BodyTite Gynecomastia

BodyTite Gynecomastia

Are you tired of large, sagging breasts and stretched areola that lowers your self-confidence and self-esteem? Here’s how BodyTite Gynecomastia can help. BodyTite Gynecomastia involves the removal of breast fat and tissue and the chest skin’s contraction without employing slits or surgical methods. Whereas traditional gynecomastia surgeries involve cuts, stitches, and downtime, BodyTite Gynecomastia does…

Botox in dubai

Da li su rezultati botoksa trajni? Sve što treba da znate

Da li su rezultati botoksa trajni? Upoznajte se sa različitim efektima botoksa kako bi ste saznali više o ovoj kozmetičkoj substanci koja može povoljno da utiče na vaš izgled.  Od kad je Uprava za hranu i lekove SAD-a (FDA – Food and Drug Administration) odobrila upotrebu botoksa početkom dvehiljaditih, ovo  medicinsko sredstvo je prošlo kroz…

Why Botox Doesn't Last

Zašto botoks nije trajan

Tretmani botoksom u Beogradu ulepšavaju izgled vašeg lica tako što ublažavaju izrazitost bora i vraćaju vam mladalački izgled. Ali zašto rezultati nisu trajni? Pročitajte više o tome ovde.  Bore i fine linije počinju da se javljaju na licu dok starimo. U nekim slučajevima, ljudi primećuju ovakve bore u predelu oko usana. Zbog ovoga možemo izgledati…

How Botox Prevents Wrinkles

How Botox Prevents Wrinkles

Are your deep imprinted wrinkles making you look old? Get botox treatment that removes wrinkles while restoring a glowy face. Learn how botox prevents wrinkles. Botox is an injection that paralyzes facial muscles and hides the appearance of wrinkles. It has a great reputation and is a remedy choice for many patients struggling with aging…

What Should You Know About Breast Augmentation and Pregnancy?

Povećanje grudi posle trudnoće

Povećanje grudi u Beogradu je sjajna procedura kojom možete oblikovati opuštene grudi. Čitajte više o tome ovde kako bi ste saznali kada je pravo vreme za ovaj zahvat.  Povećanje grudi je popularna operacija kozmetičke prirode. Tokom nje, plastični hirurg će upotrebom grudnih implanata ili transfera masti povećati veličinu vaših grudi. Pored toga, ovaj zahvat će…

What Should You Know About Breast Augmentation and Pregnancy?

What Should You Know About Breast Augmentation and Pregnancy?

A popular cosmetic procedure, breast augmentation, interplays with pregnancy’s transformation in many ways. Women who undergo breast augmentation after pregnancy must be aware of the possible consequences of future pregnancies if they wish to proceed. Each intersection is highlighted in this guide to highlight what every potential patient needs to know. Understanding Breast Augmentation: The…

Why Botox Doesn't Last

Why Botox Doesn’t Last

Getting botox in Dubai enhances your facial appearance by reducing wrinkles and restoring a youthful look. But why doesn’t botox last? Read on to learn more.  Wrinkles and lines begin to appear on your face as you continue to age. In some instances, you’ll experiences these same lines somewhere close to your mouth. This appearance…