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In the past few years, men have shown a keen interest in cosmetic procedures including Botox. A Report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons shows that , between 2000-2018, the number of men undergoing cosmetic procedures rose by 29%. Men are now keen on how they look and do not shy away from procedures like Botox. After all, we all need that confidence boost.

If you are wondering why you should include Botox as part of self care, here are some benefits that accrue;

Decreased Wrinkling

Whether male or female, most people worry about wrinkles on their face. Often, we interpret wrinkles as a sign of old age. However, sun exposure also causes the skin to lose elasticity and form lines. Botox can easily correct this damage, by reducing the appearance of the smile lines, crow’s feet and skin creases.

This treatment leaves you looking younger as it targets the facial muscles that cause wrinkling. Botox limits their movement, which reduces creasing. If you do not have wrinkles yet, you can consider Botox as a preventive measure.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Botox in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Installment Plan Available

It is normal for men to feel self-conscious about how they look. Feel free to consult your doctor. The best thing is that you can fix the wrinkle you do not like.

Minimal Sweating

Botox is also a sweat control treatment. As a man, sweating too much may be a convenience for you. It could cause you to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. Interacting with people could be difficult when you have moist and gross palms. Some men also experience stress sweat, which has a much more unpleasant smell than regular sweat.

With Botox, your doctor can target these problem areas and stop the sweat nuisance. Botox paralyzes the sweat glands, which decreases sweat production. After the procedure, you can go a whole day without feeling self-conscious about how you smell or your sweat-drenched shirt.

Improved Self-esteem

Most people feel a certain way about aging. If you are unhappy with your aged look, Botox will give you a younger appearance. Our self-esteem has a strong connection to how we feel about our appearance. When we are happy with how we look, we are more confident. 

Excessive sweating may also lead to feelings of embarrassment that are detrimental to your confidence and self-esteem. Since Botox solves these problems, it improves your confidence and self-esteem.

Learn more about Botox for chin dimples

Better Performance

A boost in your self-esteem has a positive effect on your work. A positive attitude translates to your work when you like how you look. You are more confident while presenting your ideas. Men who receive Botox say that the treatment keeps them competitive . It helps them keep up the youthful look. They look their best during those board meetings, pitches and other work-related activities.

A refreshed look communicates that you are able to take on big challenges. A Botox treatment may be all you need to climb the career ladder. You do not need to worry about looking too “done”. As long as it is in the right amounts, Botox will give you natural results.

Thriving Relationships

When you look good, you feel great about yourself in your relationships. For those dating online, it’s a plus when your profile looks great. This gives you a better chance with the ladies. The extra confidence is also an admirable quality.

Save Time

Botox treatments are non-surgical and take a brief period to administer. Thus, you do not need to worry about fitting in a cosmetic procedure in your busy schedule. You will not experience any downtime after injection. The injection takes 10 minutes and you can return to your routine immediately. You get to look refreshed within the shortest time.

Affordable Skin Care

As a man, it is understandable that you may feel lost in the long list of skin care products. The market is full of products; most do not have guaranteed results. You can cut to the chase and go for a Botox appointment. Botox prices range from $300-$500. The prices are in units, and each unit goes for about $10-$25.

Your doctor can also offer you a payment plan or discounts to make payments more manageable. Botox treatment is a worthy investment for every man that wants to look rejuvenated.

Cures Other Medical Conditions

Apart from cosmetic use, doctors use Botox to fix other medical conditions. The toxin can treat;

  • Migraines
  • Muscle spasms
  • Overactive bladder
  • Crossed eye

A migraine is an excruciatingly painful headache and often disrupts your daily routine. 90% of people who experience migraines are not able to work. Worldwide, this condition is the sixth most disabling. Some people experience about eight episodes of chronic migraines in a month. 

Botox can treat migraines effectively, as it has a pain-blocking element. These conditions limit your quality of life. A Botox treatment will cure them and help you live a stress-free life. Your doctor may administer more injections for migraine treatment, especially in the pain areas. Botox treatments for migraines also reduce wrinkles. You get to cure your migraines and look younger at once.

Cure for Adult Acne

Medical practitioners are constantly researching new ways to use Botox. One of the emerging uses is acne treatment. Botox reduces adult acne by reducing oil production. It blocks acetylcholine, responsible for oil production in the dermis layer. Breakouts happen due to oily skin, a breeding ground for bacteria. Once you get Botox injections, you can enjoy fewer flare ups and healthier skin.

You’ll feel more confident with acne-free skin, which boosts your self-esteem.

All men should consider Botox to reap all the above benefits. Dr. Tarek Bayazid is qualified and ready to offer them to you. Remember, a skilled doctor is critical to achieving your desired look. Thus, you’ll want to consult a medical practitioner that will administer Botox safely. Get a quote today from Dr. TareK to yield the best results.

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