Breast Implants in Cancun | Best Price & Certified Surgeons

Often, women face challenges with their confidence due to the appearance of their breasts.

The number of women who’ve had breast implants in the past has risen from less than a million. Also, most women who have opted for breast implants range between the ages of 45 to 54. Some struggle with huge breasts, while others have saggy ones and hope they look smaller and shapelier. Fortunately, there are available procedures that a plastic surgeon can use to help improve these cases. This article will discuss the many benefits of getting a breast implant and some risks to look out for. Read on to learn more.

What are the Benefits of Breast Implant Surgery?

Breast augmentation with an implant is undoubtedly becoming popular for many patients. Here are a few benefits of silicone breast implants that help improve breast tissue.

  • Improved Self Esteem

One of the many effects of low self-esteem is difficulty accepting your body, especially when you know you could look better. Going through a breast implant procedure is the first step to restoring the confidence you had initially lost.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Breast Augmentation in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
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  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
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  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Installment Plan Available

With improved self-esteem, you can appear confidently at social gatherings you initially avoided and even appear for promotions, friendships, and long-term relationships.

  • Improved Breast Symmetry

Even when implants are accessible, breast augmentation surgery is a fantastic notion to restore or enhance your breasts. It might be awkward to have sagging breasts. The solution to problems like breasts that are different sizes and nipples that face different orientations is to have a breast implant.

  • Long-lasting Results

Breast cancer can rob you of your peace. The sickness leaves you sickly and has not only an adverse effect on your natural breast but also on your body. Fortunately, breast implants help with breast reconstruction giving your initially sickly breasts a rejuvenated look and feel.

  • A Younger-looking Appearance

If you have been a breast cancer patient, you might constantly look for tips to improve your self-esteem. The disease alters your breast size and also tampers with natural breast tissue. Get breast implants from well-known plastic surgeons help to resolve the look and feel of your breasts, making you look young and energetic again.

  • Feeling More Feminine

Choosing breast implants for breast reconstruction is beneficial and gives you a feminine feeling as a woman. While surviving tragedies like breast cancer is a great feeling, having reduced size of breasts could make you feel less feminine. Breast implants are considered a way to make your breasts feel fuller and rounder.

What are the Different Types of Breast Implants?

There are popularly two types of best implants: silicone gel-filled and saline-filled. The one common reason patients prefer breast implant procedure is to get their breasts looking fuller. However, breast implants can also be used for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy or after surviving breast cancer.

What are the Main Differences between Saline Breast Implants and Silicone Breast implants?

Breast implants all come with an outer shell called silicone which is either smooth or textured. Smooth silicone mimics the movement of natural breasts, while textured silicone encourages soft tissue to grow into the breast, leaving the implant solidly grounded.

Saline Breast ImplantSilicone Breast Implant
Saline-filled breast implants feel firmer and fullerSilicone gel breast implants look more like natural breast tissue
Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water present in the silicone shellSilicone gel-filled implants contain a thicker silicone gel
Regardless of the breast size, saline implants are bound to rapture once deflated. Your body absorbs the water once they raptureSilicone breasts rarely have implant rupture. Your cosmetic surgeon advises on constant monitoring instead and report any issues when they arise

What are some risks of breast implants to look out for?

Most breast implant operations go smoothly. However, there are still a few risks associated with this procedure. The below-mentioned risks occur in at least 1% of the patients who undergo the process. Experience the glow of confidence with Reveal Your Shine at Dubai’s Elite Aesthetic Clinic , where beauty meets expertise. It’s a place where you can make your skin look as bright and shiny as a star!

300cc breast augmentation surgery is a procedure where doctors use implants to make breasts bigger and fuller Rippled implant appearance

  • Thinning and shrinking of the breast tissue
  • Scar tissue around the tissue tightens, causing hardened breasts
  • Deformity of the chest wall
  • Extreme pain around the nipple
  • The cut formed during the breast implant not healing properly
  • Incorrect placement of the implant on the breast

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon for Breast Surgery

Breast augmentation: What you need to know

Whether you are looking for a breast reduction surgery procedure or a breast lift, it is essential to note that your results will show, depending on the factors you consider when choosing your cosmetic surgeon. Below are a few essential things you must look out for.

  • Qualifications for Plastic Surgery

Regardless of the type of implant you are going for, you must ensure that the cosmetic surgeon you choose is qualified to perform the procedure. All plastic surgeons in the field must have a bachelor’s degree and be accredited by a medical school. You do not want to encounter the risks of breast infections from wrong procedures.

  • Plastic Surgery Experience

You must ensure that you deal with a cosmetic surgeon with prior proof of experience. Work with a surgeon who understands the types of breast implants available and one who can elaborate on how using breast implants will affect your breasts and overall health.

  • Referrals

What do people you’ve spoken to about the preferred cosmetic surgeon have to say about his procedures? Suppose your referrals mention that after the cosmetic surgeon uses saline or silicone implants, you can see the recommended changes and the results. In that case, you can proceed to have the procedure done.

See also: Will breast implants expire ?


Saggy breasts can be devastating due to sickness or other body conditions. Fortunately, it’s a situation that can be resolved using surgical breast procedures and implants. Your cosmetic surgeon may recommend using two popular breast implants, either silicone or saline-filled.

Suppose you are in Dubai and looking for one of the best cosmetic surgeons to perform large breast implants. In that case, Dr. Tarek is one of Dubai’s premier plastic surgeons known for his exemplary work, especially in facial rejuvenation and body contouring.

He is also a Member of the most prestigious Plastic Surgery Societies worldwide: the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) , the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( ISAPS ), the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society ( EPSS ), and Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course ( MAFAC ). Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Tarek Aesthetics today and request a quote for traditional silicone gel implants or saline-filled implants.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long is a Breast Implant Procedure?

Once in the operating room, you can expect to take anywhere between 60 and 90 minutes. Depending on how early the saline and silicone implants were conducted, you can go home the same day or stay at the hospital overnight.

What are the Benefits of Textured Breast Implants?

Textured breast implants stick longer on the body tissue. Due to this, they allow saline and silicone implants to stay in the same breast position for a long time.

Which is the Best Implant for Breast Augmentation?

The silicone implant is most recommended for the breast augmentation procedure. When used in round breasts, the silicone implant makes the breast feel soft and natural. It is due to the semi-solid silicone gel that is soft to feel.
