Breast Augmentation Recovery
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Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) is becoming common among women who want fuller breasts. The procedure involves inserting breast implants over or under the chest muscle. These implants can either be saline or silicone. Saline implants are filled with fluid after they’re inserted into the body. Silicone implants are already pre-filled according to the desired breast size.

Recovery time for breast augmentation is between three weeks to three months. Augmentation over the muscle is easier and faster than augmentation performed under the muscle. With care, healing should be uneventful.

At Dr. Tarek’s Aesthetics, we’ve honed the technique over the years to perfection. Women who were unhappy with their breast sizes have benefited from our treatment. We’ll break down the recovery timeline and explain the expectations after surgery. We will also give you tips to speed healing until you see your desired result.

Keep reading to learn more about breast augmentation recovery.

What to expect during breast augmentation recovery.

Breast augmentation takes an hour to two hours. It is a shorter procedure than a breast lift. You will be under general anesthesia and will be unconscious. We will insert your implants of choice in your chest cavity while carefully monitoring your vitals. The surgeon will make the incision in one of three places:

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  • The fold under your breast (inframammary).
  • Under your arm (axillary).
  • Around your nipple (periareolar).

Immediately you wake up, you will experience swelling, bruising, tenderness, and pain. These symptoms last for a period between two weeks to three months. During this time, you should rest and limit strenuous activities.

You will notice scarring and slight bleeding from the incision sites. This bleeding is also typical and should not be cause for alarm. 

How long to recover from breast augmentation?

You may also experience fluid leaks that will go away in time. We will show you how to drain and clean the incisions to reduce the fluid leaks.

After 24 hours.

The effect of the anesthesia will wear off, and you will need painkillers to help with the pain afterward.

You should have someone pick you up at the facility. You may be unable to drive, push and pull doors or carry any luggage with you. The least amount of strain will prevent complications that cause longer recovery.

We will prescribe you medication to help with the pain and swelling. We will also stay in touch with you to keep up with your recovery process. 

See related: breast augmentation massage, does it help

After one week.

You will be in less pain if you follow all your doctor’s instructions up until this time. You will also notice reduced leaking from your incision sites. Your doctor may approve you to resume very light day-to-day activities.

Over-the-counter pain medications may be effective at dulling the pain at this stage.

After one month.

After a month, you may still feel soreness, swelling, and a lingering tightness in your chest area. The area will still be sensitive to touch. 

We will discuss the level of strain you can now place on your chest muscles. They may allow you to can engage in heavier duties.

After two months.

The sensitivity of your breasts will go back to normal. The tightness and soreness around your chest should be minimal.

We may greenlight resuming routine tasks after considering your progress.

See also: breast augmentation revision

What to avoid during Breast Augmentation Recovery.

Some practices will put you at risk of a longer recovery time and even the need to undergo the procedure again.

Here are some things to avoid during the recovery:

  • Resuming working out without authorization. The strain placed on the chest area may cause tears of the incisions and constant pain.
  • Removing the surgical bra before the recommended time.
  • Sleeping on your belly or side. The pressure placed on your breasts may dislocate the implants.
  • Smoking causes inflammation in your body. Your immune system diverts effort from healing your breasts to solving inflammation.

Tips for a healthy breast augmentation recovery.

  • Healthy diet.

The best way to support your body’s recovery is to provide it with the best fuel.

Take food rich in protein to rebuild tissue. Vitamins will fortify your immune system, and carbohydrates will replenish your energy. Additionally, hydrate your body with plenty of water and fresh fruit juices.

  • Attend scheduled checkups.

Visit your doctor as scheduled. They will examine your breasts and check for any abnormalities. You can raise any concerns with the recovery process and receive first-hand advice.

  • Maintain cleanliness.

The recovery site for surgery is usually a hotbed for possible infection. It is vital to keep the area clean. Use water and antiseptic to kill bacteria and prevent surgical site infection. 

  • Minimal workloads.

Place the least strain on your chest muscle by doing minimal work. Doing so will allow your skin and chest to recover. It will also prevent the dislocation of your breast implants.

  • Wear recommended support bras.

Support bras do that – support the breasts. They reduce downward pressure that stretches the skin, muscle, and incision sites. You will feel much more comfortable with these bras but avoid underwire ones.

  • Regular inspection of incision sites.

Check on your incision sites often. Excessive bleeding and discoloration may show possible infection or tear of the incisions.

Keep your doctor in the loop if you notice anything out of the norm.

  • Sleep on your back.

Sleeping on your stomach can dislodge the implants and rip the incisions. Sleep on your back where contact between your breasts and bed is minimal. This change in sleeping position will allow for a smooth and speedy recovery.

  • Use sunscreen on breasts.

Sun damage can impact the appearance and recovery of your healing breasts. Use a high SPF value sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays. 


Everybody’s recovery is different, so above all, be patient with the recovery. The information in this article should help your body look as you intended. Your safety and well-being come above all, and we recognize that here at Dr Tarek Bayazid. We will be with you every step of the way. Our team has certified experience in breast augmentation and client history to back them up.

Book a consultation today to speak to Dr Tarek. He will address your needs and concerns before the surgery.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How long is the recovery for breast augmentation?

The recovery period for the procedure varies from 6 to 8 weeks on average.

When Can You See Results from Your Breast Augmentation?

It takes time for the breast implants to settle in and adjust to your body. You will see results anytime between three to six months.

When can I wear regular bras after breast surgery?

It will take about 4 to 6 weeks to start wearing regular bras.

Can I do exercise after a breast augmentation?

Your doctor may approve light workouts in 4 to 6 weeks.

Is breast augmentation reversible?

It is reversible. Keep in mind the longer you stay with the implants, the more your skin stretches to accommodate them. Reversal may mean your breasts’ shape will not go back to their original form.

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