Extended Tummy Tuck
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To obtain the best Extended Tummy Tuck results, you will need to make a few lifestyle changes. Besides cutting out sugar and processed foods, you should also start exercising. If you’re considering this procedure, you should know that the results last for life.

In addition, it is important to keep the new shape and figure by adhering to a healthy diet and lifestyle. For the best results, you should consult a plastic surgeon who is experienced in this procedure.

What is the difference between traditional and extended tummy tuck?

While traditional tummy tuck surgeries typically involve an incision in the bikini line from hip to hip, an extended tummy tuck will extend around the body from the hip to the back. The surgeon will tighten the muscles in the abdominal area and stretch the remaining skin to reveal a flatter and firmer contour.

The procedure is commonly performed on patients with significant fat deposits or love handles. However, there are some specific factors that make the procedure more successful for some patients.

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Who is the best candidate for Extended Tummy Tuck?

The Extended Tummy Tuck is an excellent option for patients who have lost significant amounts of weight and would like to refine their figure. The procedure restores muscle tone in the abdominal, hip, flank, and back areas, while eliminating excessive fat and skin.

The extended Tummy Tuck procedure also addresses excess skin, making it a good option for patients who have significant excess skin and fat.

How is Extended Tummy Tuck Procedure performed?

The Extended Tummy Tuck procedure involves the removal of excess skin and underlying abdominal structures, improving overall body contour and minimizing the appearance of scar tissue. It is usually performed under general anesthesia.

Drainage tubes are usually placed under the skin, preventing accumulation of fluid and promoting proper healing. Following the surgery, the patient will need to use pain medication to ease any discomfort and gradually resume normal activities.

A standard extended tummy tuck involves removing excess skin from the abdomen, tightening the rectis abdominis muscle, and repositioning the navel. Excess skin is removed from the back, sides, and back, and the abdominal muscles are tightened with internal sutures. The remaining skin is pulled over the newly tightened abdominal muscles.

Then, the incision is closed. The lower incision may extend to the flanks or side of the hips.

A new hole is made in the skin to recreate the navel.

Incision Locations For Extended Tummy Tuck

The most common incision for an extended tummy tuck is a round incision that frees up the navel and repositions it higher. Because of this, the scar is usually vertical, and may be difficult to hide. For this reason, this procedure is reserved for patients who want the most correction possible.

Patients with long torsos may opt for a shorter incision. A compression garment may be used for the first couple of weeks after the surgery to reduce the amount of post-surgical swelling.

An extended tummy tuck is one of several body contouring procedures offered at Dr Tarek Bayazid, Dubai. Dr. Tarek Bayazid will determine whether you are a good candidate for extended tummy tuck based on:

  • your medical history,
  • your lifestyle, and
  • a physical exam of your abdomen.

He will then create a personalized surgical plan tailored to your needs, as well as a custom price quote.

How to prepare for Extended Tummy Tuck Recovery?

Before your surgery, you should avoid using tobacco or alcohol. Smoking will also decrease the blood flow to the skin, and slow the recovery process. Anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin may increase bleeding, so you should avoid consuming these medications.

See related: Impact of smoking on tummy tuck

Recovery after extended tummy tuck

Patients will feel no pain during the procedure, but they should expect some discomfort during the recovery process. The recovery time for an Extended Tummy Tuck is generally between 2 and 6 weeks.

After the surgery, patients can return to their normal activities. Postoperative pain and swelling are normal following a body contouring surgery. Most patients return to light activities within 2 to 4 weeks.

While an extended tummy tuck is considered a relatively simple plastic surgery, recovery after the procedure is more complex than a traditional tummy tuck. The recovery process requires a thorough planning process to ensure optimal results.

See related: Do you need a second tummy tuck

Postoperative care after extended Tummy Tuck

After an Extended Tummy Tuck, patients may experience some swelling and bruising. Patients may also experience spitting sutures, and their skin may stretch a bit.

You should also plan to follow your doctor’s postoperative instructions carefully, as some medications can cause some discomfort and delay bowel movements. Postoperative care includes:

  • Wearing a compression garment for 8 weeks following the surgery to prevent any hematoma from forming on the abdomen.
  • sleeping on the back, not on their side
  • taking a sponge bath to alleviate pain.
  • Taking rest, the first week after extended tummy tuck surgery should be spent resting.
  • Gently flexing the waist for about five to ten days.
  • Walking gently
  • Eating healthy, It’s important to eat nutritiously
  • Drinking plenty of fluids, It’s also a good idea to plan ahead for meals, as you’ll need a little extra assistance around the house.
  • Less lifting and bending, You’ll have limited mobility, and may have difficulty lifting and bending.
  • Taking pain killers to reduce the swelling and bruising for 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Avoiding direct sunlight and topical skin care for 3 to 6 weeks.
  • Taking at least one week off of work
  • Avoiding strenuous physical activities for a few weeks.
  • keeping ice packs and cold compresses on the affected areas during the first week after the surgery
  • Book a follow-up appointments to check the healing process and to make necessary adjustments.

Benefits of Extended Tummy Tuck

Typically, extended tummy tucks are best for patients who have lost significant amounts of weight or have a high BMI.

This surgery also corrects drooping skin. The surgery can address the problem of loose skin,

In addition to improving the abdominal circumference, patients can expect to see improved skin tone, as well as a smoother and firmer abdominal contour.

Patients can also undergo a super Extended Tummy Tuck to treat the splitting abdominal muscles.


The full results of the procedure should last for years. To keep the results, patients must remain healthy and maintain the proper weight. The procedure is not recommended for pregnant women who are obese.

During the recovery period, patients are able to return to work and light physical activity. After the procedure, the patient is usually required to take several days off from work and other strenuous physical activities. Patients should consult with their surgeon before undergoing vigorous exercise.

This surgery is generally performed under general anesthesia, so you’ll be unconscious during the procedure.

If you have been hospitalised for extended tummy tuck then you can expect to be in the hospital for between 3-6 days.

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