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BodyTite Vs J Plasma is the latest talk of the town among cosmetic specialists and the public. Both non-invasive techniques have revolutionized sagging skin treatments. Want to know which method is the best for you?

Dr.Tarek, a premiere plastic surgeon, and consultant in Dubai, has expertise in BodyTite and J Plasma treatments. Both procedures can resolve skin loosening and scars by burning fats. They are non-surgical operations with minimum downtime.

In this article, we shall teach you everything about these techniques; stay tuned.

What is BodyTite?

BodyTite is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes radio frequency to remove stubborn fat deposits from designated areas. Once the fats are removed, the skin begins to contract.

It can contract or tighten the tissues by 25-45%. If looked after with care, the effects of BodyTite stay visible for years. There are no risks involved during and after the treatment. The patient can resume his daily activities after a short time.

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Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Bodytite Procedure in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
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  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

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How Does BodyTite Work?

The BodyTite utilizes RAFL (Radiofrequency Assisted Lipolysis) technique to eliminate fats and contract the skin. The method is FDA approved and completely safe for use.

During the procedure, the subject lies in a relaxed position. The surgeon makes small incisions at selected areas to mark fatty tissues. The RAFL is applied to these areas. Once heated, the fat starts melting. Liposuction or vacuuming removes the fat.

The procedure takes 2-3 hours. You can take a short leave from work and finish it on the same day.

What can BodyTite Treat?

The BodyTite can produce exceptional results on

  • Face
  • Thighs
  • Bra line
  • Buttocks
  • Knees
  • Female/male breasts
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Abdomen

Who can use BodyTite?

BodyTite is ideal for people with sagging skin and features. The sagging can occur due to aging, pregnancy, and weight loss. This procedure can eliminate all the fat and contract the targeted spots. There isn’t any age or gender specification either.

However, it is advisable to consult a professional cosmetic consultant before making the final call.

What is J Plasma?

J Plasma is a controlled heat procedure for skin tightening. It is also known as Renuvion. It is a quick process with minimalistic downtime and surgical requirements. The use of plasma differentiates it from standard non-invasive procedures.

Plastic surgeons can pinpoint an area for applying controlled heat. The heat tightens the skin with minimal scars. J plasma stimulates collagen at a deeper level. It also contracts subcutaneous tissues to give you refreshing skin.

How Does J Plasma Work?

At the start of the procedure, the surgeon creates an access point by placing the device beneath the skin. After correctly positioning the device, he releases pro helium gas coupled with Radio Frequency to create plasma.

The plasma produces the heat required to burn the fats and contract the skin. Meanwhile, the helium gas works to cool the treatment area. This combination performs an efficient process with no hazard to the subject. It is a procedure with relatively lesser pain.

What can J Plasma Treat?

The J plasma is among the most versatile skin treatments. It can treat any body part with skin tightening issues. The most common ones are

  • Arm lift
  • Lower face and neck lift
  • Thigh lift
  • Knee lift
  • Belt lift (abdomen & sides)

Who can use J Plasma?

It can treat anyone with saggy and loose skin. If done correctly, you only need to do it once in a lifetime.

However, before making a decision, it is advisable to consult your plastic surgeon. So, the procedure can be done as per fat count, skin sagging, and body type.

BodyTite Vs J Plasma: Which treatment to Choose?

BodyTite and J Plasma procedures are pretty similar in their approach. They are non-surgical, radio frequency-based techniques with minimum downtime. However, their differences determine their respective usage.BodyTite prefers to use radio frequency with customized cannulas. The procedure comes with various handpieces, which enable it to combine with several other treatments.

J Plasma combines radiofrequency with helium as cooling media. Due to instant cooling, there isn’t any danger of damaging superficial skin. The J plasma is useful in conjunction with extensive body contouring surgeries like Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery.

Your requirement governs the choice of treatment. If the skin is saggy with less fat, choose Body Titel. Similarly, BodyTite is ideal for complex areas. However, if your skin is saggy with fat deposits, go for J Plasma. It is also suitable for extensive body procedures in minimum time. However, The final decision rests with your consultant.

Learn more about the comparison between BodyTite vs body jet


With the latest advancements in cosmetic treatments, you don’t have to bear the pain of skin surgeries. The non-invasive procedures can make your skin look fresh and youthful with

BodyTite and Plasma Procedures.

Both procedures rely on radio frequency to burn the fats. They take a few hours to complete, with their effect in place for years to come. To do it right, you should seek the services of a professional cosmetic surgeon.

Book a free consultation for the BodyTite or J Plasma procedure with Dr. Tarek Boyazid, one of Dubai’s most trusted plastic surgeons. He is known for his exemplary work in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Tarek is a member of prestigious Plastic Surgery Societies worldwide, including.

· American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)

· The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)

· The Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS), and

· Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course (MAFAC)

Frequently Asked Questions

The BodyTite can remove 25-40 % of your body fat. It contracts the tissues, which tightens the skin. However, it isn’t any weight-reducing procedure.

It takes 3-6 months after treatment. The skin gets firm when a new collage develops.

BodyTite doesn’t have any significant risk. It can only cause swelling, redness, bruises, and tightness.

It typically takes 1-2 weeks to recover from J Plasma treatment completely. After that, you can apply any make or ointment to your skin.

The cost of J Plasma varies per treated area and fat deposition. The intensity of heat and cooling also changed accordingly.

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