Botox Treatment
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Most people utilize the entire year to stay in their best shape during summer. Sometimes this preparation leads to adding extra gym hours or altering the diet a little. While the rest is a quest for an aesthetic clinic in Dubai for breast augmentation or liposuction. All these preparations for being ready when it’s beach time.

The best part is there is no preparation time for beautification with Botox. This incredible ability makes Botox summer-friendly. To clarify it further we have listed the reason how Botox and summer can go hand in hand.

4 Reasons why Botox is best during summertime

Summer is a time to put on your bikini or swimsuits and be ultra ready for beach-time and unlimited selfies. But you might be scared since someone said the sun is bad after Botox, however, that is not the case.

Let’s find out why the best plastic surgeon in UAE insists on Botox treatment during summer.

Botox has minimum invasion and no downtime

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Installment Plan Available

Most of us have our summer calendars packed with fun plans more than the rest of the year. Road trips, barbeques, and long summer vacations. So this season is free from treatments with downtimes. Botox, on the contrary, has no downtime due to being minimally invasive in nature.

You can walk into a botox clinic in Dubai after your walk under the sun and then straight to a happening date right after. It is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise or heavy alcohol after the treatment, rest assured your summer will not be ruined.

Prevent summer squints with Botox

Summer means water and the sun! But, that combination results in squinting. As you might already know squinting, leads to both the onset and severity of crow’s feet, the fine lines formed at the edge of your eyes. Botox helps in keeping the skin at its place by disabling the muscles that cause the sprinting, further shielding from new wrinkles to show. Remember your shades before stepping out!

Best Season For Botox Treatment In Dubai?

Walk freely under the sun after your Botox treatment

Few anti-aging cosmetic treatments, like chemical peel or microdermabrasion, don’t allow you to stay under the sun even after several weeks of the procedure. It can be a bummer during summer. But fret not Botox helps in getting the wrinkles out of the picture and allows you to walk free in the sun as long as you want.

It is good if you are avoiding excess heat or sun exposure for a few days after the treatment, but it is not as critical as advised for post-treatments for skin resurfacing. Apply sunscreen every day even without the Botox treatment as advised by the best aesthetic clinic in Dubai.

Look young throughout the summer season

Your summer might not have a list of happening activities, however, we understand your desire to look the best. Botox is that wonderful treatment that will make your skin firm while not putting a stop to your summer calendar or vacation plans. Though the wait for optimum results can take up to two weeks, once that happens you will be looking beautiful, young, and refreshed the whole summer long.

See related: When Should You Start Considering Botox Treatments?

We want to talk to you about your beauty goals!

We at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics aim to meet our client’s beauty goals by offering them the best possible technology and method for fulfilling their desire. Be it botox treatment in summer or any cosmetic surgery, then we are the best aesthetic clinic in Dubai for you. If you have any queries regarding the procedures or cost, do not hesitate to call us. We will take you through the process that you are most interested in.

Read this article to find out about the price of Botox in Dubai

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