Botox For Nose In Dubai
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When you stand in front of a mirror, your eyes are usually ravenous in nature.

While staring at your face, you realize you don’t like the shape of your nose. Either you find it wider longer, or there’s a natural bump in the middle of its ridge. It might be a new discovery or something you’ve really wanted to address for a long time.

Thirty years ago, you would sulk and let the issue dent your self-esteem. But nowadays, all that has changed with the availability of Botox procedures. You can shape your nose the way you desire by consulting practitioners in cities like Dubai.

Do you want a nose Botox service in Dubai that is tailored to your needs? Having solid advice from Tarek Aesthetics and knowing what you want are all you need to achieve your goals.

A nose Botox in Dubai isn’t far-fetched. Find out more on all you need to know about nose Botox in Dubai which includes:

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Installment Plan Available

  • Who should you consult for a nose botox
  • Different options for nose botox
  • How long does nose botox take?
  • How long the effects of the nose botox will last plus more.

Who Should You Consult for Nose Botox in Dubai?

Medical expertise in Dubai has also grown exponentially. In focus, Botox procedures. Dr. Tarek Bayazid, one of the leading plastic surgeons, is among the specialists that continue to improve medical expertise in Dubai.

Tarek Aesthetics has conducted numerous Botox procedures that revolve around facelifts.

What is Nose Botox?

What Is Nose Botox

For a long time, Botox procedures were esoteric, where knowledge was restricted to very few experts. But that has changed over time and as the demand skyrockets, nose botox ranks as one of the top 5 botox treatments today.

Nose Botox involves either the slimming, widening, filling, or uplifting of the nose depending on your needs.

Whatever you want to be done, will involve dermal filling and injecting small doses of Botox into the essential areas around the nose or on the nose.

Following are some of the options for a nose Botox service in Dubai.

Nose Slimming

This involves a non-invasive surgery called non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty. The surgery aims to contract the muscles around your nose to make it appear slimmer.

Dr. Tarek advises that the procedure avoids altering the shape of the nose to help maintain your authentic look.

You may opt for slimming your nose if:

  • When you smile your nose flares.
  • Or when your nose droops as a result of smiling.

Nose Widening

Widening the nose will involve filling, correcting to subdue a bump, or expanding the nose from the glabella area to the ridge of the nose.

Not many people consult Dr. Tarek in Dubai for widening their nose compared to slimming. For some special reason, slimming is more popular than widening.

Nose Filling.

There’s a difference between nose widening and filling. 

According to medical experts, filling to make botox effective is usually done in the glabella area of the nose. The glabella is just below the frown lines where your nose begins.

Nose Botox combines dermal filling of the glabella to accentuate it by giving your face symmetrical balance. And the botox procedure aims to create a smooth contour from your brow to the ridge of your nose.

See related: Nose fillers in Dubai

Nose Tilting

Your nose might have assumed a drooping nature, especially at its base.

You are not alone. A nose botox in Dubai involves tilting the nose by as much as 15 degrees upwards.

The drooping effect worsens when you smile, laugh or sniff, asserts Dr. Tarek. By tilting the base of the nose upwards that effect is drastically reduced.

Around The Nose Botox.

The area around the nose has muscles that create pronounced creases on either side of the nose. These creases are sometimes referred to as “Bunny lines”.

Your bunny lines might appear when you are sniffing, squinting, or laughing. Small doses of botox neutralize these lines to make them less pronounced.

How Long Does Nose Botox in Dubai Take?

Until recently, the best option for a nose job was invasive surgery. The chances of the invasive surgery going horribly wrong were high. And the time taken to recover would not be less than a month.

Thanks to injectable Botox, a nose job nowadays takes as long as the time you need to take your lunch.

As long as you have gone through the consultation bit with Dr. Tarek, you can book your appointment for your Botox procedure. After booking, find time in your busy schedule and set apart time to accommodate the 15min to 30 prececure.

Learn more about the botox for chin dimples

How Long Will The Effects of Nose Botox Last?

How Long Will The Effects Of Nose Botox Last

The main ingredient for Botox is Clostridium Botulinum. It’s lethal and highly effective in equal measure.

When used in a minutely specified dosage the results are a beauty to behold.

The effects of nose botox in Dubai administered at Tarek Aesthetics will show as early as 3-4 days after injection.

After the effects have taken shape, it takes as long as 3-4 months to maintain the same results. Follow-up procedures are a must to continue maintaining the Botox effect and keep your new look intact.

Risks and Side Effects of Botox for Nose

Using Botox for cosmetic nasal surgery is an appealing non-surgical option, but also comes with some potential risks and side effects. The most common adverse effects from Botox for the nose include the following:

Risks and Side EffectsDetailsPrevention/Management
Cold-like symptomsSneezing, stuffy/runny nose, postnasal dripTemporary: OTC medication provides relief
Nose pain or pressureMild pain at injection sites lasting a few daysCold compress; analgesic if needed
Temporary paralysisRisk of diffusion leading to smile asymmetryPrecise injection technique
Swelling/bruisingCommon but temporaryArnica, gentle massage
AsymmetriesDue to variability in absorptionRare; Skill of injector minimizes risk

As shown in the table, most side effects like congestion, pain, or swelling are mild and transient. Knowing the potential risks allows for prompt expectation setting and management. Careful precision with dosing reduces the likelihood of any significant adverse impacts.

Tail End

Nose Botox isn’t as rare as it was a couple of years ago.

You can get your nose to look better and accentuate your overall look by small adjustments to it or the areas around it.

Your endless wishes on how to improve your nose are a thing of the past. As long as you consult properly, your dream of a smooth, straight, uplifted, or slim nose isn’t far from reality.

To make it a reality, pay Dr. Tarek Bayazid a visit or call to book your appointment for top-notch nose Botox service in Dubai. Find out about the cost of Botox In Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have a permanent nose Botox?

Botox procedures are not permanent. However, you can maintain the effects for as long as you need to by doing follow-up procedures. The procedures are usually after every 4-6 months.

Can a nose Botox Affect my health?

There have been reported side effects for Botox but most of them are mild in nature.

You should note that before undergoing the procedure, your practitioner will conduct tests to find out if your body will react negatively to the Botox dosage. Before going in for the process ensure there will be no major side effects.

How effective is nose Botox?

It all depends on what you want to achieve.

  • Your nose might be wide and you need it to get a slimming effect
  • It might have a bump at the ridge and you want it straight
  • It might have a droop effect at the base and you need it tilted upwards.
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