Breast Augmentation
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Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in Dubai? But are you a good candidate? Here’s a quick guide to help you determine.

Breast augmentation has remained one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world — for decades. Not only has it become widely accepted and relatively easily available, but plastic surgeons have also made considerable strides in the industry. 

The results from the procedures are now more effective and better appearance, thanks to developments in techniques used by surgeons to lift and shape the breasts. 

Like many other cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation is a highly personal decision. 

In most cases, there aren’t any adverse medical impacts should you not take the procedures, but the same cannot be said to your self-esteem and confidence. Most people undertake breast augmentation and other cosmetic surgeries to boost their appearance and esteem. 

Nevertheless, breast augmentation is an invasive procedure, and patients should always perform their due diligence to determine whether the procedure is right for them. To help you get started here’s all that will help you determine if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation. 

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But first…

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is simply the surgery to increase breast size. It involves the placement of breast implants under the breast tissues or chest muscles to give them a fuller appearance. In other cases, you can also benefit from fat transfer as a method of breast augmentation.

Most women prefer breast augmentation to boost their appearance, ultimately increasing their confidence. 

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery in Dubai, you will first have to talk to a qualified plastic surgeon to help you understand all the nitty-gritty surrounding the procedure. 

First things first, here are a few factors to consider to help you determine if you are an ideal candidate for breast augmentation. 

Who is a good candidate for breast augmentation?

There are certain criteria that someone must meet before you are approved for breast augmentation by a plastic surgeon. As a rule of thumb, not everyone can be a good candidate for the procedure. The main consideration that surgeons make is to know the patient’s age.

Although there is no age limit for getting breast implants, the FDA requires those getting saline implants to be at least 18 years old and for silicone implants to be at least 22 years. This is because your breasts must be fully developed for you to get these implants.

See related: Is breast augmentation safe for older women

There are other considerations taken into account before you’re approved for breast implant surgery by a plastic surgeon.

Some of them include: 

1. You are generally healthy.

To be considered for breast implant surgery, you must be in a generally good healthy condition. This means you do not have any active infections, untreated cancer, or other serious illnesses. 

If you are currently under medication or have any severe medical concerns, it is prudent to speak to your doctor regarding them, and they will advise whether you can be a good candidate for breast augmentation. 

2. You are bothered by the size of your breasts.

One of the main factors driving the decision to get the procedure for most women is to change the size of their breasts. Most of them will have had small breasts ever since they reached maturity, while others notice a decrease in their breast sizes as they age. 

Some of the factors affecting the change in size may be due to significant weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. 

Breast augmentation helps you get the size of breasts that are ideal for you to make you feel more confident about your body. 

3. You do not like the shape of your breasts.

Breast augmentation surgery improves not only the size of your breasts but also their shape. If your breasts are flattened, asymmetrical, sagging, and lacking adequate cleavage or volume, you may be a good candidate for a breast augmentation procedure. 

Although some women may experience that the shape of one breast is different from the other, you will not undergo augmentation on only one breast but both. This is done to give you full symmetry. 

However, if you have wildly unrealistic expectations from the surgery and are hard-bent towards achieving those looks, you may be ruled out of breast augmentation surgery. 

5. You’re willing to overgo alcohol, smoking, and other drugs.

One of the instructions you’ll be given by your doctor in preparation for the surgery is that you quit smoking and taking alcohol for at least a few days or weeks towards the surgery. This is because such drugs may hinder your recovery process and ultimately lead to more scarring and bleeding. 

You will also have to refrain from these drugs during your recovery period. This means that you should quit consuming them until you are medically cleared and recovered.

Who is not a good candidate for breast augmentation?

Generally speaking, anyone in a good physical and mental state of health can be a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery. When considering breast implants, it’s crucial to explore various factors that may influence Breast augmentation cost, ensuring that you make an informed decision about the cost and associated benefits. A good mental state of health means that they are fully aware of what they want to do and why they want to do it. Moreover, they should also have reasonable expectations from the procedure.

Nevertheless, if you lack any of those qualities, you may be disqualified from getting a breast augmentation. Besides that, you may also be disqualified if: 

  • You’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You have breast cancer or an abnormal mammogram.
  • You have an active infection.
  • You’re using certain drugs (both medicinal and non-medicinal) and unable or unwilling to quit before, during, and after the procedure.

Is breast augmentation right for you?

Breast augmentation is ideally a personal decision. Only you and your doctor can absolutely determine if the surgery is ideal for you. If you’re considering breast augmentation in Dubai, the best thing to do is to contact Dr. Tarek Aesthetics and book your consultation. Only then will you be sure that you are a good candidate and if you really want the surgery. Explore transformative beauty solutions with the expertise of our skilled Dubai’s best plastic surgeon.

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