Breast augmentation with lift Benefits of breast augmentation with Breast lift

Breast Augmentation with Lift | Benefits of Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift

A breast augmentation surgery is done on women whose breasts have become saggy or less rigid. The purpose of the procedure is to reshape the breasts to the patient’s preference and enhance their overall appearance. A breast lift, however, is done to remove the excess skin around the breasts to make them more rigid. No…

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Oporavak posle povećanja grudi

Oporavak posle povećanja grudi je bolan proces.  Ključ za postizanje dobrih rezultata je da vodite računa o svom telu i da se pridržavate saveta svog doktora.  Oporavak posle povećanja grudi je, kao što mu ime kaže, proces zaceljivanja posle operacije povećanja grudi. Naša klinika za povećanje grudi u Beogradu vam nudi neke smernice i medikamente…

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast augmentation recovery.

Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) is becoming common among women who want fuller breasts. The procedure involves inserting breast implants over or under the chest muscle. These implants can either be saline or silicone. Saline implants are filled with fluid after they’re inserted into the body. Silicone implants are already pre-filled according to the desired breast…

Does Fat Come Back After Liposuction?

Does Fat Come Back After Liposuction?

Can you maintain a flat tummy or tight skin, or does fat come back after liposuction? What happens to fatty cells after having this body contouring procedure? Liposuction or suction-assisted lipectomy is a minimally invasive treatment that removes unwanted fatty deposits for aesthetic purposes. This common body contouring cosmetic procedure involves removing fat resistant to…

Cena operacije očnih kapaka  Cena blefaroplastike u Beogradu

Cost for eyelid surgery | eyelid surgery cost in Dubai

A significant consideration for people considering surgery is the cost. Research about price then becomes a crucial task. This article discusses factors that affect the price of blepharoplasties. Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a procedure that corrects the eyelids. Blepharoplasty cost in Dubai ranges between AED 10,000 (2750 USD) and AED 20,000 (5450…

Cena operacije očnih kapaka Cena blefaroplastike u Beogradu

Cena operacije očnih kapaka | Cena blefaroplastike u Beogradu

Da li vaše oči izgledaju opušteno ili natečeno? Da li razmišljate o plastičnoj operaciji kako bi ste to popravili? Saznajte ovde više o ceni operacije podizanja očnih kapaka u Beogradu.   Operacija podizanja očnih kapaka u Beogradu može koštati i do 1500 evra. Međutim, ova cena može biti i viša u zavisnosti od pojedinih faktora kao…

random smiling woman with pink lips

Everything You Need to Know about Dimpleplasty

Those who have always wanted cute dimples on their cheeks while smiling can get them thanks to dimpleplasty. If you are one of them, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive guide will help you learn everything you need to know about dimpleplasty. What is dimpleplasty? You’ve probably heard about rhinoplasty or botox procedure,…

BodyTite for Cellulite

BodyTite for Cellulite

BodyTite is a non-surgical process that uses radiofrequency energy via liposuction to remove extra body fat beneath your skin, often known as cellulite. While BodyTite is an FDA-approved and successful non-surgical treatment for cellulite, it is not necessarily appropriate for every case. BodyTite for cellulite may not be the best option if your cellulite is…

BodyTite What to Expect During the Procedure and Recovery

BodyTite: What to Expect During the Procedure and Recovery

  Many patients considering having a BodyTite tend to worry about what to expect during the procedure, and recovery. Would you like to understand the BodyTite process and what it entails? Dr. Tarek, a premier plastic surgeon, based in Dubai, has become more accustomed to BodyTite to help patients struggling with loose stubborn fat tissues….