Botox In Dubai

Brow Lift with Botox in Dubai

If you’re wondering, “What’s a Brow Lift with Botox?”, you’ve come to the right place. This article will give you the facts about this procedure, including who is the best candidate, what you can expect from the procedure, and what benefits it can provide. Read on to learn more. You…


Droopy Eye After Botox

Does Botox cause eyelid droop? How do I fix it? Are there other ways to avoid eyelid drooping? Let’s find out! This article will answer all these questions and more! Keep reading to learn how to prevent eyelid drooping after Botox. Droopy eyelids are common side effects of Botox treatment….

Liposuction Arms

Liposuction Arms

Liposuction arms is a surgical procedure that removes fat deposits in the arms via small incisions. What do you need to know before considering it? Let’s find out. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves suction techniques to remove fat from any body parts. It aims at making your body…

Tummy Tuck Cost In Dubai

Tummy Tuck Price UAE

A tummy tuck is an excellent surgical procedure that removes that excess skin and puts you back to shape. But, how much is a tummy tuck price in UAE?  Your body is both complex and fragile, and any procedures you put your body through must be thought of carefully. For…

Tummy Tuck Vs Liposuction

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction | What’s right For you? Explained By Dr. Tarek Bayazid

Many people are confused about which procedure to get to change the appearance of their belly. An expert explains if tummy tuck or liposuction is right for you. As a highly sought plastic surgeon, I get many people complaining that they are not happy with the appearance of their abdomen…