Best nanofat Grafting in Dubai

Nano fat grafting procedures date back to the late 1800s. Patients prefer to use their fat for facial rejuvenation, enhance some body fats, including buttocks, and achieve spectacular results.

The main focus of nano grafting in previous years involved reconstructive procedures, which posed various risks. Cosmetic surgeons have had time to improve the technique to ensure the procedure’s safety and longevity. Stay on to find out how you can find the best nano fat grafting services in Dubai.

What is nano fat grafting?

Nano fat grafting is also known as micro fat grafting. It’s a fat transfer procedure where your cosmetic surgeon uses a thin cannula to remove wrinkles and help restore your youthful look. The process also greatly enhances your facial skin quality.

The process involves harvesting a small part of your body from parts with excess fat, such as your hips, tummy, and thighs. The fat is later processed into fluid form and subsequently injected into the areas needing augmentation.

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About Tarek Bayazid

Dr. Tarek Bayazid is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery “ISAPS”, and the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS). He is proudly a member of the most prestigious societies worldwide such as the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course – MAFAC from Australia by the eminent Dr.Mendelson.

Dedicated to excellence in Plastic Surgery Dr.Tarek Bayazid provides a wide selection of today’s most sought-after aesthetic procedures. His patient-focused approach and dedication to being at the forefront of his expertise have resulted in unsurpassed outcomes for his clients.

Whether you seek non-surgical enhancement or a full menu of surgical procedures, Dr Tarek Bayazid will deliver and execute a plan that impacts a patient’s life quality.

After receiving his MD from Belgrade University, Dr Tarek Bayazid completed his plastic surgery residency at the Clinical Center of Serbia. He trained under many notable plastic surgeons in Europe.

Common nano fat treatment sites

Fat grafting is a process involving the transfer of fat from areas with excess fat to those will less volume. These are areas needing augmentation and enhancement to enable them to look fuller. Common nano fat treatment sites include.

  • Temples
  • Cheeks
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Lips and lines around the mouth
  • Under eyes
  • Hands

Nano fat grafting brings new collagen growth, assuring permanent results after the procedure. You can therefore enjoy the endless benefits from this collagen.

Benefits of nano fat grafting?

Going through the nano grafting procedure brings with it some benefits. The process helps improve facial volume loss. If your face happens to have wrinkles, sunken cheeks, furrows, and hollows in the face, nano fat grafting and facelift procedures can help rejuvenate this look.

Nano fat is also safe to go through, and it’s economical and practical as it gives you permanent results. The procedure does not have allergic reactions when performed under local anesthesia.

The nano fat results last longer compared to other traditional fat grafting procedures. The procedure stimulates regenerative facial structures through natural collagen production at a molecular level.

Nano fat grafting is a replacement procedure for eyelid surgery and face and neck lift procedures.

Nano grafting procedure

Nano fat grafting in Dubai entails the removal of excess fat from specific areas of your body and pumping in the same fat into areas that tend to have a low volume of fat. There are three steps involved in having a successful nano grafting procedure.

The cosmetic surgeon does liposuction on your love handles, buttocks, thighs and any body part showing signs of excess fat.

Isolating the fat cells helps them to disintegrate into single cells, which makes the fat transfer process more manageable and safer.

The cosmetic surgeon now proceeds to inject the fat cells into your targeted facial areas allowing gradual improvement and lasting results.

What are the drawbacks of nano fat grafting?

Some common drawbacks of the nano fat grafting procedure include.

  • You need to go through cosmetic surgery for far removal.
  • The liposuction procedure will require the use of an anesthetic
  • Swelling and bruising post-nano fat grafting may last a significant period
  • It’s long-lasting for patients seeking this alternative to test the waters

Cost of nano fat grafting in Dubai

The cost of nano fat grafting in Dubai ranges from AED 14,000 to AED 25,000. The price is dependent on a few factors, such as.

  • The expertise of the cosmetic surgeon.
  • Location of the clinic. Clinics in urban areas have higher costs compared to those in rural areas.
  • Cost of the materials. Materials needed for intensive surgical procedures add to the cost of nano fat grafting.
  • Medication and follow-up costs.
  • Any future appointments.

Differences between nano fat grafting and fillers?

If you’ve visited a cosmetic surgeon and highlighted the issue of facial volume loss, they’ve probably mentioned nano fat grafting and fillers as available options.

A few questions you’d want to ask your surgeon are the main differences between nano grafting and fillers, Which is a better option, which procedure appears more natural, and the one with long-lasting, effective results.

While nano fat grafting and fillers are effective procedures that help restore volume on needed areas and fill in facial wrinkles, they cannot offer the same benefits.

Reports confirm that nano fat grafting in Dubai is a fast-growing procedure in the cosmetic surgery field. Patients confirm that nano fat grafting is comfortable with quick healing and swelling going down very fast.

Nano fat grafting is also cost-effective with longer-lasting results, making it a better filler option.

Am I a good candidate for nano fat grafting in Dubai?

Nano fat grafting is commonly performed on patients older than 30 whose faces already show signs of ageing. The procedure can be conducted with other facial procedures like a facelift to mitigate the signs of ageing when they start showing.

You are more likely a good candidate if you see the below signs.

  • Sunken cheeks
  • Lower eyelid bags
  • Thin lips
  • Going through a facelift, eyelid surgery any other plastic surgery procedure.
  • Have sufficient time for recovery after the procedure
  • Good general health with reasonable expectations


When looking to restore the lost glow and youthfulness on your face, nano fat grafting is the ideal cosmetic procedure. The procedure carries with it essential benefits that will improve your facial appearance.

Dr Tarek is one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Dubai with ideal expertise in facial rejuvenation procedures. He will answer any questions regarding the nano grafting procedure and ensure you get the facial transformation you desire. Contact him today to book an appointment.

nano fat grafting in Dubai: FAQs

The plastic surgeon will first identify the patient site with excess fatty tissues and remove the excess fats through gentle liposuction.

The fat is later converted into an injectable form and injected into the areas of the body with low-fat volumes.

The fat transfer procedure involves three steps:

Step 1: The fat is removed from the site where it is in excess using a needle.

Step 2: The fat is cleansed to ensure it is both whole and undamaged.

Step 3: The cleansed fat is injected into the target sites.

In most cases, the nano fat grafting procedure is done independently or with an additional cosmetic surgery such as facial surgery. You can also use other adjacent techniques to help you achieve your goals.

Aside from increasing volume in fat-deprived areas, going through a nano grafting procedure replenishes nutrients and blood supply on your skin. The result is giving you a more youthful appearance.

The first thing to note is that nano grafting results begin to show after six months. Once the final results can ultimately show, you are assured that they will remain with you for the rest of your life.