

Gynecomastia surgery in Dubai begins with a consultation with your doctor. You will undergo an exam, and the doctor will ask questions about your medical history.

After that, the plastic surgeon will recommend the best approach to the surgery, depending on what’s involved.

But you may be asking, does gynecomastia surgery hurt, or is gynecomastia painful surgery?

Is it Painful?

Most surgical procedures are generally painless during the procedure. This is because your surgeon will use anesthesia to numb the pain.

Regardless of how minor it is, you’ll experience some pain with any surgery. While the degree of pain may vary, it will most likely be short-term.

With gynecomastia surgery, you’re likely to experience a burning sensation and a feeling of tightness around your chest.

The tightness will probably get worse as time progresses before getting better. It may take about six weeks for your chest to feel normal.

Recovery from gynecomastia surgery is not a one-fit-all process because every person and procedure is different.

However, almost everyone with gynecomastia surgery experiences chest soreness during the first few weeks following their procedure.

According to recent research, gynecomastia is safe. Further, it is primarily non-invasive, and where invasive, it is at minimal levels.

Even with potential complications such as pain, bleeding, infection, and scarring, there are medications you can use to manage these side effects easily.

Why Dr. Tarek?

As a well-known gynecomastia surgeon in Dubai, Dr. Tarek is experienced in performing safe gynecomastia surgery, giving men a reason to smile again.

He will listen to your needs and advise you. Further, he will provide you with more information about pain management and tips on avoiding complications after your gynecomastia surgery.

Get in touch with him today and enjoy treatment from one of the best in the industry.Read this article to find out about the price of gynecomastia in Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions

Gynecomastia is most prevalent in boys at puberty, and in most cases, it self-treats. However, it may develop and persist above puberty, needing surgery.

When you visit Dr. Tarek, he will advise you on whether your condition is something to worry about and how to treat it.

An imbalance in hormones causes gynecomastia. When estrogen is more than androgen, it causes the body to start ‘behaving’ like a woman, thus growing the breast glands.

A visit to Dr. Tarek, one of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai, will help you understand the causes and management plans.

It is possible to treat enlarged breast tissues through proper dieting and exercise. However, where the condition persists, it is recommended to seek a plastic surgeon’s advice.

Generally, gynecomastia is not severe. Sometimes it can go away on its own, but if surgery is required, it is a minor one that can be done within 2 hours.

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