How To Get Rid Of Double Chin After Pregnancy.
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A double chin after pregnancy is common for most mothers and is a source of low self-esteem during the whole postnatal experience. This article will teach you how to get rid of a double chin after pregnancy.

One of the major causes of a double chin during pregnancy is weight gain. Retaining weight during and after pregnancy is standard for most women. Within six months of giving birth, a woman may retain roughly 11 pounds from their original weight.

Reducing a double chin from pregnancy naturally can be quite a struggle. Due to this, most women result from surgery for a perfect facelift. However, plenty of ways to lose fat from your chin are available.

Causes Of Facial Bloating

Before settling for options of losing excess fat from your face, you must understand some of the culprits available for your double chin. Some of these include

  • Obesity: Gaining excess weight may automatically result in layers of fat accumulation on your chin and cheeks.
  • Water Retention: Your face may be sweet due to the fluid retention from drinking less water.
  • Lack Of Sleep: Insomnia and stress may cause your skin to appear saggy and stretchy.
  • Side Effects of Medication: Steroids and medication such as Prednisone may cause face bloating.

How To Get Rid Of Baby Fat On Face

1. Check Your Diet

Sometimes a double chin after pregnancy is a result of a poor diet. Write down every food item you eat throughout the day, along with its calorie content. Unhealthy foods are easy to spot and stay away from. 

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Not having enough calories doesn’t need you to go without food. You can eat fruit or a salad as opposed to junk food. Limit your intake of sugar and salt.

  • Drink Lots Of Water:

Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to avoid your body retaining water which eventually causes chubby cheeks and puffy eyes.

  • Avoid Alcohol:

Alcohol causes dehydration which also encourages water retention.

  • Increase Your Calcium Intake:

Dairy products like yogurt and cheese help fight fat and reduce water retention. Consider adding low-fat dairy products to your diet to tone your face.

2. The Lip and Mouth Exercise

Close your lips and tilt your head back with a straight back. Close your lips, make the letter “O” with your mouth, and hold it there for 20 seconds. Next, let your mouth drop and bring your chin back to its original position. You should be able to feel your neck contracting on each side.

3. Blow Out Air

Put some air in your mouth. Move it to the cheek’s right side and then slowly back to the left. Then, blow it out of your lips after repeating it at least ten times. You can tone your plump cheeks by doing this workout thrice daily.

4. Reduce Body Weight 

A large body mass eventually leads to a double chin during pregnancy. The good news is that there are simple ways you can begin your first step to excess fat elimination. The first step of getting fit is through cardio workouts such as kickboxing, running, aerobics, and climbing the steps, among others. Lastly, exercising with weight does all the magic for a more toned-out skin and muscles on your face. 

5. Use The Right Treatment 

If you are under medication that affects you by causing face puffiness, you can consult your doctor to administer a different type of medication. You should also adopt getting adequate sleep for dealing with stress, checking for hormone imbalance, and boosting metabolism.

Lastly, you can use plenty of cosmetic procedures to get rid of a double chin after pregnancy, such as liposuction. This cosmetic procedure uses a device called a cannula to vacuum out excess fat in your chin. However, most specialists recommend that you wait at least four to five months after pregnancy before proceeding. The cost of liposuction in the UAE is roughly 2000 to 3000 AED, depending on your doctor’s fees and location.

6. Chin Up Facial Exercise

This facial exercise, one of the most popular for reducing double chins, requires you to elevate your chin and hold it there for a while. Your jaw muscles will tense and flex. Maintain a straight spine. Put lips together for a kiss and hold it for five counts while facing the ceiling.

7. Rotate Your Chin

The most crucial thing to remember when performing this exercise is that your spine must be perfectly straight. Gently turn your head full circle, starting at your shoulder, moving to your chest, and back at your other shoulder. Follow a semicircular motion in case your neck gets tight, and you can’t fully rotate your head. Repeat ten times on each side.

8. Exercise Your Jaw

Straighten your back, take a deep breath, and slowly let it out. Continue to move your jaw as though you are chewing. Keep your mouth open as you exhale so that an audible “ahh” may be heard clearly. The back of the lower teeth should touch the tip of the tongue. For proper jaw muscle toning, perform this exercise 5 times every day.

9. Tongue Pressing Activity

Tilt your head back as safely as possible so that your eyes are now focused on the ceiling. Maintain a straight back and a lowering shoulder position. After that, flatten your tongue against the roof of your mouth. To feel your chin and neck contract, simultaneously lower your chin as close to your chest as you can. Make sure your upper back doesn’t curve. Repeat for ten minutes at a time as you keep up with this double chin-reduction workout.

Facial Massages: Stimulating Blood Flow and Toning Muscles

Regular facial massages can stimulate blood flow, which in turn helps rejuvenate skin cells and tone facial muscles. Employing the proper massage techniques can enhance skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of a double chin. Using facial oils or serums during massages can also provide additional skincare benefits.

Technique Description Benefits
Upward Strokes Massaging with gentle upward strokes against gravity. Combats sagging and improves firmness.
Chin Lifts Gentle lifting motions are applied under the chin. It tones the jawline and reduces fat under the chin.
Essential Oils Using oils such as lavender or rosehip during massage. Nourishes the skin, providing essential nutrients.
Circular Motions Applying pressure in a circular movement. It enhances blood circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage.
Tapping Technique Tapping the face gently with fingertips. Stimulates blood flow and rejuvenates skin cells.
Finger Press Pressing key facial points with fingers. It helps contour the jawline and improves skin elasticity.

The table format highlights the core aspects of each facial massage technique, making the information accessible at a glance. The summary below the table consolidates the importance of these practices, enhancing the user’s understanding of the subject.


Baby fat may be caused by various factors, such as stress, obesity, adverse drug reactions, etc. Refraining from alcohol, doing facial exercises, eating a good, balanced diet, and engaging in physical activity may be helpful.

Understanding the idea of face harmony, Dr. Tarek Aesthetics provides his patients a refreshed, natural appearance following his procedures or after receiving injectables like liposuction and filler. Additionally, Dr. Tarek advises on facial LPG massage before receiving botox filler treatment, or three sessions one week prior to having face surgery with him. So book an appointment today.

See related:- Double Chin Removal: Your Guide to a Defined Jawline


How many treatment sessions do I require with liposuction?

You are recommended to do at least 2-3 sessions each week for three weeks to assist your body in reducing edema by promoting lymphatic drainage.

Can my lipo procedure get affected if I get Pregnant?

If you gain weight during pregnancy and lose the excess baby fat after giving birth, your original appearance after getting liposuction will not be affected.

Can I get liposuction while pregnant?

When a woman is pregnant, liposuction is not recommended. The surgery carries several dangers for both the mother and the fetus. Pregnancy-related liposuction can put the fetus at risk for infection, trigger allergic responses, and potentially result in birth abnormalities.

Can I do a facelift after pregnancy?

Most plastic surgeons concur that women should hold off on cosmetic surgery for at least six months after giving birth. After pregnancy, there is no waiting period necessary for non-invasive treatments like face fillers or Botox.

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