Breast Augmentation In Dubai
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Breast augmentation and breast lift are two of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in Dubai. Which of the two is ideal for you? Find out more here.

Women have a natural tendency to look and feel good about their bodies. As a woman, your breasts define much of your physical appearance, and it is without a doubt that surgeries to boost the appearance of breasts are one of the leading cosmetic surgeries globally.

If you are not happy with how your breasts look — whether it is due to pregnancy, aging, genetics, or a medical procedure — the best answer most people look at is breast augmentation and (or) breast lift. These two types of surgeries are often used to boost the shape and size, hence the overall appearance of the breasts. But which of the two procedures is right for you?

This post takes you through all you need to know and the nitty-gritty surrounding both procedures to help you determine the right one.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a procedure used to improve the size and overall shape of breasts by using implants or fat transfer. Depending on the type of implants you prefer: whether saline or silicone breast implants, your surgeon will make an incision around your breasts and insert the breast implant to give them fuller volumes.

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During a fat transfer breast augmentation, your surgeon removes fat from other parts of your body before re-injecting it into your breasts.

If you’re seeking a significant change in the shape and size of your breasts, it would be advisable to opt for implants. However, if you only want minimal changes to your breasts, fat transfer may be an option.

Why is Breast Augmentation Done?

The main reason women go for breast augmentation surgeries is to boost their overall physical appearance. A change for better-looking breasts gives them better confidence and more self-esteem. Some of the other reasons you may opt for breast augmentation are:

  • To correct the shape and size of your breasts
  • To restore balance on asymmetrical breasts
  • To change the appearance of small breasts
  • Correct uneven breasts following an illness or breast surgery
  • To increase your bra cup size
  • To enhance your body contours to give shape and volume

It is always advisable to discuss your needs with a qualified plastic surgeon who will help you know whether you are a good candidate for breast augmentation.

See related: breast lift with thread

What is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the shape of your breasts. Unlike breast augmentation surgery, it only focuses on the shape and not the size or volume.

A plastic surgeon enhances the existing breast tissue during a breast lift by lifting and tightening them, giving your breasts a natural contour. They also remove the extra skin that makes your breasts sag or make the nipples point downwards.

A breast lift helps in correcting asymmetry and also reduces sagging. Women use breast lifts to restore the natural youthfulness of their breasts.

This procedure is ideal for those with sufficient breast tissue volume as it does not involve inserting implants.

Why is Breast Lift Done?

Breast lift surgery in Dubai is ideal for women that only want to boost the shape of their breasts and not necessarily the size or volume. Such women already have sufficient breast tissue volume but only seek a more youthful look.

Breast lift is also performed for other reasons, such as 300cc breast augmentation results in a noticeable increase in breast size making them look fuller and rounder

  • You have excess loose skin around your breasts
  • You don’t like the position of your nipples
  • You have sagging breast tissues

Can you combine breast augmentation with breast lift surgery?

Breast augmentation and breast lifts are both useful in improving the overall appearance of a woman’s breasts. However, they focus on different results as breast lifts only seek to boost the position or shape of the breasts. On the other hand, breast augmentation is helpful when you wish to give your breasts a fuller volume.

It is possible that you will not get the results that you desire if you only stick with one procedure. This is the case, especially if you wish to boost your appearance due to aging or after pregnancy.

In this case, plastic surgeons recommend that you combine the two procedures.

You can get both a breast lift and breast augmentation done at the same surgery. This helps you get the results you desire much faster and reduces the overall downtime you may need after the procedures.

If you are looking for a complete body makeover after your pregnancy, there is a different procedure that you can look into. A mommy makeover is just that, a full makeover for a mother. If you would like more parts of your body (and not just your breasts) to undergo some changes, this can be an ideal procedure for you.

During a mommy makeover, you will undergo procedures like breast lift, liposuction, tummy tuck, etc., all depending on your specific needs. All these procedures are done during one session.

Learn more about the breast uplift without implant

Breast Augmentation vs Breast Lift: Which is the right one for you?

It may be a daunting task trying to determine the right procedure for you between a breast lift and breast augmentation. The best way to go about it is by consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Your surgeon will first listen to your specific needs before advising on the right procedure for you. At times, you may be asked to undertake both procedures to achieve your desires, but that’s entirely up to your surgeon.

Whether you’re looking for breast lift surgery in Dubai, breast augmentation, or both, you can rest assured that you will get your desired results from the best in the industry by reaching out to Dr. Tarek Aesthetics.
With many satisfied patients and good reviews all over, you should settle for nothing less than one of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai. Contact the team today and schedule your first consultation. Read this article to find out about the price of Breast Lift in Dubai

See related: Breast Lift Vacuum Therapy

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