Those who have always wanted cute dimples on their cheeks while smiling can get them thanks to dimpleplasty. If you are one of them, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive guide will help you learn everything you need to know about dimpleplasty.
What is dimpleplasty?
You’ve probably heard about rhinoplasty or botox procedure, and now you must wonder, “What’s dimpleplasty anyway?” The answer is simple – it’s one of the least invasive surgeries that leave you with distinctive dimples on your face. Dimples are considered youthful, and it’s not surprising why it’s currently one of the most sought-after procedures. The widespread popularity of dimpleplasty keeps some of the best surgeons in the world occupied.
Dimpleplasty will cost you from $1500 to $2500, which isn’t as expensive as more demanding facial procedures. Still, it’s a cost that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

When going under the knife, be responsible about it. Remember that your health comes above all. That’s why it’s in your best interest to learn everything you need to know about dimpleplasty and decide if it’s really for you. If the answer remains positive, your next task will be to find a surgeon with experience.
How is dimpleplasty done?
Your chosen surgeon will examine your face first. The goal is to incorporate dimples so they look like you were born with them. The size of dimples will depend on your facial features and bone structure.
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A surgeon will mark the areas for future dimples and apply an anesthetic. After it begins to take effect, the surgeon will use a special instrument to make holes on your cheeks (no more than 3mm in length). After that, they will remove a tiny amount of fat and muscles. That’s how you’ll have visible dimples. The final step to make dimples permanent is by using a sling.
Recovery process
It takes 4 to 5 weeks to recover from the surgery fully. It doesn’t require you to stay in the hospital or your home. Depending on how you feel, you can return to your daily duties after only three days.

To have a smooth recovery process, you must remember to treat your new dimples with care:
Possible risks of dimpleplasty to keep in mind
Complications with any surgical procedure are possible, but not mandatory. It all depends on the work your chosen surgeon does. Although seemingly simple, dimpleplasty is still invasive, albeit far less than other surgical procedures. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to whom you are entrusting your face.
Here’s what could go wrong if dimpleplasty is done wrong:
The list of complications isn’t there to scare you off your idea to go under the knife and get the dimples you’ve always wanted. It just serves as a reminder to have a professional create them for you. Also, if you notice any of the symptoms, go to your doctor immediately. When treated on time, unwanted consequences can be prevented.
Make sure to find a professional and trustworthy surgeon
The market is full of self-proclaimed plastic surgeons that promise miraculous results. However, only a handful of them knows what they’re doing. A good plastic surgeon is someone who:
What you also have to consider is the fact that not all surgeons are licensed equally. Therefore, focus only on board-certified professionals while looking for the best surgeon for yourself. If you know someone who had a successful surgery and satisfactory results, feel free to ask for recommendations. Make a few phone calls and book consultations. That way, you’ll get to know the surgeons better and hear what they have to say. Take time to think before you choose the surgeon who will perform the procedure.

Set your appointment a few months before or after you relocate
About a month (and more) is necessary to recover fully after dimpleplasty. That’s why having boxes, dust, and dirt scattered around while recovering won’t do you any good. Relocation specialists at agree that moving right after having surgery is risky. Moving, in general, is a very messy endeavor, and might take you longer than anticipated. During that period, you’ll be exposed to germs and irritants that can cause an infection. Therefore, book your surgery appointment before or after your move. You’ll need enough time to recover and to pack all the goods afterward.
The results of dimpleplasty are permanent
Don’t let anyone other than your surgeon tell you what your dimples should look like. Every face is unique, and so is yours. Some might look great with wider dimples, while for others it’s enough to have smaller ones. This is something you should discuss only with a trustworthy surgeon who cares about your well-being.
Remember that once you get your dimples, there’s no going back. It’s better to take more time to think it through than to rush into the first clinic you come across. This is why it’s essential to learn everything you need to know about dimpleplasty and thus make an informed decision. Professional surgeons will always be willing to help you achieve the desired appearance. However, ensure it’s something you want and not something you think should be done because it’s all the rage. Trends will continuously cycle and make a particular surgical procedure more popular than the other. What matters is that you get satisfactory results and be happy with them.