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You have noticed it way too many times now- in photographs, in the mirror, and in that pesky selfie camera. That extra layer of fat beneath your chin making you look older and heavier than you are. 

The good news is you can easily shred extra fat from your face and enhance your jawline. Exercise is one of the easiest ways to shed the extra fat and tighten the skin around your face and neck. Here are 5 of the best exercises you can try at home to strengthen and tone the muscles and skin beneath your chin and regain your youthful appearance. 

The Lower Jaw Push 

To perform the lower jaw push, keep your face facing forward and try to move your lower jaw backward and forwards while raising your chin and keeping your mouth closed. 

Dubai Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure to remove excess fat from the body, helping people achieve their desired shape and contour. it is a popular option for those looking to enhance their appearance in Dubai.

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Chew Gum

Yes, you read that right chewing gum is actually one of the simplest double chin removal exercises you can do. When you chew gum, the face and chin muscles are in continuous motion. This helps to reduce extra fat and strengthen the jaw muscles while lifting the chin. 


Another simple facial exercise consists of making the sound OO-EE  with exaggerated facial expressions. Not only will this exercise your cheeks and jaw, giving you that refined jaw line you are after, but it will also target muscles in your lips and between your lips and nose as well. 

The Thinker

To perform the thinker, make a fist and rest your chin on it, like the thinker pose that you have seen a thousand times. Maintain the upwards pressure of your fist, and open your mouth against this pressure, then close it. It should burn, but it will be worth it in the end. 

The Lions’ Yawn 

To complete the  Lion’s  Yawn,  open your mouth as wide as possible and to stick out your tongue as far as possible, much like a yawning lion. Maintain the position for ten seconds before closing your mouth. The lion’s yawn is a great exercise to strengthen many muscles in the chin, neck, and face. 


Don’t let your double chin hinder your confidence. Quickly remove extra fat along your jawline by remaining consistent with facial exercise. For the best results, repeat each the 5 best exercises at least ten times before moving on to the next. Perform this facial exercise routine daily for a fresher, younger, and more defined face. Explore transformative beauty solutions with the expertise of our skilled plastic surgeon in Dubai.

See related:- Double Chin Removal Procedure In Dubai: Your Guide to a Defined Jawline

Frequently Asked Questions

For best results perform facial exercises daily. Keeping up a consistent regimen of facial exercise allows your face time to develop a defined muscle tone, produce collagen, and reduce fat. Repeat each facial exercise 10 times daily for best results.

Like any other form of exercise, consistency is key. Over time, a double chin may reform if you do not continue facial exercise as a part of your health routine.

Weight loss, non-surgical procedures such as laser, cool sculpting, and surgical procedures such as liposuction are other ways to reduce chin fat.

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