Tummy Tuck In Dubai
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While under the knife going through that C-Section, you may want to have a tummy tuck to flatten it all out at once. Is this a good idea? Read more to know. 

So much talk is going around on the possibility of having a tummy tuck and c-section simultaneously. At the same time, there is only one operating room, one dose of putting you to sleep, and definitely, one recovery process.

Every woman wants to go back to their usual beautiful body, and enjoying a flatter stomach is one of these desires. But, how good an idea is having these two surgical procedures simultaneously?

What is a C-tuck?

The process of having two surgeries within the same timeframe, a c-section, and a tummy tuck, is what we would call a c-tuck. Ideally, the baby will come through the tummy, where doctors cut you to help pull the baby out.

Once the doctor whisks out your baby during the c-section, a qualified plastic surgeon will bring the necessary equipment to remove the excess abdominal fat while incorporating liposuction.

The tummy tuck procedure will take approximately 45 minutes to two and a half hours for successful completion. While coming out of the surgery table after delivery and with a flatter tummy feels like an excellent idea, you should not consider it.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Tummy Tuck in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Installment Plan Available

It isn’t easy to get the results you are looking for

After the nine months of carrying out a pregnancy, your muscles and skin go through significant stretching. Such results make it a considerable challenge for a plastic surgeon to assess how much tightening you require. The period after pregnancy allows the recovery from swelling while your body fully recovers from the pregnancy.

You can rest assured that this recovery will come with a bit of excess skin. You can only get a successful abdominoplasty with proper preparation and the procedure happening at the right time and under the right circumstances.

Complications are highly likely to happen.

You are not a good candidate for a tummy tuck after a c-section. You are still carrying a swollen uterus with many hormonal changes in your body. A few complications you could experience by having a c-tuck include blood clots, infections, and other issues which may be a little complicated for your plastic surgeon.

Scheduling a different appointment for the abdominoplasty gives your body time to recover, allowing the plastic surgeon to perform the surgery under the best possible conditions, minimizing risks.

You will go through a rough recovery process.

Recovering from a c-section is a painful process. Topping the pain with an intense body contouring procedure takes you through excruciating pain. It becomes very hectic when you add a newborn baby into this painful process. It is an excellent idea to let your body recover from the c-section. If you still need to remove excess fat from your abdomen afterward, you will have greater strength that allows an easy recovery process after the tummy tuck.

What is the ideal time for a tummy tuck after a c-section?

A tummy tuck can be done after a c-section and produce tremendous results. However, the important thing is to allow the surgical process to occur at the right time and under ideal circumstances. Plastic surgeons recommend that you wait until your weight has stabilized. Preparing for a tummy tuck requires that you do a few things such as;

  • Avoiding the intake of inflammatory drugs
  • Bringing the use of any herbal medication to a stop
  • Quitting smoking as more smoking prolongs the healing of open wounds
  • Quit alcohol which thins your blood bringing causing a longer healing time

Body contouring is a personal decision but ensure that your family agrees with it, so you also have full support during the procedure and afterward as you go through recovery. 


Having a tummy tuck is not out of the question. It is an excellent idea if you have gone through the process of carrying a child and successfully delivered it. It helps you get back to shape because you can eliminate the excess skin that comes with the childbearing process with the help of a good plastic surgeon. Depending on your body behavior after a c-section, you can decide the type of tummy tuck you want to go through.

However, top surgeons will never recommend getting a tummy tuck immediately after a c-section. You’ll need time to heal.

Thereafter, depending on your body behavior after a c-section, you can decide the type of tummy tuck you want to go through.

Dr. Tarek Bayazid is a renowned plastic surgeon in Dubai. His extensive knowledge in body contouring, including the tummy tuck, makes him sought after. He will help you answer any question that pertains to this procedure, including how fit you are for it, what to expect after the process and how best to prepare.

If you believe that the time is right to have an abdominoplasty after your c-section, if you feel completely healed from the pain and complications that come with a c-section, reach out to Dr. Tarek Aesthetics for a transformative body contouring procedure you will love. Read this article to find out about the price of tummy tuck in Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions

Can excess skin be removed during a c-section?

Removing excess skin during a c-section is possible but certainly not recommended. Plastic surgeons recommend that you remove the excess skin after you have healed from the effects of the c-section procedure.

How soon can you get a tummy tuck after a c-section?

An abdominoplasty and c-section are confirmed to be safe procedures. However, it would be best if you waited a bit before going through anybody’s contouring, tummy tuck included, after going through a c-section.

The little time allows for proper healing and preparation as your body gets ready to take on another surgical procedure. The recommended waiting time is six months to one year after the c-section process.

Is a C-section the same as a tummy tuck?

There is a difference between these two surgical procedures. Two main differences are that a c-section is a surgical procedure that allows for the birth of a baby. At the same time, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that allows the removal of excess abdominal skin. 

Secondly, a tummy tuck procedure involves a deeper dissection when compared to a c-section.

Can you ask for a tummy tuck during a c-section?

Most plastic surgeons advise against it. The main concern is the hazardous risks that accompany any surgical procedure that you may not be able to contain. The most noted dangers of having these two surgeries together include excess bleeding, infection, and a slow healing process.

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