Gynecomastia is a condition that negatively affects one’s esteem. Before getting gynecomastia surgery, here are a few signs of gynecomastia to look out for.
Gynecomastia is a common condition that results in enlarged male breast tissue. It can be seen in men of all ages but is more prevalent during the newborn period, puberty, and older adulthood. This condition can affect just one or both breasts, and sometimes, this occurs unevenly.
There are many causes for gynecomastia — also known as man chest— but the main factors are associated with hormonal changes and lifestyle. Although gynecomastia isn’t generally considered a life-threatening condition, it can be tough to cope with it. Men and boys with gynecomastia often have pain in their breasts, and most evidently, their self-esteem is the most affected.
Gynecomastia is a condition that may or may not go away on its own. One of the tricks to getting non-hormonal gynecomastia to fade away is exercising and dieting. However, dieting and exercising may not work for everyone; hence the other (and most efficient) way to get rid of gynecomastia is through surgery.
When considering gynecomastia surgery in Dubai, ensure that you only get it from a qualified and well-experienced plastic surgeon.
Signs That You Have Gynecomastia
To help you determine if you have gynecomastia, we asked Dr. Tarek Bayazid, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Dubai, about some of the most common signs that show gynecomastia. Here are the most common signs and symptoms of gynecomastia:
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1. Enlargement of the breasts
The most obvious sign that you have gynecomastia is enlarged breasts. You can see the enlargement either on one of the breasts or on both. In most cases, a gynecomastia case entails enlarged breasts that do not seem ‘manly’ and can make the person lose self-confidence with their body.
2. Swollen breast tissue
Some other times, men may find lumps in parts of their breasts. This makes the whole breast appear swollen; it happens either on one or both breasts. Lumps in male breasts are not necessarily a sign of cancer — which is usually rare.
Before surgery, a gynecomastia surgeon in Dubai will conduct tests to ensure that the lumps aren’t cancerous, so you shouldn’t worry about the causes.
3. Breast tenderness
Some men may experience tenderness in or around their breasts. In most cases, this happens around the nipples, and their breasts tend to feel tender and heavy. If this is your case, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
4. Nipple discharge
Although usually rare but possible, you may experience nipple discharge. Just like women, men are also born with milk ducts.
However, hormonal influences may cause these ducts to behave abnormally, and higher estrogen levels may cause the ducts to emit a discharge. Nipple discharge can be a sign of infection, inflammation, and gynecomastia.
5. Pain and nipple sensitivity
Men with gynecomastia may experience pain in their breasts or increased sensitivity, especially around the nipple area. This sensitivity may even be felt when it rubs against clothes.
When to See a Doctor
Gynecomastia is not a life-threatening condition. This means that you can easily live with it without causing any further medical concerns. Nevertheless, at times (except when medically necessary), you can wait up and see if the gynecomastia will fade away through exercising and diet.
However, there are certain instances when you should see a gynecomastia doctor in Dubai, including:
Why You Should Treat Gynecomastia
Reason | Description |
Physical Comfort | 1. Reducing enlarged breast tissue can alleviate physical discomfort or pain. |
Improved Appearance | 1. Many individuals feel more confident with a flatter chest contour. 2. Clothes may fit better. |
Psychological Well-being | 1. Addressing gynecomastia can improve self-esteem and reduce emotional distress or self-consciousness. |
Rule Out Underlying Conditions | 1. Treating gynecomastia ensures that any potential underlying medical conditions are addressed. |
Prevent Further Complications | 1. Early treatment may prevent complications like fibrosis which can make future treatments harder. |
Social Interactions | 1. Reducing self-consciousness can improve interpersonal relationships and social interactions. |
Although gynecomastia does not come with adverse impacts on one’s health, it is a big confidence killer for men and boys alike. However, some research also shows that men with gynecomastia have a slightly increased risk of cancer. Moreover, it can be a warning sign of poor health.
If you’re worried about the appearance of your breasts, don’t let it be the cause of low self-esteem. Our qualified plastic surgeon will first examine your situation to get the root cause of the issue. Thereafter, they will remove the excess breast tissue to help you achieve a sculpted, toned chest through gynecomastia surgery.
Read this article to find out aboutHow to Hide Gynecomastia
Reach out to our team at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics and schedule an appointment. Find out about the cost of Gynecomastia In Dubai