Did you know that you can breastfeed with implants? Here’s all you need to know regarding breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery.
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that increases the size or accentuates a woman’s breasts. Having grown in popularity over the last couple of years, more and more women are coming out to get the surgery, thanks to the various advancements in the field that have made it safer and easily available.
Although there are various options on where to get breast augmentation in Dubai, it is always advisable to ensure that you get it only from the best. Look for a plastic surgeon with years of experience and proper accreditations.
But why is that important?
It is crucial to get a doctor that knows what they are doing, as human mammary glands are quite sensitive. If you plan on getting a baby any time in the future, it would be crucial to ensure that your breast implants do not tamper with your baby’s upbringing.
But to address the elephant in the room: Can you breastfeed with implants? Read on to find out more.
Can you breastfeed with implants?
Breastfeeding after getting implants is possible. The good news is that thanks to modern medicine, breast augmentation surgery does not involve the ducts or the areas where your breast is involved in milk production.
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Furthermore, the silicone or saline in breast implants is unlikely to leach into the milk.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that breastfeeding after breast augmentation is possible depending on the type of surgery and how the breasts were before the procedure.
Effects of Implants on Breastfeeding
When getting breast augmentation surgery in Dubai, your plastic surgeon places the implants behind the milk glands, usually under the chest muscles. This ensures that the procedure does not, in any way, affect milk supply.
It would be prudent to note that the location and depth of your incisions play a significant role in determining your breastfeeding abilities. If your surgery keeps the areola (the dark part around your nipple) intact, you’re less likely to experience problems.
There’s also the issue of sensitivity. The nerves around your nipples play an essential role in breastfeeding. The sensation of a baby suckling on your breasts increases the levels of hormones that trigger the production of more breast milk. If these nerves get damaged, the sensation is reduced.
Experienced plastic surgeons tend to make incisions under the breast or through the armpit to ensure there’s no likelihood of interfering with breastfeeding.
Determining the How and Why of Breast Augmentation
Breast implants can have the potential to interfere with breastfeeding. The most important consideration to make when trying to decipher the success of breastfeeding after implants is to understand the how and why of the surgery.
Some of the things to consider are:
Unless under special circumstances, experienced plastic surgeons in Dubai will make the incisions underneath your breasts or near the armpits. This is because if the incisions run across the areola or nipples, there’s a high likelihood that some of the milk ducts and nerves have been cut. In that case, breastfeeding may be impossible or difficult.
If you have nipple sensitivity (not too much, not too low), it is a good sign that indicates your nerves are working fine. This eventually means that your hormones can easily trigger the manufacture and let down of milk through the milk ducts.
However, it would be prudent to note that it may take a while to regain your optimal nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation surgery. This means that should you get a baby within a year or two after getting breast implants, you shouldn’t worry about the sensitivity as long as you’re producing milk.
Most breast implants are located under the chest muscles, which is better for breastfeeding. However, it might be difficult to produce milk if your implants are located just below the glandular tissues or at the top of the chest muscles. Ensure to discuss with your doctor the positioning of the implants before the procedure itself.
The motivation behind you getting breast augmentation is also another consideration to make if wondering if you can breastfeed after getting implants. One of the main reasons women get implants is because they have small breasts and simply want implants for cosmetic reasons.
However, some other women get implants because their breast tissues never fully developed, are asymmetrical, tuberous, or their breasts are spaced far apart.
If you get breast implants because of any of these reasons, it is possible that you may not have enough glandular tissue that will assist in milk production. Your plastic surgeon will first assess if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation, so you shouldn’t worry about any adverse effects.
But this shouldn’t make you give up yet!
You may lose optimal nipple sensations for a year or two after your breast augmentation surgery. You should not fret should you notice that you do not have a sensitivity or you have too much sensitivity on your nipples post-surgery as it will all come back to normal after a while.
Moreover, it is sometimes possible to incur some damage to the nerves or breast tissues when you get implant replacement. This may increase your challenges with milk production. It would be prudent to discuss this with your surgeon if you intend on getting pregnant soon after your implant replacement.
Possible Risks with Breastfeeding After Breast Augmentation
Breastfeeding should generally be okay after breast augmentation, as long as you get the procedure done by a professional. However, there are a few risks and challenges associated with breastfeeding after getting implants. Some of them include:
Breastfeeding is possible after getting implants. It is a process that also won’t affect the appearance of your augmented breasts. However, many factors come into play that you should be well aware of before getting your implants.
It would be prudent to discuss your plans to get pregnant in the future with your plastic surgeon so that they can better advise you on the best way forward. Nevertheless, when planning on getting breast augmentation in Dubai, look for nothing short of the best providers.
Reach out to Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, one of the leading breast augmentation clinics in Dubai, to boost your appearance while not sacrificing your ability to breastfeed.