Tummy Tuck Scars Removal  Can Tummy Tuck Scars Be Removed

Uklanjanje ožiljaka posle zatezanja stomaka | Mogu li se ukloniti ožiljci od zatezanja stomaka?

Probajte profesionalne usluge uklanjanja ožiljaka posle zatezanja stomaka Dr. Tareka, plastičnog hirurga u Beogradu koji će vam pomoći da dobijete ravan stomak.   Operacija uklanjanja ožiljka posle zatezanja stomaka je sve popularnija jer pružaju bezbedan i lak način da se otarasite ožiljaka posle zatezanja stomaka. Iz ovog razloga mnogi muškarci i žene posećuju hirurge u Beogradu,…

Tummy Tuck Scars Removal Can Tummy Tuck Scars Be Removed

Tummy Tuck Scars Removal | Can Tummy Tuck Scars Be Removed?

Learn valuable tips and discover the secrets of reducing the tummy tuck scar’s visibility.  Practically, tummy tuck scars cannot be removed completely or go away completely because they are just like any other scars. However, tummy tuck scars removal surgeries exist to help in their management.  These surgeries have been rising in popularity as they…

Requirements For Tummy Tuck

Requirements For Tummy Tuck Explained By Dr. Tarek Bayazid

Loose skin, excess fat, and weak abdominal muscles make you a great candidate for a tummy tuck. Body contouring has come a long way in solving aesthetic dissatisfaction. Tummy tucks are a permanent solution for women and men looking to get rid of extra skin and fat. Women get the result of taut, slim abdomens….

Best Rhinoplasty Alternative

Fillers For Nose | Best Rhinoplasty Alternative

Are you considering rhinoplasty surgery? Do you want to feel the effects temporarily? Do you know any other rhinoplasty alternatives? Read on to find out. Rhinoplasty is a risky procedure with remarkable results if performed by a qualified specialist surgeon. The results are permanent; hence, having an idea of how you want your outcome to…

Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty

According to most plastic surgeons, revision rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging procedures. The nose is a complex structure that requires exceptional skills to operate on and maintain its functionality. Revision rhinoplasty involves the repair of deformities caused by a previous procedure while strengthening the capabilities of the nasal system. Revision rhinoplasty is usually…

Da li je dojenje moguće sa implantima?

Da li je dojenje moguće sa implantima?

Da li ste znali da je moguće dojiti sa implantima? Evo šta sve treba da znate po pitanju dojenja posle operacije povećanja grudi.  Povećanje grudi je plastična operacija kojom se povećava veličina i ističu ženske grudi.  Ova operacija je dobila na popularnosti poslednjih nekoliko godina, te sve više žena traži ovu operaciju, sve zahvaljujući napretku…

How Gynecomastia Happens

How Gynecomastia Happens

Do you want to know how gynecomastia develops? Our physical appearance, notably the size of our chest, might impact our self-esteem. Read out how this works. Gynecomastia is caused by a reduction in the amount of testosterone hormone in comparison to estrogen hormone. The imbalance of the two hormones affects your breast tissue. More estrogen…

Liposuction vs. CoolSculpting Which is Better, Lipo or CoolSculpting

Liposuction vs. CoolSculpting | Which is Better, Lipo or CoolSculpting

Liposuction and CoolSculpting have been used as methods of trimming body fat for some time. Both of these procedures have one common goal: the safe removal of fat cells from the body permanently. Several people have performed this procedure, although most people are still unclear on which one would work for them.  Liposuction vs. CoolSculpting…