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One of the cosmetic techniques that continues to grow in use is the superficial liposuction procedure. While most liposuction procedures are aimed at removing stubborn pockets of fat, superficial liposuction takes a different direction and aims at tightening the skin where sagginess is experienced. 

Superficial liposuction is still possible, regardless of whether you have had liposuction surgery before. This article discusses how superficial liposuction is performed and its benefits on your body in the long run. Read on to learn more. 

How is Superficial Liposuction Performed According to Dr. Tarek Aesthetics?

Traditional liposuction surgery is meant to remove excess fatty tissues. However, superficial liposuction and tummy tuck serve almost the same purpose. They aim to tighten your body’s sagging skin once the excess fat is removed from the treatment areas. 

Your skin comprises multiple layers, including the superficial layer and the epidermis. The deeper layer beneath the skin is called the dermis. You will find many fat tissues underneath these layers formed with cables of collagen and retaining ligaments. 

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Liposuction in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Installment Plan Available

Traditional liposuction can only remove the fat underneath the deepest layer. On the other hand, superficial liposuction removes the fat in the deepest layer and makes its way to the superficial fat layers. 

How does Tarek Aesthetics Help with Skin Tightening using Superficial Liposuction?

Superficial liposuction uses ultrasound-assisted liposuction to make your skin look and feel tighter. The essence of ultrasound liposuction is to help reach the superficial skin layer and remove all the fat. Removal of these fat pockets tightens the sagging skin, retracting it to your body muscles. 

Secondly, your cosmetic surgeon will perform skin redraping with the help of the 360 liposuction procedure to allow your skin to join with your body muscles and stop acting and looking saggy. This is most effective if you have more skin redundancy. 

The third step is to tighten your fibro septal network. When your cosmetic surgeon does this during plastic surgery, you can rest assured that no incisions will be formed on your skin. The technique helps to offer optimal skin tightening, especially if you have moderate skin redundancy. 

The final way to see the skin tightening result is by using strategic skin excision. In this case, your cosmetic surgeon will cut out the sagging or loose skin on the treatment area while placing the excision in unnoticeable locations. 

What are the Benefits of Superficial Liposuction?

The main target of superficial liposuction is the loose skin on the treatment area and the muscles. After fat removal, your skin is also tightened to help offer better results, a quick recovery period, and a body with a better shape. Below are a few benefits of superficial liposuction. 

  • The procedure is minimally invasive and offers the best results

Superficial liposuction aims to remove isolated deposits of fat which most invasive techniques do not do. Your surgeon will only need to form small incisions, extract the fat, and seal the incisions. The recovery time is short as no adverse effects are seen or felt on the tissue, nerves, or blood supply. 

  • Superficial lipo is ideal for both men and women

The pain, bruising, and bleeding after your superficial liposuction appointment are minimal. Both men and women have set goals of achieving ideal body shapes, making this procedure ideal for both genders. Dr Tarek Bayazid targets specific areas in the body to help both men and women achieve their body goals. 

  • Superficial liposuction delivers tighter skin

Saggy skin can result from so many factors. Some are health-related issues such as obesity, and chronic illnesses, while some result from poor decisions like poor eating habits and lack of regular exercise. Superficial liposuction makes your skin tighter, offering natural results that enhance your appearance. 

  • Superficial liposuction has a minimal recovery period

You will experience minimal pain, bruising, and slight bleeding during recovery. However, these will only last a short while. Although your plastic surgeon from the Dubai Health Authority will extract fat from deep skin layers, you can expect to resume normalcy within ten days and see a possible outcome. 

What is the Cost of Superficial Liposuction in Dubai?

The cost of superficial liposuction ranges between 10,000 AED to 60,000 AED. The cost will, however, vary from patient to patient and will depend on a few other factors, including;

Clinic location

You can expect to pay a slightly higher price in a medical center in an urban area than in a rural area. In most cases, clinics in urban areas have more patients and equipment for critical procedures, which warrants higher costs. 

Plastic surgeon expertise

The longer your plastic surgeon has been in cosmetic surgical procedures, the more you can expect to pay. Working more means greater experience and the best superficial liposuction results. 


Removing excess fat is not an assurance that the fat will not return. However, with superficial liposuction, the combination of fat removal and skin tightening gives the fat pockets a slim chance of growing back. Dr. Tarek Aesthetics advises on proper recovery tips to keep the results intact. where Dr. Tarek Bayazid employs state-of-the-art techniques to sculpt and redefine your facial contours with precision and expertise

At Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, you will get a bundle of free LPG and endermologie massage before your surgery to prepare the tissue for a better outcome and reduce potential complications. And a bundle after to make recovery faster and to ensure better results by draining all the swelling and bruising that normally occur after every surgery. Schedule a consultation and get a superficial liposuction quote. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The results depend on how strictly you adhere to your plastic surgeon’s guidelines after the procedure. You are likely to have the results with you for many years.

The saggy skin is not likely to grow back again as the fat is removed permanently. Superficial liposuction involves removing excess fat and tightening the skin

Visit the hospital and consult your cosmetic surgeon. Most reviews are done after six months. Exceptions happen only when unexpected complications alter the natural results.

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