Apron surgery and tummy tuck are invasive surgeries. They differ on the reason why they are done. Find out what to expect, their recovery times and more.
When observing your belly, it’s easy to get disgusted or let your self-confidence take a beating.
You might decide to hit the gym and give it everything you’ve got. The results will be ok but not exactly the way you want.
When you lose weight, a large chunk of skin is left hanging. The skin contains adipose, fatty deposits that will need surgery to remove.
Apron surgery (Panniculectomy) or a tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) is a solution. The two surgeries do differ but guarantee the intended results.
Both are invasive. But a tummy tuck has a partial option that’s quick.
Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid
Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Tummy Tuck in Dubai
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Find out more about the difference between the two.
What Is A Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)?
It’s also known as abdominoplasty. A reconstructive surgery that removes excess skin and tightens the abdominal wall muscles with satures.
It’s prevalent in women who are from carrying multiple pregnancies over the years. Their muscles are usually loose or split.
Tummy tuck improves the abdomen by giving your abdomen a good shape and toning the muscles on the walls.
Who Is A Candidate For A Tummy Tuck?
There are different categories of people who’ll need a tummy tuck.
Those With A Sagging Abdomen
According to Dr. Tarek, the best tummy tuck surgeon in Dubai, women who have carried multiple pregnancies over the years need the surgery more.
Most of these women consider the procedure when they don’t plan to conceive again. With multiple pregnancies, women aren’t getting any younger. Hence, the muscles around the abdomen become loose.
What Exercises Can’t Remove
You might have chosen to enlist in a weight-loss program, but there’s what the gym and many other exercises won’t achieve. Sometimes you can hit a plateau where your abdomen can’t get rid of any more of the excess skin.
A tummy tuck is the last resort to enhance your preferred abdominal look.
Pure Genetics
As an avid gym-goer, you are looking for that well-toned torso accentuated by a flawless abdomen that’s firm.
But Dr.Tarek asserts, have you ever noticed that some people’s abdomen never get toned to their expectations? Well, genetics might be at play.
A tummy tuck carves out the stubborn fat or bulging skin and puts a gloss on your desired physique. You can get the procedure done by one of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai, Dr. Tarek.
How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Procedure Take?
There are two types of tummy tucks, partial abdominoplasty, and full abdominoplasty.
- A partial tummy tuck is when incisions are made at both sides of the bottom of the stomach and slightly above the pelvic area.
The incisions are a few inches in length which makes them less invasive. The process takes about 2 hours. The patient usually takes a shorter period to recover than a full tummy tuck.
- Full abdominoplasty requires two incisions from hip to hip. One incision is at the top of the lower abdomen and the other one below.
Because it’s invasive, it may last up to 5 hours.
How Long Does it Take to Recover From a Tummy Tuck?
Partial tummy tucks in Dubai are considered outpatient services. Therefore, you can leave the hospital on the same day.
Dr. Tarek, a leading plastic surgeon in Dubai, posits after undergoing a partial tummy tuck, you will recover in about two weeks and go about your normal activities afterward.
For a full tummy tuck, the recovery period is much longer. In some instances, the recovery may vary depending on:
- Your age – The younger you are chances of a quick recovery are high.
- How well you attend to the wound: should be well-taken care of to avoid infections.
- If other diseases aren’t well checked
- Avoid strenuous activities before you fully recover.
- How prompt you are with follow-up appointments for your surgeon to keep track of the healing process.
You will be required to wear an abdominal supporter for at least six weeks. Along the incisions, you will have tubes to help drain any fluid that will build up.
The supporter helps hold the abdomen together. Later, the supporter will be substituted with a compression garment to continue the support.
What is Apron surgery (Panniculectomy)?
The general definition is removing excess skin from the lower abdomen through invasive surgery.
The name apron (panniculus) means hanging skin on the lower abdomen containing adipose.
When you go through an apron surgery in Dubai, tightening your abdominal muscles will not be done like when going through a tummy tuck.
But Dr. Tarek, a leading plastic surgeon, has good news. He reiterates that apron surgery and tummy tuck can be combined and done with other procedures.
Who Is A Candidate For Apron Surgery?
The most common candidates are usually those that have completed a weight-loss program and can’t seem to shake the excess lower abdominal skin.
Other candidates who qualify for the surgery are:
- Those bothered by their abdomen’s appearance
- Those who have rashes and infections under the hanging skin
- Those who experience irritations and the skin interferes with your routine activities like sitting down, bending, walking, and running.
On the flip side, those that aren’t good candidates shouldn’t be:
- Suffering from symptoms that lead to cardiac arrest
- Diabetic
- Suffering from lung problems
- A current smoker
How Long Does Apron Surgery Take?
Being an invasive surgery, it usually takes around five hours.
In surgeries that last that long, anesthesiologists will have to administer anesthesia to induce sleep.
The surgeon does two incisions, one slightly above the lower abdomen and another below.
How Long Will it Take To Recover From Apron Surgery?
For you to fully recover, it might take around two years.
First, after the surgery, your wound will be sore, and your belly will swell for up to a week.
You will start feeling energetic again and able to move around gingerly in about 4-6 weeks.
During this period, you won’t be able to stand upright because your wound will still be aching. To avoid the risk of rupturing your stitched wound, your surgeon will advise you to go slow.
The swelling may persist for up to 3-4 months. After that, it will start subsiding.
Your healing will come through slowly but surely by taking care of yourself by:
- Avoiding being overly active
- Carrying light stuff.
- Resting when you feel tired
- Taking off from your work
- Moving slowly and avoiding straining.
Final Thoughts
Whether you are going for apron surgery or tummy tuck in Dubai, your surgeon will help educate you on which one suits you.
Both are invasive and take a lot of time for you to recover.
The difference in these procedures is that apron surgery aims to remove excess skin from the abdomen.
But a tummy tuck aims at enhancing muscles and accentuating a clear waistline.
At Tarek Aesthetics in Dubai, you can procure both the apron surgery and tummy tuck when in need.
Remember, these invasive surgeries can be done together by the leading plastic surgeon in Dubai, Dr. Tarek Bayazid. Read this article to find out about the price of tummy tuck in Dubai
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a tummy tuck help me lose weight?
A tummy tuck is not a weight-loss procedure. However, your weight can decrease slightly because of the excess fat removed from your lower abdomen.
A tummy tuck is a body-accentuating procedure.
How long do the effects of a tummy tuck procedure last?
They can last as long as you are keen on maintaining the results.
For instance, you need to watch your diet and exercise regularly.
When undergoing the procedure, you shouldn’t be planning to conceive again. Otherwise, it might cause your waistline to regress.
What are the most common side effects of apron surgery?
- You will not be able to stand upright.
- The wound will feel sour and numb at the same time
- You will experience a lot of pain.