Gynecomastia Surgery In Dubai
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The recuperation process after gynecomastia surgery in Dubai is easier than you might expect. However, it is essential to note it begins even before the surgery.

If you are worried about what to expect, the process begins with understanding what causes gynecomastia. Further, you need to understand the consultation, surgery, and recovery processes.

This article takes you through the entire surgery journey. It aims to enlighten you about what to expect and answer all the common questions about gynecomastia and surgery.

Before Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is a male chest fat reduction surgery. It is carried out by qualified plastic surgeons in Dubai like Dr. Tarek to help males who exhibit gynecomastia signs such as enlarged chests.

The services are open to males; however, the following are the main groups that may seek gynecomastia surgery in Dubai.

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  • If there is no other alternative medical treatment method for your condition

  • If you have fully developed breasts

  • You do not smoke, take recreational drugs, or drink alcohol. You should also be willing to quit the two before and after the surgery.

  • If hormonal issues are not attributed to your condition.

Your doctor will also sit down with you and explain all that is required. The doctor will also seek to know more about you, such as your medical history and goals.

The Surgery and What to Expect

Probably you may be wondering, is gynecomastia surgery outpatient? Or even what to expect.

Generally, the procedure is grouped among outpatient services because it takes a few hours and is primarily non-invasive.

What to Expect After Gynecomastia Surgery

You may experience some pain after the surgery, but painkillers will help in pain management.

Your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing may also be monitored depending on your medical history.

Final Results and Tips for Smooth Recovery

The final results of gynecomastia are visible immediately but may vary from patient to patient.

However, the following are key factors to keep in mind:

  • The final results of gynecomastia surgery are visible within four weeks if you follow your doctor’s guidelines.

  • Eat healthily and always stay hydrated.

  • The final results are permanent, but you should know that there’s still a possibility of recurrence, especially if you gain weight or start taking certain medications like anabolic steroids.

  • The final results are better when the patient follows their doctor’s post-op instructions and avoids smoking and drinking while they recover.

  • Wear a compression garment

  • Keep wounds clean: Keeping the wound site clean is vital to prevent infection or other complications.

  • Avoid lifting heavy objects and strenuous activities.

Despite these, the first step toward a smooth recovery process depends on the plastic surgeon you choose. It is crucial to choose among the best, such as Dr. Tarek Bayazid, of Dr. Tarek Aesthetics. He has been offering gynecomastia services for years and will help you achieve your body shape desires easily and well-coordinated.

Book an appointment with Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, one of the experienced plastic clinics in Dubai, and receive satisfying male chest fat removal surgery services. Read this article to find out about the price of Gynecomastia in Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions

Gynecomastia surgery is performed to remove excess fat and glandular tissue on the chest, creating a flatter, firmer appearance.

The surgeon makes incisions around the areola and breast tissue, which can be hidden underneath the shirt.

As it is an outpatient procedure, you will be able to go back home on the same day of your surgery.

The recovery period after gynecomastia surgery can involve swelling, bruising, and soreness for up to two weeks.

You may experience numbness in your nipples that could last for months or longer. However, your doctor will give you instructions about taking care of yourself, such as medications and what exercises you should do.

Male chest fat removal surgery in Dubai typically takes two hours. This means you have to plan for more than the two hours factoring preparation period.

You should also have a friend or relative to help you return home after the surgery.

Gynecomastia can come back if you gain weight or use some drugs. However, in most cases, gynecomastia surgery yields life-long results.

It is recommended to visit some of the best plastic surgeons who will advise you on your lifestyle post the surgery process.

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