How Gynecomastia Happens
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Do you want to know how gynecomastia develops? Our physical appearance, notably the size of our chest, might impact our self-esteem. Read out how this works.

Gynecomastia is caused by a reduction in the amount of testosterone hormone in comparison to estrogen hormone. The imbalance of the two hormones affects your breast tissue. More estrogen hormones induce breast tissue to develop, but more testosterone hormones prevent estrogen from causing breast tissue to grow.

Gynecomastia is the abnormal development of one or both breasts in a man or boy. The extra breast tissue adds to the weight of your breasts, causing them to sag and expand the dark region around your nipple, known as the areola.

Your confidence suffers from the condition, and you feel embarrassed. You may occasionally feel pain in your breasts. But how does gynecomastia happens? Keep it rolling to find out.

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What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a disorder characterized by abnormal breast growth in men or boys. The problem is caused by hormonal imbalance, which occurs when estrogen levels surpass testosterone levels.

High estrogen, often known as a female hormone, aids in developing women’s reproductive systems. As a result, when a male has an excess of hormones, the growth tissues of the breast grow larger.

What Causes Gynecomastia to Grow?

Several factors contribute to the enlargement of male breasts. Some are naturally caused when some are from food consumed. Such causes include;

  • Unhealthy lifestyle choices.
  • Drug addiction. These include alcohol, Marijuana, heroin, and methamphetamine.
  • Underlying diseases such as cancer of the lung, kidney, liver, thyroid, adrenal, testicles, pituitary gland, or adrenal glands.
  • Foods include dairy, soy, canned, beer, frozen meat, deep-fried food, shrimp, and strawberries.
  • Underlying medications.

Have you ever wondered What Is Causing Your Man chest? The above causes reduce testosterone levels while raising estrogen levels, which drive breast tissue growth. The factors cause an increase in the concentration of the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for converting testosterone hormone to estrogen, lowering testosterone levels while boosting estradiol levels.

When this occurs, a man may develop gynecomastia, a disorder that results in more noticeable breasts.

Here are some other Common Causes of Gynecomastia to Watch Out For.

How Quickly Does Gynecomastia Develop?

Gynecomastia develops during adolescence. It might take anywhere from six months to two years to grow if left untreated.

Most boys between the ages of 12 and 17 endure hormonal changes, which increases their chances of developing gynecomastia by 70%, as studies show. It also happens in middle-aged or older men, with a 65% possibility between 60 years and above.

What are Some of The Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia can naturally fade away as quickly as it appears. In difficult situations, you may need medication, and surgery is advised if it goes past puberty. Some of the gynecomastia treatments include;

How Can You Avoid Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is unavoidable since it might arise unexpectedly from a natural cause. When it comes to food consumption, this is not the case. You should avoid the abovementioned meals and alcohol and drugs, including marijuana, heroin, and methamphetamine.

In terms of underlying drugs, your doctor should prescribe testosterone therapy. Off-label therapies for gynecomastia include the breast cancer medications raloxifene and tamoxifen. They can also change your meds.

If they feel that a medication you’re taking is causing your gynecomastia, they may change your medication or reduce your dose.

How Does the Gynecomastia Surgery Happen?

For a gynecomastia procedure to take place, minor incisions have to be

Before the Procedure

Before the gynecomastia surgery, your surgeon will review the entire procedure’s pros and drawbacks with you. He may also check your medical history and perform lab testing to ensure you are a candidate for gynecomastia surgery.

He later talks about the entire process, expectations, and life after.

During the Procedure

During the procedure, your surgeon will use a local anesthetic to numb the area of your breast where the incision will be made before inserting a surgical needle. The needle will aid in the removal of extra fat and breast tissue.

The whole fat or tissue removal will take around one hour or two hours, depending on the amount of excess fats and tissues to be removed.

After the Procedure

Your wound is wrapped with an elastic bandage and provided with instructions on cleaning and washing it to prevent infection. The incision marks are permanent but can be altered by your breast or chest contour.

Learn more about the Gynecomastia Post-Surgery Swelling.

How does a patient recover after Gynecomastia?

After the treatment, you will feel weariness, pain, and discomfort from the incision and extra fats removed. Your surgeon will give you medication to help with the pain. Your recovery time will be between four and six weeks following surgery.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercising to prevent weight gain are recommended for improved long-term benefits. Finally, keep your doctor’s appointments and acquire instructions on how to bathe and dress your wound.

Read the full article on gynecomastia recovery.

Am I a Gynecomastia candidate in Dubai?

You are a gynecomastia candidate in Dubai if you meet these qualifications;

  • No prior medical conditions may prevent you from having and healing from the procedure.
  • Your gynecomastia can’t disappear naturally or be treated by medications.
  • You aren’t a recent drug addict or alcoholic.
  • You do have excess tissues and fats in your breasts.

Gynecomastia Treatment in Dubai

Still reading this and thinking you might be a candidate for gynecomastia therapy but don’t have a surgeon you can trust? Relax because we at Dr Tarek Bayazid are the solution. Our plastic surgeon, Dr Tarek, is known for his facial rejuvenation and body contouring magics.

He will perform the same for you, giving you a flattened chest and restoring your male chest appearance.


When estrogen levels rise higher than testosterone levels in men, it impacts the formation of breast tissue, causing the breasts to enlarge. Gynecomastia condition can be treated, but only by surgeons who are experts in their field.

Are you looking for such expertise to achieve the best body contouring results? Call or visit Dr Tarek Bayazid today to begin your journey toward a healthier lifestyle you will never regret.

Read this article to find out aboutHow to Hide Gynecomastia

Frequently Asked Questions

Gynecomastia can happen when you excessively consume some foods, such as beer, dairy products, and soy products.

Low testosterone levels cause gynecomastia. Testosterone prevents estrogen from driving the growth of breast tissues.

Excess breast fats contribute to how gynecomastia happens. The fats can affect the maturation of gynecomastia. Fats are one of the causes of gynecomastia.

Some gynecomastia pills or medications that can stop gynecomastia from happening are tamoxifen and raloxifene.

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