how to stop gynecomastia from growing

How to Stop Gynecomastia From Growing

Gynecomastia is the abnormal growth of male breasts from excess estrogen. The estrogen hormone is a female hormone that helps the development of the female reproductive system.  When present in excess in a male body, it stimulates the growth of breast tissues, resulting in breast enlargement. Excess estrogen indicates a hormonal imbalance between the estrogen…

Rhinoplasty vs nose filler Find the right fit for your needs

Rhinoplasty vs nose filler: Find the right fit for your needs

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the modification of your cartilage or bone to change the shape of your nose. Nose filler on the other hand is a non-surgical procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid filler into the nose. People often get confused between rhinoplasty and nose filler. To save you from that, we…

Recovery for breast lift Breast lift recovery time

Recovery for breast lift | Breast lift recovery time

Like other surgical processes, the recovery time for a breast lift is different from person to person. On average the recovery time for a breast lift is 3-6 weeks. Some women may feel good enough to return to work even after 1-2 weeks. Breast Lift Recovery Time It takes about 6 weeks to fully recover…

Breast augmentation after care

Nega posle povećanja grudi

Saznajte više o tome šta treba a šta ne treba raditi tokom različitih faza nege posle povećanja grudi. Takođe, čitajte o pojedinim savetima koji će vam pomoći da pregurate proces oporavka.  Žene se opredeljuju za povećanje grudi iz različitih razloga. Možete smanjiti ili povećati veličinu grudi, korigovati neujednačenosti i druge probleme operacijom dojke. Rezultati vam…

Breast augmentation after care

Breast augmentation after care

Breast augmentation aftercare Dr. Tarek Bayazid, a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, does not recommend attending school, working, or conducting other extracurricular activities until 10 days after surgery. Pushing, lifting, or pulling heavy weight (more than 5 pounds) is also not suitable until 14 days of the process. Avoid tough exercises that require excessive use…

5 best Facial Rejuvenation Devices

5 best Facial Rejuvenation Devices

What is a facial rejuvenation device? A facial rejuvenation device is a kind of massaging device that uses light-emitting diodes to penetrate your skin, stimulating collagen-producing cells while opening your pores. The devices offer multi-tiered treatments for issues with skin types.   5 best Facial Rejuvenation Devices Morpheus8 As an FDA-approved micro-needling device, Morpheus8 allows you…

Will gynecomastia go away after puberty

Will gynecomastia go away after puberty?

Puberty is a delicate time in any boy’s development. Unfortunately, this key life stage can be negatively affected by gynecomastia. Gynecomastia, commonly called man-chests, can occur in infants, adolescents, or adult men. It is caused by hormonal imbalances, certain medications, and underlying conditions.  Reassurance and observance go a long way in handling gynecomastia in pubescent…

Tummy Tuck Scars Removal  Can Tummy Tuck Scars Be Removed

Uklanjanje ožiljaka posle zatezanja stomaka | Mogu li se ukloniti ožiljci od zatezanja stomaka?

Probajte profesionalne usluge uklanjanja ožiljaka posle zatezanja stomaka Dr. Tareka, plastičnog hirurga u Beogradu koji će vam pomoći da dobijete ravan stomak.   Operacija uklanjanja ožiljka posle zatezanja stomaka je sve popularnija jer pružaju bezbedan i lak način da se otarasite ožiljaka posle zatezanja stomaka. Iz ovog razloga mnogi muškarci i žene posećuju hirurge u Beogradu,…