Botox Lip Lift
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Thin lips could ruin a flawless face. They don’t allow your face to be expressive and make you look plain. Luckily, cosmetic procedures have come a long way in helping people achieve symmetry. One such procedure is a lip lift using botox. It aims to define the lips and create a pout that shines through photos and real life.

Read on to understand whether botox for a lip lift is what’s right for you.

How does botox lift the lips?

Botox is a neuromodulator that works by paralyzing nerves and muscles. A surgeon injects botox into your upper lip, relaxing the lip muscle. The lip muscle controls the closing and protracting of your lips and allows you to pucker and pout them. The botox relaxes this muscle, causing the lip to lift upwards.

How many botox units are used for a lip lift?

How much botox you need depends on your expectations. Typically, the surgeon injects about 4 to 6 units of botox into your lips for a lip flip. This amount considers your natural lip size and the amount of flip you want.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Botox in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Installment Plan Available

What are the pros and cons of botox lip lifts?

While considering any body procedure, weighing all the benefits and risks is essential. This knowledge informs your choice of whether to go ahead with getting botox. A certified surgeon like Dr. Tarek will explain these in-depth during your consultation. He will also tackle whether you are at risk of any of the cons mentioned in this article.


  • There’s minimal pain. Botox is administered through injections. It is minimally invasive, and as a result, you will experience slight discomfort.
  • It is cheaper. You only need a few units of botox at about 15 USD each. The price of botox is more affordable than other options, such as lip fillers.
  • There is minimal swelling and bruising. Since a surgeon does not cut into the skin, no lingering bruises are left. The only visible effect is the results of the botox.
  • It has a fast recovery. The sting of the injection goes away quickly. The procedure lasts 10 to 20 minutes. You can resume day-to-day activities immediately after your procedure.
  • It has subtle results. Botox for lip lifts gives you a slight definition. The results do not look overly cosmetic; most people will think that’s your natural lip shape.
  • It removes wrinkles. In addition to a lift, you will also notice the disappearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth. You are left with a youthful appearance.


  • It can increase a gummy smile. The new lip lift may cause more of your gums to show whenever you talk or smile.
  • It is not permanent. Botox only lasts two to five months. There are many reasons why botox doesn’t last. To retain the lift, you need to have it readministered after it wears off.
  • The improper injection can relax muscles too much. If your surgeon injects the wrong place or the wrong amount of botox, your lip muscles may relax too much. It can cause uneven lip droops, slurred speech, and discomfort when eating or drinking. It also distorts the symmetry of your lips, leaving them uneven.
  • It is irreversible until botox wears off. If you experience undesired effects after botox for lip lift, you have to wait until the botox wears off for them to go away. There is no way to reverse the effects of Botox.
  • It doesn’t increase the volume of the lips. The effect of botox is a relaxed upper lip hence more definition. It does not result in voluminous lips because botox cannot add volume.
  • It is only for the upper lip. Botox for lip lift can only be administered on the upper lip.


Your pursuit for symmetrical lips with definition ends here. Botox injections in Dubai are a safe solution for any dissatisfaction you may have with your lips. We hold your hand through the quick procedure and ensure minimal discomfort as you walk out and resume your daily life.

Book a consultation for a botox lip lift today with Dr. Tarek. He is a standing member of the most prestigious Plastic Surgery Societies worldwide: the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS), and the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course (MAFAC).

Frequently asked questions

Will botox in the lips affect speech?

Botox will not affect speech. The amount of botox injected only relaxes the muscle enough to lift the lip. You will not lose sensation; therefore, you will be able to pronounce words as usual. The only way your speech becomes slurred is if you received improper injections.

Will my lips be stretched after the botox wears off?

Botox will not stretch your lips because it does not add volume to the lips. The skin is not extended to accommodate any filler or implants either.

Which parts of the lips are injected with botox?

The upper lip is the only part injected with botox. Botox aims to create an upward lift in the lip to define it. Only the upper lip can do this.

Is there an age limit for getting botox for lip lifts?

Botox works on people of all ages. Naturally, the older you are, the more wrinkles you’re likely to have. Botox will have more evident results on you, such as smoothing wrinkles in addition to the lip lift.

Who cannot get botox for a lip lift?

It is rare to be ineligible for botox injections. However, it is still an occurrence. Botox may be unsuitable for you if:

You have very thick skin. Thick skin makes it hard to estimate how deep the injections should go. If the botox is not administered deep enough, it will not work. If it is administered too deep, you will experience slurred speech and difficulty eating.

You have existing muscle weakness. If you have prior weakness in your lip muscle, botox will relax it further, causing complications. It will make your lips unable to contract and worsen the asymmetry you already have.

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