You have made a life-changing decision that will make your life better, but you will need time to recover before that. Before you make the appointment at the doctor’s, make sure you prepare your home for post-plastic surgery recovery. The last thing you want is to be in pain and have furniture and unnecessary items in the way. These things can be hazardous, and you might not be able to move them in your condition. The aim of the game is minimum stress and maximum comfort. Take a look at some ways you can make your life easier for that post-surgery recovery.
Start by Cleaning Your Home
To make sure your home is the best place for your recovery, it needs to be clean. Worrying about this during post-plastic surgery recovery will make you stressed and is not helpful. A clean space will also help you prevent unwanted bacteria near your body. Make your home as fresh and relaxing as possible, and try to deep-clean the house before the surgery. Clean your bathrooms, change your sheets, dust, vacuum, mop, and take care of all dishes. When you come home after the surgery, you will feel much more relaxed knowing that everything is clean.
When it comes to cleaning your home after your surgery, it might be a good idea to hire a cleaning service. You will be in no shape to do all that hard work, and once the most challenging part of recovery has passed, you will want your environment refreshed. By hiring cleaners, you can let your body rest and still enjoy a clean and healthy environment.
Stock Your Kitchen with Simple Meals
We all know that any recovery leaves us drained, and the last thing we want to do is get out of bed and prepare an elaborate meal. However, healthy, nutritious foods are vital for your body to heal properly during post-plastic surgery recovery. Stock up on fruits and vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. Have a healthy snack ready for when you feel like munching. In addition to that, consider preparing some meals ahead of time. Leave some in the fridge for the first day, and put the rest in the freezer so that you do not have to worry. This way, you can easily take them out of the freezer and heat them up or bake them in the oven if needed.
Declutter Your Space
Look around you and your main living spaces. Without a doubt, there will be lots of things that you do not regularly use or are decorative but possibly large. You should remove these items to create a more open space. Get help from your loved ones to rearrange the furniture and create open pathways between the rooms you will need to use regularly. In case you need to use any medical equipment to assist with mobility, take into account the size of the equipment and create a path that is wide enough.
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Decluttering is essential in all parts of the house, including the kitchen. Go over the contents of your refrigerator and freezer. There will undoubtedly be more than a few expired items, and also throw out items with upcoming expiration dates. Getting rid of these perishables before the surgery will help you avoid any accidental food-related illnesses.
If There Are Too Many Things in the Way
Your apartment may be small, or you might have way too much furniture and decorations. In addition to that, you might have precious and valuable items that you do not want to get damaged. Depending on the type of plastic surgery you will do, you may find it challenging to navigate your home with too many things in the way. Consider renting a storage unit for that period of time. You can easily move some items there if you pack for storage well beforehand. Doing so will make your life so much easier, and you will have one thing less to think about.
Ensure Safety for Post Plastic Surgery Recovery
Falling after surgery can be a problem, and you need to be careful and take all the steps to prevent that from happening. It is pretty common for patients to get dizzy if they have not eaten for a few days and also from staying in bed for extended periods. Depending on the extent of your surgery, you may need to get crutches to reduce your risk of falling. In addition to that, take into account some helpful options. For instance, if possible, sleep in a bedroom that is near a bathroom. Additionally, consider leaving some lights on during the night. This will help you get oriented if you wake up to use the bathroom.
Prepare Comfortable Clothes
Regardless of the type of surgery you will have, it is essential to have clothes that will not be in the way of the swelling and compression garments. Your clothes should also be soft to avoid pressing on sensitive areas. Finally, you want them to be super easy to put on. Avoid clothes like jeans or fitted tops as they may cause you a lot of discomfort. You may need to buy a few items for complete comfort, especially for the first week or two after your surgery. Those should be loose, light garments, ideally breathable materials to avoid sweating. Think of soft cotton t-shirts and tank tops, zip-up hoodies, or cardigans that are easy to put on.
Organize Your Favorite Entertainment
In addition to the discomfort, post-plastic surgery recovery can be pretty boring. You will not be able to do your daily activities and will need to rest a lot. There will be a significant amount of sitting down, resting, and avoiding pain involved. Now is the moment to catch up on those books, movies, and series that you never had time for. After you have cleaned, decluttered and organized everything, stock up on your favorite entertainment. If you do not already have one, get a subscription to a streaming service, or get crossword puzzles or video games to get your mind of everything and relax as much as possible.
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Find out how to prepare your home for post-plastic surgery recovery that will leave you feeling stress-free and secure.