Breast Lift And Implant Recovery
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What are some of the recovery tips for breast lift and implant surgery in Dubai? Read on and find out how you can retain the enhanced look on your breasts. 

Breast lift with implants is the process of lifting and rounding and enlarging breasts. The surgery is ideal for patients struggling with saggy breasts and looking for a higher, rounder, and firmer breasts.

While the procedure is generally considered safe to undergo, it does carry a few risks like any other surgery. One common risk is rapturing of implants that cause prolonged health issues over time. Read on further to learn more about how to care for your breasts after a breast lift, and the recovery process.

How long will breast lift and implant recovery take?

A breast lift surgery is conducted under general anesthesia and takes at least one to three hours to complete. Your cosmetic surgeon can release you to go home one hour after the procedure.

While resting a bit after the mastopexy is okay, bed rest is unnecessary. Your doctor may recommend some movement that aids in the recovery process. There won’t be a need to have drains on after the surgery, but you are to have your surgical bra every day for four weeks. 

Your cosmetic surgeon also recommends staying off work for three to seven days. Restrictions, however, can be lifted after three weeks. Your breasts will achieve their final shape within 6 to 12 weeks after the breast reduction surgery

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Postoperative recovery stages

Post-operation – the day of your surgery and the few days after you go home

You will feel some soreness on your breasts after waking up from anesthesia. It feels like a hangover but goes away after a few hours. Having someone drive you home from the clinic and stay with you through the night is essential. 

Stage 2 – the days immediately after leaving the hospital

The first few days after leaving the clinic after your surgery are the most uncomfortable. Your cosmetic surgeon recommends pain relieving medication or an injection to ease the pain and discomfort within the first 72 hours after leaving the clinic.

The first few days after procedures like breast augmentation can be managed using pain relieving medicine. You can also return to your office job at least one week after the breast lift and implant surgery.

Stage 3 – typically weeks two – six

After the first weeks, cosmetic surgeons recommend indulging in light exercises and your usual daily routine. At this point, the discomfort has already gone down by a margin. Your doctor will recommend that you avoid activities that are too strenuous and vigorous while working out.

If your job is labor-intensive, you must stay away from work for at least three weeks.

Stage 4– for most patients, six weeks to six months

At this point, your doctor can advise how much your healing has progressed during your follow-up appointment. In the second month of the healing progress, most patients are and feel fully recovered to resume their regular duties.

Ensure that you follow your doctor’s instructions through every stage of recovery to ensure that your implants heal properly and thoroughly.

Tips for a smooth breast lift and implant recovery

A successful breast lift and implant surgery depend on how well you heal. To enhance the recovery process, you can use the below tips.

1. Wear recovery bras

Adhere to your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions on how and when to wear your recovery bra. Recovery bras help to offer the most significant support to your breasts and manage pain and swelling.

2. Take care of your incisions.

Your cosmetic surgeon may recommend wearing a bandage over your incisions or applying an ointment. If the surgeon does not mention it, ensure to consult before leaving the clinic.

3. Take your medication

The first few weeks after the breast lift and implant surgery are uncomfortable and painful. Recommended pain relieving medicine from your cosmetic surgeon helps ease the pain and discomfort.

4. Prepare your home before surgery.

Before undergoing the breast lift and implant surgery, ensure to finish every meal prep and housework you need to do. You need to rest as much as possible after the procedure to enhance a speedy recovery.

5. Wear loose clothes

Wearing loose clothing ensures you feel comfortable.

6. Avoid intense activity

Indulging in activities involving so much strain can delay the healing process.

7. Eat nutritious foods

Find out the right foods from your cosmetic surgeon. Eating a healthy diet helps to enhance the recovery process. Eat foods having proteins, fruits, and vegetables.

8. Walk for circulation but avoid upper body movement.

Walk after surgery as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. Such activities, as long as they are not strenuous, help to enhance the process of recovery.

9. Communicate with your surgeon

If you feel something concerns you after the surgery, you must consult with your surgeon. Ask your surgeon if you’re unsure if you have issues such as infection or hematoma.


Every woman desires to have an ideal shape after a cosmetic surgery procedure. Going through a breast lift with an implant is great for anyone looking for enlarged, lifted, and round breasts.

When looking for an exceptional breast lift and implant surgeon in Dubai, you can rest assured that the services of Dr. Tarek will give you the results you are looking to get. Reach out to Dr. Tarek Aesthetics to book a consultation and have all your questions regarding the healing process answered. Explore transformative beauty solutions with the expertise of our skilled plastic surgeon in.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to heal from breast lift with implants?

Most cosmetic surgeons agree that full recovery after a breast lift and implant surgery can take about six weeks. Women can, however, begin to feel okay after the first-week post-surgery.

How long does the pain last after breast lift and implants?

You will experience soreness and discomfort from the breast lift and implant surgery for the first two to three weeks. You may also experience some pulling and stretching around the breast area. You can get recommended medication from your cosmetic surgeon to help relieve the pain.

When does tightness go away after breast augmentation?

The first two to three weeks post-surgery come with swelling and pain. This same period has a bit of tightness in your breast area that gets better daily.

How long does swelling last after breast augmentation surgery?

Most patients experience reduced swelling from breast augmentation surgery after three weeks. However, it’s normal to feel a bit of swelling for up to three months.

How long does it take for breasts to look normal after a breast lift?

Your breasts can finally take their desired shape six months after the breast lift surgery. One side of your breasts tends to heal faster than the other, but the final form will take up to six months.

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