Breast Augmentation With Lift Benefits Of Breast Augmentation With Breast Lift
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A breast augmentation surgery is done on women whose breasts have become saggy or less rigid. The purpose of the procedure is to reshape the breasts to the patient’s preference and enhance their overall appearance.

A breast lift, however, is done to remove the excess skin around the breasts to make them more rigid. No implants are inserted during the procedure; the breasts are only repositioned to give them a more youthful look.

What is a Combined Breast Augmentation and Lift?

The medical term for a breast lift is mastopexy. The procedure involves reshaping breasts that are saggy or out of shape, giving them a sturdy and attractive look. Excess skin is removed and tightened during the process, creating youthful-looking breasts. A lift can also be done to reduce the areola size if they become enlarged.

Dubai Mammoplasty Services offers breast enhancement and reshaping procedures for women who want to change their appearance Dubai Mammoplasty Services are performed by skilled doctors using modern techniques and equipment

A Specialist Breast Augmentation is a doctor who helps women change the size or shape of their breasts. they do this through surgeries like implants or lifts.

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Combining breast augmentation with lift removes the skin while enhancing breast size. Breast augmentation methods involve the insertion of implants in the breasts to make them larger and rigid. The combination of both procedures increases the cup size of the breasts. The breast lift procedure moves the nipple and areola, lifting the breast and eliminating excess skin.

Am I a Good Candidate for Having Augmentation with Lift?

A person is considered to be a good candidate if:

  • Their breasts have lost shape. This could be due to previous weight loss, breastfeeding, pregnancy, and natural aging.
  • People with flat or elongated breasts. Downward-facing nipples or breasts that fall below the crease when unsupported are signs that a person should get a lift.
  • Stretched breast skin. Breast lift procedure removes excess skin from the breast area, increasing its sturdiness and attraction.
  • Uneven breasts. One breast may hang lower than the other, so a lift is necessary. However, lift, and augmentation procedures are needed to fix the issue if one breast is larger than the other.
  • Good physical condition. Cigarette smoking is frowned upon by surgeons before doing any of the procedures. Other topics include no history of breast cancer, obesity, or clotting disorders.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift

Either one of these procedures has its benefits. But combining the two procedures has immense benefits, as stated below.

Increased breast volume and fullness

The lift raises the breasts above the crease by removing excessive skin. Augmentation, on the other hand, increases the size of the breasts. This results in a more rigid breast appearance than only undergoing one procedure.

Improved overall breast contour

The shape of the breasts is greatly improved. They are better shaped into natural-looking breasts and made more attractive. From saggy breasts to more turgid ones, augmentation with a lift shows how important they play in physical appearance.

Youthful chest wall position

The chest wall has unnecessary skin and tends to be less attractive. Breast augmentation and breast lift will improve the overall position of the chest wall.

Areola size reduction

The areola tends to grow in size as time passes. Performing a lift procedure ensures the size reduction of the areola, giving the breasts a more natural look.

Options Available For Augmentation Lift

There are several options available for different people. Some involve making breasts more rigid, while others make the breasts look realistic and soft. Below are some of the existing options.

Saline Breast Implants

These implants are filled with sterilized saline water. If the water breaks, it will be absorbed naturally by the body and then later on removed.

Silicone Implants

These implants are made of silicon gel. The gel will not break from the shell or leak into your breast if it fails.

Rounded Implants

The purpose of these implants is to make the breasts look firm and full. Due to this, they will not shift position due to their structure.

How is Breast Augmentation with Lift Performed?

If you are interested in undergoing this procedure, it is crucial to understand how it is performed. There are three key stages: before, during, and after the surgery.

Before Surgery

Firstly, arrange a consultation meeting with your desired surgeon. However, before meeting up with the surgeon, make sure to have an idea of what you would like to be changed.

The surgeon may ask several questions involving your past medical history, medications you might be on, allergies, prior surgeries, and any previous medical issues.

Afterward, the surgeon might suggest getting a blood test, taking certain medications before the procedure, avoiding certain foods and beverages, and ceasing smoking and recreational drugs.

It is also essential to have a recovery area set up for you after the procedure. Wearing loose clothing is recommended by surgeons, which aids in recovery.

Be sure also to ask the surgeon questions about his career, If he has done such procedures before, how much experience, if he is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and how he handles any complications.

During Surgery

Augmentation requires a patient to be put under anesthesia. An incision is made via the crease under the breast, along the edge of the areola, or through your armpit.

Afterward, the implant may be inserted in two ways: under the breast tissue in front of your pectoral muscle or behind the breast muscle. The placement depends on the type of implant chosen by the patient and how much is increased.

The incision is then closed and stitched together. You will get covered with a gauze bandage and sent home wearing a surgical bra.

After Surgery

After surgery, the patient is taken to a room where they are observed as they awake from the anesthesia. Soon after, you will be sent home when you are stable enough, and a follow-up appointment is booked.

The surgeon will provide you with instructions on your recovery and even might prescribe some pain medications. Stitches will be removed in a week—no heavy lifting for at least four weeks and no sporting activities until after six weeks post-operation.

Learn more about the benefits of breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation With Lift Post-Op Care Tips

Like any other form of surgery, this one requires a lot of care to see the desired results. Contrary to doing so, you will end up damaging your body and bringing complications.

Have help around

Post-surgery discomfort is not enjoyable. Therefore, having someone around that will help with household tasks is beneficial in recovery. After 48 hours, you can begin doing those tasks with lots of care.

No medicine before eating

It is using pain medication while healing that helps in relieving some of the pain and aid in recovery. However, taking such medication on an empty stomach risks your health. It is advised to eat before taking medication, as it will be absorbed into the body along with the food.

Sleep on your back

The pain from breast augmentation with a lift can be unbearable at times. Sleeping on your chest is not considered since it may cause the implants to move and switch positions. Instead, sleep on your back or sides to ease the pressure on the breasts.

Eat healthily

A healthy and balanced diet is mandatory in recovery. Avoid eating refined foods and beverages, as they will slow the recovery process. High-fiber foods are encouraged, which speeds up the process.


Anesthesia or the prescribed pain medication, in some cases, may lead to constipation. The two cause slower bowel movements and may also delay regular activities.

Avoid tough tasks

Doing strenuous tasks after the procedure affects the recovery speed. Taking it easy when it comes to such tasks or having someone around to help is a good way of taking care of yourself.

Avoid over-the-counter products

Ointments and creams the surgeon does not prescribe are discouraged from using on the incisions. They may contain chemicals that lead to infection or make the incision not heal. It is best to stick to what the surgeon advises you.

Maintain optimism and positivity

Maintaining physical health is vital in the recovery process. But maintaining a positive attitude will help in recovery as well. By doing so, a person becomes hopeful that they will heal soon enough and be able to continue with their daily activities. Breast augmentation 300cc enhancement is a surgery to make breasts bigger by adding 300cc of implants to them Rippled implant appearance


Breast augmentation with lift procedures have proven to help women who want to enhance their beauty. The benefits are pushing more women into undergoing the procedure. Different options of implants enable patients to have a variety of choices when it comes to making their decisions. Carefully following the surgeon’s instructions during recovery is bound to help in revealing the results a person wants.

If you are a woman who would like to enhance the look of your breasts, then you have landed in the right area. At Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, we provide quality and concise breast augmentation with lift procedures. By taking the standards of plastic surgery to the next level. Dr. Tarek Aesthetics is the preferred clinic in Dubai to have your procedures done correctly by professionals.


Both procedures can be done at the same time.

Before the procedure, a patient is put under anesthesia. This way, pain cannot be felt until after the patient begins recovery.

It does. The lift does not necessarily affect the size, but augmentation increases the size or shape of the breasts.

The size is affected. Augmentation tends to change the shape and size of the breasts.

After the procedure, it usually takes 4-6 weeks to recover.

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