Breast Implants Versus Fat Transfer
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If you are interested in a breast enhancement procedure, it can be a difficult decision to make about different breast lift procedures; breast implants versus fat transfer. A personal and thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon comes in handy. The professional input will guide you to make a suitable choice to meet your aesthetic goals and expectations.

There are factors to consider when choosing a suitable procedure, since each procedure has conditions to meet to have optimum benefits.

The choice between breast implants versus fat grafting procedures depends on a client’s aesthetic expectations and goals, body features, health history, and lifestyle.

What is Better, Breast Implants or Fat Transfer?

Breast augmentation with implants is a popular and time-tested cosmetic surgery that has existed for years. The operation increases and improves the breasts’ size and shapes to achieve a client’s desired aesthetic goal. In the process, saline or silicone implants are added to the breasts.

Fat transfer, also known as breast fat grafting, collects body fat using liposuction and injects it into the breasts. The breasts, though transformed, retain the body’s natural color. The operation is suitable for women interested in a modest increase in breasts. Fat transfer improves two body parts concurrently. One part loses unnecessary fat, which is injected into the breasts to increase the size.

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Both breast augmentation procedures have good results but require a well-versed cosmetic surgeon for professional assessment and advice. An experienced doctor can identify the relationship between different body features like the skin, fat, derma, and soft tissue to advise which procedure suits you.

Candidates Suitable for Breast Implants

Breast implants are suitable for women who:

  • want to increase the breast size and achieve a wow factor. The operation enhances the breasts to achieve the desired size, volume, and fullness.
  • Has a lean body. A slender person may have only one option between breast implants and fat transfer. Breast fat grafting requires a woman to have extra body fat that can be gathered and injected into the breasts.

Candidates that qualify for a fat transfer operation

Fat transfer is suitable for women;

Breast Augmentation in Dubai

  • Who are interested in natural and minimal breast enhancement. Fat transfer uses body material that enables the breasts to retain natural color and texture. Breast fat grafting suits a woman interested in a modest breast size increase.
  • Who would like to improve two body parts at the same time? Fat is transferred from one part of the body deemed overweight and injected into the breast. Fat transfer slims the donor part and concurrently increases the breast size.
  • Who prefers a natural and minimally invasive cosmetic operation? Breast fat grafting does not have the potential risks of implant operation. Breast implants can rupture, ripple, and have capsular contracture.
  • Who is uncomfortable with breast enhancement scars? Unlike breast augment implants which require a sizeable incision to fit in the implants, breast fat grafting almost has zero scars. Fat transfer operation requires a minor incision to insert the liposuction cannula.

The Pros and Cons of Fat Transfer Breast Enhancement

Like all cosmetic procedures, breast fat grafting has pros and cons. Below are the advantages you get from the procedure;

  • The surgery improves two body parts concurrently.
  • A short recovery period after the operation.
  • Minimal scars and you won’t insert a foreign body into the breasts.
  • The breasts retain a natural skin tone and texture.

Breast fat grafting disadvantages;

  • The enhancement is naturally reversible as the fat injected into the breasts can be reabsorbed into the body.
  • Calcification, whereby fat cells die or form cysts, hinders the process.
  • The procedure is less successful with clients with hand lumpectomy or radiation treatment.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Breast Implants

The breast implant augmentation procedure has striking and dramatic results. Like all other breast enhancement, it has both positives and negatives. The benefits of breast implants;

  • Many successful experiences back the safety of the procedure.
  • Breast enhancement last longer compared to breast fat grafting
  • The surgery’s results are instant and visible after the operation.
  • On price comparison between breast implants and fat transfer, an implant operation is cheaper.

The disadvantages of breast implants;

  • Need for replacement after a certain period.
  • The risk of a rupture, ripple, or formation of capsular contracture.
  • The breast and nipples lose the sensations
  • Breast implants have a risk of autoimmune diseases.

How Long Does it Take to Get Results?

Breast implant surgery results are immediate after the operation. In the operation, silicone or saline implants are inserted in the breasts, and that’s it; the procedure is done. The results are evident right after, as the recovery process commences.

Breast fat grafting results are gradual and evident from about six months. The outcome of the procedure lasts longer compared to breast implants. 300cc breast implants are used to increase breast size and they are about the size of a small orange Visible implant edges can be seen when dental implants show through the gums This may happen if the implant is not placed deep enough or if gum tissue is thin


It takes professional input and research to decide whether breast implants or fat grafting is what best suits you. The two procedures have beautiful results. What matters are your preferences, physical features, health condition, and lifestyle? Be assured in the hands of the reputable, skilled, and board-certified surgeon, Dr. Tarek, you will achieve your desired aesthetic goals.

Dr. Tarek of Dr. Tarek Aesthetic is your go-to plastic surgeon when in need of breast implants or fat grafting procedures. The doctor has a vast experience of 15 years and has exemplary body contouring skills. Contact Dr. Aesthetic Clinic for breast implants versus fat transfer breast augmentation. The surgeon is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( ISAPS ), the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society ( EPSS ), and the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course ( MAFAC ).

Frequently Asked Questions

The recovery time takes about six to eight weeks.

Breast fat grafting has minimal risks like allergy to anesthesia, blood clots, and fat embolism.

Breast implants are at least one percent risky.

A breast implant surgery is reversible but it requires the input of a professional surgeon.

There is no age limit for breast procedures. What matters most is your aesthetic goal, health, lifestyle, and the condition of your breasts.

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